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Filip and Alix

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    Filip and Alix reacted to Kim & Zak in March 2018 NOA2 ---> NVC thread   
    They were just giving you the textbook answer - it took us (an electronic case/embassy) about 7 days after NVC received to get our number assigned and we were "In Transit" after a day. The speed of the process after "In Transit" hits will depend on your embassy. Don't worry too much  
  2. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Greenbaum in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    I use Microsoft's OneNote. Because I answer the same question over and over so I just cut and paste. If someone answers a question with the links I will save those too. Then when I need to find the subject I can search OneNote. I can access OneNote from any of devices. Its all there.
  3. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to K1visaHopeful in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Can someone else help me to memorize that this is posted on PAGE 77 of this thread so that if anyone else asks about PC's (possibly within the next 24hours or whenever) I won't be the only one to remind them to scroll to this post. 
    This website is in DIRE need of the ability to pin important posts!!!
    Repeat after me. "Police clearance info is on PAGE 77. If your question isn't answered there research YOUR SPECIFIC EMBASSY AND/OR CALL THEM."
  4. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Greenbaum in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    If you care to read what others have posted go back about 10 tabs and scroll thru and you will find your questions have been asked by others and commented on by others many times. The nice thing about this "blog" is that if you follow along and read the post from others you'll have a wealth of information from which to draw on during this process. Just a suggestion. 
  5. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to lauragp91 in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Thank you! I called 6 times, but the first 5 attempts I didn’t even reach a representative, and then on the 6th attempt and after waiting for over 30 minutes on hold Danielle gave me my number. 
  6. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to YandJ in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Mine was received on the 27th as well, I just called and they told me 8 weeks. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Congratulations! How many times did you call today? 
  7. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to ChuAni in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    NVC Received: April 24th
    NVC Case #: April 24th
    ....Left: April 27th
    ....Ready: April 30th
  8. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Chris ortsac in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Hello all just giving everyone an update on my case.
    yesterday it said in transit 
    today in the morning I checked again and it says READY.
  9. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to AnthonyJ in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Hey @Naes congratulations on getting your number and I hope everything goes smoothly from here on out for you!! I have a quick question for you.
    Have you ever heard of anyone getting there case number and it comes up as invalid? I got my case number and I looked it up, said invalid, called back up to confirm it and it was correct.... Does it take a while to go into the system or something? 
  10. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Little_Vixen in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    FINALLY!!!! I knew it wouldnt be long.
  11. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to TBoneTX in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    A wantonly derisive, abusive post has been removed, along with a great many full quotes of it and posts commenting about it.  Severe administrative action has been applied to the offender's account because of multiple violations of the site's Terms of Service.
    As a suggestion, please consider that quoting an inappropriate post merely compounds the problem.  Avoid commenting within the thread, and simply hit the "Report" button.  The VJ Moderation team can then handle things.
    VJ Moderation
    Folks, this immigration process is nothing less than torture, and stress squeezes out when we might least expect.  This website is meant for mutual support.  Consider that if you take one pencil, you can break it with your fingers, but if you take an entire handful of pencils, there's no way that you can break them.  This site is the same way -- stick together and share mutual strength.
    Be aware, too, that those of us who have completed this infernal process remain squarely in your corner, hoping and praying for progress in your case just as we did for our own.  Whether we comment in your threads or not, rest assured that we cheer your successes heartily and loudly.  You're not alone.  Please remember this at all times.
    regular VJ member
  12. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to ChuAni in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Days...1-10 days Post Case #
    It will change from At NVC to In Transit to Ready.
  13. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Aziz&astoria in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    We received our case number today. Whoot whoot!!!
    NoA2     4/5/2018
    NOA2 HARD COPY   dated 4/04/2018
    NVC RECEIVED 4/25/2018
    CASE #RECEVIED 4/26/2018
    Casablanca, Morocco is our embassy 
  14. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Little_Vixen in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    No you didn't. You're being an emotional pancake. Get some sleep and come back when you're rested. We love you.
  15. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to ChuAni in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Aww! I believe nothing is wrong with it. I think it's about 11am EST, call around 3pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10 pm est. 
    Seriously, I used to call upto 5 times everyday before I got the #.
    You will get it very very soon and start dealing with that Embassy.
  16. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to jhart1981 in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Hi Everyone,
    Long time lurker here, just wanted to throw out a little hope, because @naes and others have surely provided it to me over the last few months.
    We got our NOA2 online on April 5 and when I called today I was given the NVC case number.
    Hang in there, it's coming soon!
  17. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Kswtangel in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    I’m praying this turns around for you and that you are pleasantly surprised with amazing news soon my friend.  You deserve this.  We all do, but YOU especially girl.  I know your frustration, especially when so many seem to breeze through this process.  That’s not to say that we aren’t happy for them.  Every one of us who’s had to endure this process deserves any break we can catch.  But it doesn’t necessarily make it easier for those of us still waiting, except for the hope and faith that their progress gives us that there is, in fact, a light at the end of this God forsaken tunnel!  If I had to do this process again (I wouldn’t by the way), I’d bring my own darn flashlight!  😂 But we’ll get through this @Naes.  In a few months time, we’ll be able to look back on this and THANK GOD that it’s finally behind us.  Like I said, I’m praying that you get good news soon.  But no matter what, even if you end up needing to change up the wedding plans a bit, at the end of the day, you guys still have each other and you’ll figure it out TOGETHER.  So don’t let them steal your joy, ok.  Sending love and hugs  to you sweet girl.  
  18. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Mariasd21 in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    @Naes today will be your day,go make the first call of 5 
  19. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Mr & Mr in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Today tried to call #5 and  BINGO! Been on the phone with Mr George, he brought me good news,they got our case today. And said something about July 12th or something like that,but i was so happy that they got it so even didnt ask what he is talking about. Will call them tomorrow and will see...
    Hard 04/04
    Online 04/03
  20. Haha
    Filip and Alix reacted to Naes in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Annnnd I just yelled at Cesar. Not his fault but I’m reaching my limits. He was nice, he even said it may take up to 6 weeks but probably less than that. But nope I’m at my limit today!
  21. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Kswtangel in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    I got excited about all the new cases NVC seemed to be receiving today so I called a couple of hours ago and the not so nice lady, whose name I can’t remember, gave me the same old spiel about the 6 weeks.  So, no luck unfortunately.  Sad day.    Then, I figured what the heck and decided to call back just now to check again.  This time I got the sweetest lady named Belle.  She checked again for me and this time she said they received it on the 25th.  Then she was like, oh that’s today!  Lol  I literally almost cried on the phone with her and she was just so sweet about it.  There was still no case number yet and she did say that it can take up to 8 weeks to generate but then she proceeded to tell me their office hours and said that I could call as often as I wanted, everyday even.  I was a little embarrassed to admit that I already call everyday and that I’d now moved up to calling multiple times a day!  🤣😂 Anyway, I’m so relieved that it’s finally arrived and I’m hoping that case number comes quick!
    NOA2 hard copy date: April 3
    NOA2 online date: April 4
  22. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Kat123 in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    I just called them,they got it today,she said it is up to 8 weeks for the number,well same story for everyone but they got it,20 days waiting
  23. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Mr & Mr in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    Can someone explain me difference between #5 and #7?
  24. Haha
    Filip and Alix reacted to jeyster12 in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    I spoke with Daphne yesterday and she was agreeable.. I guess she ate all her meals already by the time I talked to her 😂😂
  25. Like
    Filip and Alix reacted to Mariasd21 in April 2018 NOA2 ----> NVC   
    When I arrived in the United States I will go to work at nvc
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