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Everything posted by Lrss

  1. Lrss

    Tourist visa

    Yes We both US citizens
  2. Lrss

    Tourist visa

    Actually she was not provided a reason and the letter merely says that sufficient evidence was not found, which is basically meaningless since she was not given even an example of what is supposedly lacking. Evidence was provided, in terms of extensive immediate family (living in her neighborhood) and homeownership there.
  3. Lrss

    Tourist visa

    Considering that she had 5 children and many grand children in the Philippines and has her own house there, could you please give an example of “strong ties”?
  4. Lrss

    Tourist visa

    I helped her prepare but I’m in the US and she did not have help during the interview. I corrected it I meant entitled. If I should call the embassy or who should I call regarding the reason why she got denied.
  5. Hello, I applied a tourist visa for my mother from the Philippines last year and got denied. I was thinking to apply a tourist visa again for her to visit me and my sister in the US. My question is, is my mother entitled for a reason why she was denied? (if she gets denied again for the second time ) and who should we call? The letter they gave her after the interview says did not find enough evidence but he did not even look for the evidence she had brought with her and it was a very quick interview. The filipino interviewer from the US embassy only asked her how many children she had in the Philippines and asked if they all had their own houses. ( All of my siblings had their own house ). It didn’t even take 10 minutes. And got denied already. I appreciate for any advice. Thanks!
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