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Posts posted by marineman225

  1. 13 minutes ago, LabOz said:

    Yeah that is why lawyers stink for this process.

    He is wrong as it will 100% speed up your case if you call and get your number 2 days or 2 weeks before the letter come in the mail then you just saved yourself 2 day or 2 weeks.

    It will speed it up by getting you an interview sooner.



    Ok fantastic thanks so much! So why would he say it wouldn't speed it up when it clearly does? Also what should I say when I call them, just give them my case number and ask if they have my NVC number ready, I don't know the jargon for that. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, WanderingSouls said:

    May 15th here again..29746.....

    .I was just wondering., am i automatically kicked out of the Nail bitters Association when i run out of nails?  Sure hope not...ive only got 2 toes to go....(come on monday!)


    Lighten up everyone...even if i have to wait a few months more that others in my case number range I know that one day it will happen and then all this will be in the rearview mirror.  That applies equally well to everyone here.  No matter how long you think youve waited, i promise you , some other poor souls have have longer. Count your blessings not your burdens !  


    To those of you  who keep this forum so very usefull, Please, accept my kudos....SALAMAT !



    May 15th as well, lets hope Monday is our day! 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Hope91 said:

    Hey VJ Family,


    Question - You know how they require "a police certificate from every country where he/she resided for at least 6 months after the age of 16." is this serious stuff? I studied in India for a period of 4 years.. do I really have to get certificates from them? And how?


    I am a canadian born who was there for just 4 years.

    I would like to know this too. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, WhJi said:

    We just got our approval - May 15 received date.


    Before I start jumping for joy, I want to make sure that everyone here understands how important they have been to me and all the rest of us through this EXREMELY stressful wait (my response to the text essentially amounted to a full on emotional breakdown in the middle of the office).  I struggle with anxiety as it is, and if I hadn't had this group to lean on and feel a sense of solidarity, this whole thing might have broken me. My fiance can detach and endure on his own gracefully - for me, not so easy.  You are genuinely good and strong people, and you deserve all the happiness in the world with your partners.


    To those of us recently approved, lets not forget how rotten and stressful it feels to continue to wait, and especially to watch dates ahead of us pass by. I know I couldn't if I tried. 


    Many joyful congrats (!!!) to everyone that has made it past this hurdle, and firm continued support and highest hopes for those of us that are still waiting.  <3


    You guys seriously rock. :star:

    SO HAPPY FOR YALL!! Its great to see you have approval, we know it's been very stressful! Just hope we get ours soon, may 15th as well.  Also if I may ask, what was yall's number? 

  5. 2 minutes ago, KimAyo said:

    May 8th too and still waiting impatiently....I've never been this grumpy, starting to snap at people around me...omg! This is so freaking mind bogging mate! Congrats still to the guys that checked through successfully 

    I get it. Its extremely frustrating but it will be worth it in the end when we can be with our loved ones in the states, it will be soon I can feel it, don't lose hope! 

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