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Posts posted by Kathergarc

  1. 9 minutes ago, Naes said:

    There's nothing to worry about at the moment


    you did not receive an rfe because they are not at October cases yet or maybe after your other evidence they won't even need it( I think they may ask for it though.


    they are doing june july at the moment so when they start October, you may or may not get an rfe. Do not worry now. It is not something too irregular. If you get an rfe then just send your pictures or whatever they ask for at that moment.


    for passport photos though, you will most likely get an rfe if you couldn't send them. This also happens a lot, so again do not worry yet.

    Okay thanks so much. It is just a bit overwhelming because I want things to work out well 😢 do you know how could I find out when they will be looking over October cases? Or is it just a matter of waiting it out?

  2. Hi all!!!! I am a bit nervous and uneasy! I submitted my K-1 Visa in October, got notice that it was accepted and sent to the California service center. Although I am worried because I originally sent in an album with pictures of me and my significant other but my album was returned, I’m assuming it was too big. Now my issue is that I provided the paperwork and letters signed by both of us with our intent to marry as well as a copy of my passport and the entry stamps of when I entered Guatemala over the past 2 years. But I’m bummed that our pictures couldn’t be included and I don’t know if that will be an issue, also the passport photos.... I don’t know if there will be issues with not having those.... I have not received an RFE. It is now January  and I haven’t received notice of anything other than my case was received and sent to the California service center..... does anyone have any advice :(  I also received the form I-797C, Notice of Action that’s says my petition was received and is in process. I am just confused, I’ve read so many K-1 visa statements and I am a bit freaked out 😢 

  3. I am a bit nervous because although I sent in copies of my passport stamps for proof of travels and a letter signed by both indiciating that we plan to marry within the 90 day period, I am afraid of not having pictures of both of us together. I wanted to send the photos again the way many have told me on here but I don’t know if I should do that on my own or wait until they request it from me. I am a bit stressed :(

  4. 12 minutes ago, S*UK said:

    If you are filing for a K1 visa you do not need to present evidence with the I-129F petition of a bonafide relationship. This is done at the interview at the beneficiary's home country embassy. Sending this evidence with your petition is known as 'front loading' and may or may not help if your case is particularly complicated.

    What you do need to do is provide evidence that you have met in person within the last two years. This can be done by sending boarding passes, hotel reservations, the information page of your passport along with passport stamps or other hard evidence that you were both in the same place at the same time and in each others physical presence. Pictures are only used as 'secondary evidence'.

    Basically, if you have sent enough evidence of meeting each other in person within the last 2 years already, the pictures aren't needed. If you do want to send them anyway you can do as suggested above and send them printed on paper or taped to a sheet of paper. You will need to wait for a 'request for additional evidence (RFE)' now unfortunately as there is no way to add to a submitted petition - so to speak. And as I have said above: if you have already sent enough evidence of meeting, you may not even get an RFE anyway.

    Good luck!

    That relieves a lot of stress thank you so much! I sent in proof of my travels, I sent copies of my passport stamps of when I went in and out of the country during the last two years, I also attached letters signed by my partner and I stating that we do want to get married within the ninety day period I hope that will help! 

  5. Hello!!! I recently sent in my K-1 visa application and along with it I sent an entire album of pictures as evidence of my relationship... but it got returned to me saying that the  file format cannot be placed in my file to be reviewed by an officer.... what Can I do?? I called the number that they gave me but I have found NO answer to my reply! I could not get a hold of anyone! Do I just resend the pictures individually????? Please help!!

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