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Posts posted by piosenka

  1. Yay grats! Good job. Now maybe she'll clone you and kiss all of you instead of kill :P

    Now that I've read two stories that mention "do you want my job" I think I'm going to make a "Yes, I want your job." t-shirt and sell them to people outside of the consulate. I wouldn't be bold enough to wear that inside, though :P

  2. I got my approval notice for my K-1 on March 27th. NVC still hasn't received it yet, and it's been even longer than yours (3.5 wks). I think California is taking their sweet time in sending the files out to them... grrr....

    O yeah and the guy that I talked to today at the NVC says its typical for them to not even receive it by 4 weeks.

  3. Since my fiance is going through the immigration process, would they even allow him to get such a pass? I don't know if "intended immigrant" status would affect being able to get a pass.

  4. ANYway.....it'll probably be a game time decision and I'll hop on a train and rush to Montreal Wednesday :wacko:

    I know how you feel. For whatever reason, I feel like a total control freak over this whole process so I don't think I can let my fiance go the interview himself lol. I have to be there just incase or else that interview day, I'll go absolutely nuts.

  5. After being told I would most likely get my certificate from the RCMP in August by the Consulate, I received it on Friday the 13th. I will be calling the Consulate and telling them I now have everything they require so I can be added to the interview waiting list.

    Congratulations to those that have their date and God speed for those still anxiously waiting.


    P.S. after having made a change a short time ago, please add us as having sent packet 3 back on April 16, 2007

    Did the consulate mark you down as having sent in your packet 3 at an earlier date?

    As you can see from the following I was entered in the system on March 19, but a subsequent call a few weeks later to the Consulate and a conversation with evil one a.k.a the ###### of Montreal who accused me of trying to get on the list without having everything got me knocked off and told to call when I had it all together. So to answer you yes I was on the list for a short while and will be back on it as of tomorrow.



    So they knocked you to the back of the list because you asked a question about the police certificate after you sent in your checklist? I just want to make sure I understood that correctly, so I don't make the same mistake lol

  6. Wow that gave me a headache... But seems like you make a valid point. I'll read more into it and see if I can get anything else from it.

    You know, I never thought to ask my HR Director if he knows anything about hiring someone going through this process. It might be worth a try.







    O and don't forget, in order to receive your passport in a timely manner, CutienPurg has to switch to decaf... :P

  8. Didn't you post yesterday that you emailed Montreal and they said 8-12 months? Or did you mean that they said 8-12 months from beginning of the whole process to the end? If so, that scared me! :P and you might want to clarify that in your post...

    Anyways, it seems for a K1(lately), it takes 4-6 months to get an interview after you submit packet 3. From what people have said, they notfiy you 2-3 weeks before your scheduled interview. Check out the Montreal Time to Interview post that you were talking on yesterday, that is the place where you can find the typical wait time from NOA2 to Interview....

    Hope that helps...

  9. I don't know where you are currently at, but you should be able to go to a camera place that does passport photos... My fiance and I got them done at Wolf Camera, and I'm sure they could customize your size, but probably a little more expensive...

  10. I remember last May when I drove across the border. I gave them my BC and Drivers lic. and the border guy took it and typed something into the computer after asking me several questions and then let me pass. I don't know what he was typing, but I assume that it would pull up info on your application process. Not sure tho!

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