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Posts posted by LeoV

  1. Hello all, 

    I have finally reached the destination of my journey. YESS!!! Anyway, I got both my interview and the Oath Ceremony today in Centennial. My interview was at 7:30AM, and I arrived at around 7:20AM. The security check process took about 10 minutes. I then went to the 2nd floor where the interview actually took place. They quickly checked me in for the interview, and I was called after 5 minutes. The lady who interviewed me was very nice and professional. We started with the interview questions then moving on to review the general applications. She asked me some general questions on my application then congratulated me for the citizenship approval. She asked whether I could go to the afternoon ceremony, and of course I said yes so she quickly signed me up for it. The ceremony started at around 1:30PM  and ended at around 3:00PM. The security check for the ceremony did take longer since there were more people and their friends/relatives/families who came for the celebration. I would suggest to come to the ceremony early. Everyone is very professional and friendly in general.  Alright, that is my overall experience with this process, and my journey to obtain U.S citizenship finally ended. I wish everyone best of luck with your application, interview, and ceremony. I know this journey is looooooong, but it will for sure reach its destination at one point. I personally did not feel stressed at all throughout the process, and I hope you too!! :)

  2. Hi all, 


    I have been lurking on this forum for a while since I started my application. I just got my interview letter today, so I think I should keep everyone here updated with the process. I am a February filer, and my status was set to be in line for the interview on February 1. My interview will be next month. With that said, I think the Denver USCIS has finally made some progress! Let keep our heads up and stay positive, guys! =) And I will make sure to keep ones updated as we go on! 


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