You are absolutely right. I woke up in the middle of the night here....and Jan22 and jeanneadil have the same golden circle with a "J" in the middle of it as their avatar. Being 4am and still half asleep it was an honest mistake.
I appreciate the time you took to respond to me, I really do. Perhaps I did read too much into them. I'm certainly human. I was also raised that it was respectful to at least read a post before commenting (which if jeanneadil did then her response about the wait times was very strange) and if someone asks you to clarify or elaborate on your answer or random statement then it's just good upbringing and respectful to do so. It seems my response to their perceived disrespect may have went over their heads. I used to be a moderator for a few years on an unrelated forum and I have seen and understand that tone and intention are sometimes misinterpreted in forums and it can quickly become a passive aggressive back and forth due to jumping to wrong conclusions. Yes...I felt some engaged in an unnecessary ego trip instead of actually answering my question and it definitely has rubbed me the wrong way. I believe its extremely disrespectful to ask someone a question, have someone answer it and then ignore theirs. It just is.
Well, as far as the other person....I very politely ask your buddy why he was denied his B2 and he just kept going on about how different his family values are from mine...which had nothing to do with anything. I asked him what specifically makes him think I ruined my family's chances at getting approved...and still nothing. There's only one of two ways to take that, which I won't get into as it solves nothing now.
If you have the time....I haven't found anything that indicates that someone cannot help fill out another's B2 application and if I did help that it would hurt or cause their application to be denied. Everything I've found is the opposite of what you're suggesting. Believe me when I say that I have search quite a bit over a few days and I ran out of search results. Even on the US gov website it states...."
Can a third party complete the form on my behalf? Who is exempt from signing the form?
If an applicant is illiterate or unable to complete the application, the applicant must be assisted by a third party. The third party must be identified on the “Sign and Submit” page of the application. While the third party can assist the applicant in completing the application, he or she must instruct the applicant on how to endorse the application on his or her own behalf by clicking the “Sign Application” button.
If the applicant is under the age of 16 or physically incapable of completing an application, the applicant’s parents or guardian may complete and click the “Sign Application” button on his or her behalf. If the applicant has no parent or legal guardian, then the application may be completed by any person having legal custody of, or a legitimate interest in, the applicant.
My brother in-law and nephew did, in fact, click the "sign application" button themselves in their own country. I'm curious as to why, specifically, you are saying because we live in the US that their chances are slim at getting a tourist visa. I'm not understanding the logic on that. Legally, they did submit their own application....if the consulate checks they will see that the "Sign application" button for their electronic signature was, in fact, done in their home country as evidenced by their IP address, if they care to look.
Even the form as a place that asks if anyone has helped you with the form and what relationship they are to you. I've done everything legal and according to the instructions and directions.
Please don't read anything negative into my question....but can you point to anything that actually backs up what you have suggested? I couldn't find anything along those lines myself. You got me very curious now.