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  1. @Timona I wouldn't want to be rude or disrespctful and hijack another's thread by going off on a different tangent, so I will try my best to be short and direct. My sincere apologies if my post wasn't easy to follow. Sometimes they may not be for some, so since you asked I will briefly clarify. My wife took and passed her test in 2010 on her first try because of the 4 years she spent learning and understanding english while going to ESL classes and then by also working at the ESL school for a few years. Fortunately for the original poster's wife there is no rush on the original poster's wife taking the test. The longer the original poster's wife waits and practices english, the more confidence the the original poster's wife will definitely have and passing the test will be extremely easy for her....the original poster's wife. My wife has a very good grasp of English after 18 years in the U.S. I'll be happy to accept your private messages in the future so we can keep his thread on topic, so don't hesitate to reach out.
  2. My wife is also from Colombia....Barranquilla to be exact. CMJulland stated their opinion beautifully. I enrolled my wife in ESL classes close to our home, which were free, and If memory serves me correctly she went a few days a week. She became so proficient over time that they offered her a job, which she accepted. In my own personal experience.....It was a little of a battle of the wills for a few years to get my wife to speak and practice her english with her other latin friends who also could speak english. It seemed it was very easy to get a little lazy and too comfortable in reverting back to speaking spanish for her. I explained over and over to her that english is a necessity to being able to function normally in the US. I explained that it's not enough to speak a little english that the hard part probably is understanding when a US citizen is speaking to her due to the different speeds people talk, the various southern accents and southern draws (We live in Southern Indiana across the river from Louisville KY) and due to the sad fact that many Americans are discriminatory and racist. I told her that many of us do not like to take the time to make sure a foreigner understands us so we are not too accommodating in that regard sometimes. The ESL job was a blessing as she could work as well as continue to practice her english. If I recall.....It was maybe 3 years before she got a job outside of the ESL campus. By then she could understand enough to be good at her job. We got a fiance visa and she came to the US in 2006 and she took her citizenship test 4 years later in 2010. By then it wasn't an issue with her understanding most, if not all, of what someone was saying if they didn't use too much slang. Fortunately there is no rush on taking her test. The longer she waits and practices english, the more confidence she'll definitely have and passing the test will be extremely easy. My wife never met a stranger, so feel free to reach out if she'd like to speak to my wife and get a first hand account. Good luck to you both.
  3. How can you not understand that question??? do you know how to schedule them together on the same day? It's just that simple. No hidden meaning, no hidden questions I don't know the answer to already. Everything else you said is irrelevant. I mean....am I in the twilight zone here or what? LOLOL
  4. funny how he couldn't elaborate for himself when I asked him. He didn't say anything. But I appreciate the honest opinion. It definitely sets my expectations low.
  5. I don't know how else to put this....Please quote me on what you think I'm asking. Maybe someone has hijacked my account and asking different questions than I'm asking. LOLOL. I'm good on everything I'm not asking.
  6. Again....your response is much appreciated, but it doesn't answer my question I asked. I never asked how long the waiting is or how to pay. I'm unsure of why you are telling me this...that is why I am perplexed.
  7. Just spit balling here....but aren't there hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of tourist visas that get approved to come to the US? It makes sense on the surface of what you're saying, but having a lot of friends and family from Colombia that don't have a lot of money that have gotten tourist visas that seems to fly in the face of that. Not disagreeing with your logic, just stating my experience. My brother in-law has a house as well as a decent job (for Colombia) that he's had for many years and his son, my nephew, is going to a university and would actually be working by the time his interview rolls around. I appreciate the stuff to think about. When it gets closer they will be brushing up on the available resources that are out to help their chances at the interview. My mother in-law was able to obtain one, a few cousins that are in their 30's, 2 very good friends of mine in their 30's with mediocre jobs...among others I know...were able to successfully get their visas the traditional way and not through a lottery, so....fingers crossed. I thank you very much for the info. Greatly appreciate it!
  8. You are absolutely right. I woke up in the middle of the night here....and Jan22 and jeanneadil have the same golden circle with a "J" in the middle of it as their avatar. Being 4am and still half asleep it was an honest mistake. I appreciate the time you took to respond to me, I really do. Perhaps I did read too much into them. I'm certainly human. I was also raised that it was respectful to at least read a post before commenting (which if jeanneadil did then her response about the wait times was very strange) and if someone asks you to clarify or elaborate on your answer or random statement then it's just good upbringing and respectful to do so. It seems my response to their perceived disrespect may have went over their heads. I used to be a moderator for a few years on an unrelated forum and I have seen and understand that tone and intention are sometimes misinterpreted in forums and it can quickly become a passive aggressive back and forth due to jumping to wrong conclusions. Yes...I felt some engaged in an unnecessary ego trip instead of actually answering my question and it definitely has rubbed me the wrong way. I believe its extremely disrespectful to ask someone a question, have someone answer it and then ignore theirs. It just is. Well, as far as the other person....I very politely ask your buddy why he was denied his B2 and he just kept going on about how different his family values are from mine...which had nothing to do with anything. I asked him what specifically makes him think I ruined my family's chances at getting approved...and still nothing. There's only one of two ways to take that, which I won't get into as it solves nothing now. If you have the time....I haven't found anything that indicates that someone cannot help fill out another's B2 application and if I did help that it would hurt or cause their application to be denied. Everything I've found is the opposite of what you're suggesting. Believe me when I say that I have search quite a bit over a few days and I ran out of search results. Even on the US gov website it states...." Can a third party complete the form on my behalf? Who is exempt from signing the form? If an applicant is illiterate or unable to complete the application, the applicant must be assisted by a third party. The third party must be identified on the “Sign and Submit” page of the application. While the third party can assist the applicant in completing the application, he or she must instruct the applicant on how to endorse the application on his or her own behalf by clicking the “Sign Application” button. If the applicant is under the age of 16 or physically incapable of completing an application, the applicant’s parents or guardian may complete and click the “Sign Application” button on his or her behalf. If the applicant has no parent or legal guardian, then the application may be completed by any person having legal custody of, or a legitimate interest in, the applicant. --------------------------------------------------------------- My brother in-law and nephew did, in fact, click the "sign application" button themselves in their own country. I'm curious as to why, specifically, you are saying because we live in the US that their chances are slim at getting a tourist visa. I'm not understanding the logic on that. Legally, they did submit their own application....if the consulate checks they will see that the "Sign application" button for their electronic signature was, in fact, done in their home country as evidenced by their IP address, if they care to look. Even the form as a place that asks if anyone has helped you with the form and what relationship they are to you. I've done everything legal and according to the instructions and directions. Please don't read anything negative into my question....but can you point to anything that actually backs up what you have suggested? I couldn't find anything along those lines myself. You got me very curious now.
  9. LMAOOOO. Ok. Well thanks for letting me know whatever you believe you let me know.
  10. Have I done something to offend you? Perhaps I'm misinterpreting your tone here. "Been here more than 16 years and have seen thousands of B applications" and you either cannot or will not answer my original question, apparently won't clarify how I have ruined my family's chances of getting approved nor answer if the consulate specifically told you if you were denied based on who paid for your visa fees and who'd be paying for your trip to visit. Why tell me how long you've been here or how many B applications you've seen then? You're not here to help and pass on the information you've accumulated since being here or how many of the thousands of B applications you've seen? Respectfully....does more than 16 years here mean no one should innocently ask you to clarify anything? I'm not sure of the protocol or unspoken rules here. Wasn't I nice enough to fully explain why I got involved with my family's visa when you asked me? I don't know how else to ask in a respectful way? Answer them or don't. I was simply just as curious as you were with me earlier. I'm not understanding the reasons for any of your responses. they make absolutely no sense. I ask a question and you act like I never asked anything. As far as the relationship you have with your family....I have no comment. it's none of my business. Not that it's any importance, but I have fully and clearly explained why my family is unable to pay in one of my responses to you, so I truly don't understand why you are asking again and I don't understand why it seems to bother or intrigue you so much that someone has a different relationship with their family that is different from yours. It looks like with all your time here and the so-called thousands of B visas you've seen that you can't answer my questions or don't want to and since It seems you're looking for some sort of an ego/pissing contest, I will say that I have no desire to indulge you further into the personal relationship i have with my family. Thank you for a very interesting exchange?
  11. You didn't state the reason why you were refused, but my research I've done there is nothing that is wrong or will cause a B-2 to be denied because a 3rd party helps with the application, or if someone else is paying. The form even has "address where you will be staying", "Person/Entity pay for your trip", "Person paying for your trip", "Is the address of the party paying for your trip the same as your home or mailing address?", "payer's address". Maybe I have missed something on Google or on the form but there doesn't seem to be anything that indicates that no one else should or is not allowed to pay the visa fee's or for pay for the applicant's trip. Are you saying the consulate specifically told you that you are denied because of who paid for your visa fee and who'd be paying for your trip to...wherever, as you seem to be indicating or is that just an assumption on your part?
  12. I have no idea what you mean by what you pointed out. Not to be a smart aleck....but have you filled out a B-2 before? It asks on the paperwork who is paying the fees, where you'll be staying, ect.... It even states that a 3rd party can fill out the paperwork for you but you'd have to click the final "submit" button on your end (which they did in Colombia) I filled in my information as the person filling out the paperwork, paying the visa fee and as the person they'd be staying with, ect. I truly do not understand what you are talking about. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you by me ensuring they aren't going to get a B-2 approved.
  13. If you would elaborate, what boxes have I ticked to ensure they don't obtain tourist visas? Now I am curious. LOL....I guess you ought to be nicer to them. Mine are poor, barely getting by. As I said...they're family and I love them so I don't mind helping them. They never ask me for anything anyway.
  14. (Sigh....) Well....apparently I should have given a lengthy history and backstory or not even asked a question at all. It seems since I posted a simple question posters want to correct me, get clarification and a detailed reason why I asked my question. Simple fact of the matter is.....16 years ago I used this site, it's guides and with the help of it's members at the time I was able to successfully complete a fiance visa for my (now) Colombian wife. I am vaguely familiar with the general visa process and since I am the one paying for all of this I wanted to do it myself. In addition, though I had not specifically done a B-2 visa before...I had done a K-1 and I believe it would be smoother, faster and have a greater chance of being done correctly the first time If I do it myself considering my familiarity with the overall general process of doing the paperwork. I didn't check to see if the forms are available in Spanish or not, however....considering I am the one paying the fees, airfare and travel expenses if something was done incorrectly I would rather get upset at myself rather than blame someone else for wasted or additional money spent. As much as I hate to say it out loud....For my own personal reasons, I don't trust them to do it correctly or in a timely manner. I'm like a dog with a bone. I don't go on "well, i think it could be this" or "I assume it's that". I find out, to all extent possible, a specific and certain answer or solution. In short....I am of the belief that "if you want something done right, ect...". Then there is the reason they are my brother in-law and nephew. I don't mind helping family. I love them. I don't know if my reasons make sense...but those are the reasons I am involved in helping my family obtain tourist visas.
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