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Posts posted by ~*Maria*~

  1. I have separated from my husband after 6 yrs due to verbal and emotional abuse, unfortunately i do not have to money to buy a plane ticket to return to Scotland. Is there any way that the British Embassy will help me get home?? I am currently staying with my inlaws who have been good about this, but it's causing problems between them and their son. I can't stay here much longer or he'll go on the rampage.

  2. Hey Sister !Time to get on disability if ya can't work. Have you looked into it?

    I'm not a USC....plus i've only been in the States for 3 years and worked for 2 of them! So, i haven't worked enough quarters to qualify.......think i need 40 quarters, which works out to be 10 years!

  3. I was just browsing FB and decided I need to get out of this place pronto!!!!! All my friends around here are either pregnant or have kids. I feel like everyone has baby fever :dead:

    I'm Not pregnant...although i do have a couple of kids...well they're not kids anymore.........they are 22 & 23 respectively! My eldest is in the Royal Scots & mah youngest has just been pre-selected for the 'Paras'. I'm so chuffed to bits that they're doing so good without their maw around :lol:

  4. I don't know why, but whenever I see your posts, I have to read them in a scottish accent. :blush:

    Sounds 'wicked' in a scottish accent, i usually type the way i speak.........figured i would TRY and type in plain english, but somehow mah accent gets right in there! :D

  5. Well, I wouldn't steal it so often if you carried larger amounts on you. :rolleyes:

    And anyway, whenever I steal it, you get a good biff to my nose in.

    Maven! NO!! stealing muffins lunch money :P unless you're gonna split it with me :lol:

  6. Hiya commies! I been awol since October, same ole ###### with ma health issues, fired ma lung specialist......went to see another one, mah prednisone treatment no longer works for me, waiting to hear back about Xolair shot he wants to try me on.......hope he gets approval from the Xolair Company, that they are going to pay for my treatment....$1000 a shot....since i no longer have medical insurance since i got fired from Wal-Mart (the fvckers).

    Went to Vegas last week, had a blast, won some money (am thinkin beginners luck) lol

  7. Hey commies,

    I'm still here sorta, i'm still teh sick wif teh influenza A, hearing and sh!t all muffled, meh feels like i wanna puke all day, have a weird taste in meh mouth, though that could be frome not smoking anymore, tis day 15 on teh Chantix :dance:

    Computer is also fixed, put in a new mainboard and cpu, tis more stable now! :thumbs:

  8. Hey commies :) I iz teh sick, went to doctors office this morning, she tested me for teh influenza types A & B (me thinks H1N1 is type A) and just my luck, yup i iz postive to types A & B, i iz gonna beat teh sh!t outta hubby for givin this to me. :cry: i feel like a been hit by a train. :lol:

  9. Hey commies :luv:

    I'm here but don't know how long for, pc is having stability issues.... ordered some new hardware, arriving tomorrow!! Mainboard and CPU having heating issues, a small piece that holds the heatsink fan down ontop of the cpu has broken off and the cpu overheats rather qucikly!! New dual core cpu and mainboard will be here tomorrow, so once i rebuild teh computer then, teh computer should no longer have teh issues itz havin......i hope!!

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