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Swissmiss82 last won the day on April 20 2018

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    Naturalization (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Charleston SC
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  1. Again, not sure if different offices and states do it different. My sheet that we all received on our oath ceremony stated to wait 10 days to then update the SS office, be able to register to vote, and order your passport. I followed instructions given and had no problem after the 10 days. SS office took literally 3 minutes, the passport application was in person but i was in and out within 15 minutes.
  2. i can not speak for all sites or officers, but i was not asked. my oath ceremony was 10 days later and we received a paper and that stated that we had to wait 10 days and then we can go to the SS office to adjust our status to citizen, and also then order the passport. we should not do it prior. so i waited 10 days on the dot. to make it easier for everyeone: go to the SS office first, as they will need your certificate, update your status and you can take it with you. for the passport, they will KEEP the certificate and mail it back to you within 2 weeks (is what they said, not sure if this is for all areas the same). you will not need the certificate for anything else for a while so these two things were major to know (as i of course went to the passport office first and she recommended me to go to the SS office first haha save that time friends!!!).
  3. so silly question - but i read that sometimes at oath they ask if you want to apply for the passport? is that correct? my oath is coming up and i'd love to be able to get it ordered then of course.
  4. citizen here passed my test and interview on 5/9 and have to go back for oath on 5/20. the test itself was really not that bad, but he asked me how i came to the us, so i told him with the k1 visa. so he asked me a bunch of things about my marriage and divorce, and my ex husband, and since my guts told me, i just brought my pile of evidence from my divorce documents (150+ pages of him cheating...) and told him that i would not see this as fixable, and that i decided it would be better for me to separate from him and get a divorce. he was shaking his head while reading through these pages and asked me a few additional things like where he works, how old his son is, how i feel today about him.... then he asked me about my life, where i work, how long i've worked there, what i like about my life here (i said i became a single fostermama and just got the great news that i will adopt my current babyboy within the next 6-12 months) and he asked for some photos of him. he started writing some stuff on his paper and then said i should wait outside, a lady would come and call my name to let me know when i have to come back. i'm like back for another interview? and he's like no for your oath! so i said oh wait so i passed? he said oh yeah congrats haha it was pretty easy and besides the 2 hours drive really not a big deal. i wish they would have done the same day oath to save that 4 hour travel time but oh well.
  5. oh great - thanks so much for that input! i will look into that and download it
  6. silly question: are yall just studying the 100 questions that are officially questions on the USCIS website or are you using other books/guides or such? if so - can you share what you use?
  7. I am charleston too and just got notification that my interview is May 9th question! The letter says bring the following and i'm not sure what that is: any evidence of selective service registration anyone know what this is????
  8. my profile just changed from waiting 7 months to 5 months "only". anyone else?
  9. Filed 12/05, got notice today and confirmation that they reuse my fingerprints! wohoooooo est. waiting time is 7 months as of the website. Oh and yes, I filed online!
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