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Everything posted by Timona

  1. Should have removed this as soon as you got the GC.
  2. Each form needs to go with its own supporting documents. So, I'd suggest put a form first, then underneath it put it's supporting documents. Repeat for each form.. Theose forms will be ripped and sent to different centers, hence the need to satisfy the requirements for each form independently.
  3. Does she have unrestricted SSN? The one without "NOT Authorized Blas blaa blaa?"
  4. Buy a round trip. Forgo the return. You're not getting a refund Tickets are cheap Tuesday
  5. Mexico City. It's only 1.5 hours flight from IAH. Been there, done it I believe Filipinos can easily get into Mexico. So, this should sort your problem.
  6. I was suspecting Chrome on my phone so went on windows 10 and it's the same issue. I think it started last week. I even cleared my memory/cache but that didn't help.
  7. Many kids get born in Egypt. Even Moses was. She'll be fine
  8. Have relative fly with kid to CDM. You fly back with him. 1.5 hours to IAH This plan, unfortunately, involves paying relatives round trip ticket but at least you guys can bond 3 or 4 days before leaving for US.
  9. Your lawyer note isn't required. I'd stop dumping $$$ on it & on the lawyer. You're good. Just get the divorce decree and send it in.
  10. @Rocio0010
  11. Normally, when your PP is returned, there's the outside envelope and the inside one. The inside is always sealed. It must be waht your lawyer was referring to. Do not unseal it if you see it
  12. 1. You need to satisfy PP pictures for each form independently. 2. Look at your recipes for a PD if any. 3. Read the heading of "part 13."
  13. Nothing of that sort. I've been carrying stuff close to $1000 from back home since F-1 visa days and noone has ever bothered me. Infact, my first journey to US was in 2013 on Emirates and I never knew anything about those customs forms. The flight attendant told me that I don't need it if I'm not carrying cash above $10K, exotic pets or indigenous plants and seeds. I wish I was CBP. Some of you will be making my day. I'll always be looking forward to work. If I see you declared something worth $60, I'll ask you for more because I'm sure you do have. I'll question those shoes on your feet or the new minted traditional clothes you are wearing or carrying. 😄. Their value should be declared too. 😁 But think about it, CBP doesn't even know if that bracelet is new, fake, was a gift for you from a relative or how much it even costs in your country.
  14. CBP is human. I've always wondered why people fear anything American but when going back to their countries, they carry goods worth thousands and above declaration zone but hide them from their countries' customs. My country men do this all the time. I also do it. I had electronic worth $2K last time I went home and while I was waiting on line, this Kenyan customs lady asked me "How much is this? Do you have the receipt?" Before I could answer and get caught and forced to pay import fee or whatever it's called, she continued "Is it worth below $200?" I said YES and that was how I passed customs without paying. Nowdays I'm smart, I look at them with tough eyes, they count the multiple phones and I just say gifts. And off I go. That being said, it's $100 stuff. None cares IMHO. I last saw that customs declaration form 10 years ago to be exact. Nowadays CBP just ask me verbally "Do you have anything to declare." I tell them NO and I'm on my way. Yes, 10 years ago, I was on Emirates and this dude had $10K cash, was bringing exotic pets et al. Boy asked for like 2 declaration forms. I was like 😳. Emirates was issuing paper declaration forms to save time. On another note, my country is super corrupt. Even non-Kenyans know that $100 bribe to customs let's you sneak away or come in with goods above declaration zone. Just read the reviews of the airport online. How'd you think those exotic pets reach European countries? Hahhaa lemme stop here.
  15. Nothing I see that needs declaration. And I travel frequently. I mean, can we not buy things abroad?😁
  16. You don't need a PP. USCIS isn't concerned with your foreign PP. Neither do you need to carry your SSN.
  17. Wait wait. So OP's cousin was born out of wedlock? How'd we reach here?
  18. OP, kindly update us whatever happens. I'm always ready and willing to learn.
  19. I have no doubt she's a USC from birth. That is a fact. My sentiments were she's above 18 and has been residing outside US her whole life, never set a foot in US. My other question is, how's she gonna get inside US to go for that oath ceremony?
  20. And that's where the problem is. And @Chancy from what's been stated, I read from the chart and they've lived separate locations: she's out, he's in US. So, how was she eligible?
  21. Ask yourself this question, which you actually asked in your original post: How's she gonna get to US to attend that naturalization ceremony? Those certificates are not mailed. You think she's just gonna go to US embassy abroad and they print it out for her? It even says on the USCIS website that N600 is internal..basically, within US territories. @Family has also confirmed the age factor. So tell us, how did she even qualify yet she's above 18? I guess I haven't provided you valuable insight. So, here, read for yourself. https://www.uscis.gov/forms/all-forms/tip-sheet-applying-for-form-n-600k-application-for-certificate-of-citizenship Good luck. I'll be Mike-E-ing.
  22. Overseas address doesn't matter. I doubt USCIS cares about your address. When you go onto the online naturalization application, it is the same for both N600 and N600K. Based on your answers to few easy questions, it'll tell you which you are eligible for and hence proceed with. So, someone said changed facts. Who applied for her? Her dad or herself?
  23. She better tell her parent to file an I-130 to get her to US. Then she will have to naturalize on her own when she meets the requirements. She cannot file a N600 when in US because she's above 18.
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