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Everything posted by ineedadisplayname

  1. It is a gray area because the ESTA/tourist visa is not for living in the US. The 90 days to 6 months for tourist visas is quite normal around the world and some people use that 90 day to the limit. My guess is back when these time frames were adopted nobody really thought that people would try to stay up to the last day and that creates these situations that are not really thought out. Plus globalization and tech advancements that you can work from anywhere in some cases. I think your MIL is going to be fine, there is no expectation of putting your life on hold (e.g not paying bills) while in the US. It would be completely different if she would be managing a property in the US while on ESTA. I would be more worried about the frequency (and length) of the visits.
  2. Don't sell yourself for a "free" phone. Even if the budget is tight you can get a decent (Moto g g5 2024) model for like $150 on amazon that is the US version. Also as a new immigrant it will be interesting to get a whole new post paid plan right out of the gate
  3. If you get roaming on it, it means it can connect to the US towers. It might happen that you won't get the full feature set and at some areas (rural mainly) in the US you won't get cell service or data connection but in general it should work. As others suggested try it with your partners sim card and see if data/calls are working. You might need APN settings for that carrier.
  4. Could be skilled trades too. They do have to get a license right?
  5. What about child support? did you pay that over the years?
  6. Haven't used the website in a while. It used to be next to Case status , Case history, Documents when you look at the petition on my.uscis.gov
  7. Look under the documents and you will find the letter if you don't want to wait until the snail mail comes. Once you know what they want you can prepare it and once the real letter comes send it back as the instructions says.
  8. Btw based on your history saw that you have international travel coming up in January. Hope it doesn't conflict with your interview. You mentioned rescheduling but they do not going to reschedule it because you are on vacation. Have tired that because my rescheduled day conflicted with a planned vacation. We had to come home early from vacation so I can make my "new" N400 interview date that was rescheduled by the local office due to weather... Also make sure any trips won't affect your continuous residency and I believe traveling between interview and oath is also a bit annoying because I think at the oath they will ask about if you traveled overseas in the meantime. If you become citizen before your trip (oath taken), you MUST get an US passport before your trip.
  9. Wow not bad. I also went through it in STL. Took a year from start to finish. They cancelled my interview due to bad weather meaning snow was expected, did snow a tad bit, but was nothing major, i don't even think schools got snow day.Just that added a month or so to the wait time After interview oath ceremony was a month and a couple of days later since STL does oath ceremony at the civil court. Curios to see how it pans out. Not too often seeing forks from around STL on here.
  10. Just why? I mean it cost less even with a private hospital over there, but beside the "savings" it honestly don't make any sense. Just think of that child every time it needs a birth certificate, he will need to know all this ####### and be able to explain it at the DMV, school, etc and fight all the clerks that don't know what a CRBA is...
  11. The other way around e.g renewing romanian passport was at least a month. I think they bundle it together and get a bunch of stuff shipped to the consulate at once at some cadence.
  12. My SO was at work and I took a couple hours off and went to my interview alone. We went together to my AOS interview, ROC was approved without an interview. I don't even think the officer asked where my spouse was during the N400 interview. We sent in a bunch of documents shared accounts, insurance, loan etc. I think it is totally up to you to make the decision and in case they were looking for him, then it is on you. We can't make this decision for you, you have to decide and take responsibility. Worst case you could explain and bring proof that the two of you are in vacation and you flew back to do the interview (boarding passes, itinerary etc) I don't remember the interview letter stating that i need to bring my SO
  13. I mean technically you could, but that is fraud since you had intent before entering to adjust his status.... Since you are in Portugal with him you might be able to do direct consular filing that would reduce your wait time I believe. Hope you did file taxes in the US and also you will need to show intent to re-establish domicile in the US.
  14. oh my bad. I'll blame it on Friday. Had a long week, my reading comprehension is out the window. I think it is money out the window situation, but you never know until you try but it is like 99% that she will be denied based on what was said above. She must have a job in Germany, otherwise I don't think they give you citizenship. Is she planning on visiting and staying?
  15. You will have to list the denials on your ESTA application form I believe.
  16. Chicago used to have a K visa/other immigrant visa line, but that was a long time ago. For K1 personal experience it took like 20 minutes. I would say it depends on the officer too. They do open the package, go through some stuff. but nothing major. It depends on arrival time too. Wow, that is a long wait time. When was your last time you entered through Chicago? Even on ESTA I never waited an hour, not even 30 minutes. l am so glad to have global entry. Worth all the money even if I use it once a year. As a GC holder you can get TSA Pre + Global entry for a $100 that is available for 5 years.
  17. Looks like you are staying way too long in the US. Usually how often do you come? Beside staying for months? I think somebody said that you should spend double the time outside of the US than the time inside. This is true for your family, but you are not on the same papers and having family in the US usually makes it even harder since it is significantly harder to prove that you will leave. If you spend this much time in the US can your parents sponsor you for a green card? If you keep this up sooner or later they will revoke your visa... It is understandable that you had a dramatic experience, due to culture shock. During immigration you can't really hide behind your parents unless you are minor (which i doubt). You are your own person and while you are culturally unaccustomed to deal with male on your own (and especially the ones that are there to interrogate you) I would recommend trying to get used to the idea since immigration won't care about your customs.
  18. Look at this as you dodged a bullet. (Still sucks, hopefully the test comes back clear so no further delays) If you would have her K1 visa by Dec 18th, se would need to use it and wouldn't be able to leave the US since she would need to go through adjustment of status. Otherwise you have wasted all this time on a K1 visa that will be used as a tourist visa after all if she leaves. K1 is single entry and you can't choose between which modality to use VWP or K1 visa when the K1 is already in your passport.
  19. You can't choose between VWP and K1 at the port of entry so if K1 is in your passport that will be used. I wonder if WVP is canceled the moment your K1 was issued. While your intentions are good and you are doing this correctly by doing K1/CR-1 visa, bringing a bunch of suitcases with you while on VWP could cause you some issues at the port of entry and get you turned around since you are already expressing immigrant intent by just applying fort K1. For VWP always pack appropriately for the duration/weather season of your trip's destination. (e.g you don't need to bring your ski boots if you are going to florida in the summer)
  20. You can adopt your sibling. Not sure if your father still in the picture. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/Intercountry-Adoption/Adoption-Process/how-to-adopt/adopting-a-relative-for-immigration.html Based on this it is very complicated and you need to adopt them first and live with them for 2 years after the adoption BEFORE you are eligible to file the I-130 and probably during the I-130 process...
  21. I see. So you are trying to retaliate now after 4 years when she probably go the green card in 2020 based on your timeline and presumably got pregnant or delivered a baby that was not yours.... Also you called her your wife 22hours ago.... you might be just trolling here. also you said in your first post you are not divorced...you need to get your story straight. anyway to not to be totally off topic. your ex moved on, probably it is time for you too to move on. As others said cheating is not necessarily fraud, more a marital problem. how long have you been with her before she got pregnant? If you claim fraud it is on both of you, since you provided immigration a ton of proof that the marriage is legit so you can be in hot water too. Regardless this post just sounds sour and looks like you just want to get back at her after who knows how many years.
  22. What happened to her N400 application you posted about in 2023?
  23. I would have everything read and file from the "final" new address and once you moved in send it out asap. It will reduce the risk of getting mail at wrong places. Beside that you can file anywhere, there is no residency requirement like with N400. As @OldUser said you should file AR-11 and your partner I-865 for both addresses. (temp and final) to indicate that you moved.
  24. You need to chill. The lady at the counter does not have your file in front of her. She just says the most common thing that applies to 80% of the applicants. Since you mentioned your situation is not the normal just please wait and see what the consulate says. They are the one with the power. Also in some cases you don't make any sense. Your friend's situation doesn't apply to you. Also why does she needs a wavier if she never applied to anything and visiting US first time? Anyway, just please relax and check the CEAC status, that is the through.
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