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Posts posted by Annessung

  1. 20 minutes ago, KULtoATL said:

    In *my* personal experience, they've never formulated their questions in such a way. But they do ask if you're employed, what's your occupation, what are your duties for the role etc. They will interpret all that info to determine whether it is a strong tie. Same goes with family info. They'll ask stuff like where do your parents live, who looks after them, do you have relatives in the US so on and so forth.

    Is this okay "you have my assurance maam/sir, to return home after the conference because of my work and my family especiallu mu mother because im her only child"?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Annessung said:

    Thank you so much for this idea it really helps me alot😊

    "So how can you convince me that ypu will be cominh back from conference?" i have my work and my family. Any idea what else should i say?

  3. 20 minutes ago, KULtoATL said:

    They might not actually ask if you'd extend the visa because they haven't even given you a visa yet. They'll likely ask what you plan to do there so just say conference and sightseeing or shopping or whatever else that would warrant a trip longer than the conference duration. Best to have an idea of the total number of days that the trip would last. 

    Thank you so much for this idea it really helps me alot😊

  4. What im going to say if they will ask " do you have plan to extend your visa?"

    52 minutes ago, KULtoATL said:

    If you've registered for a conference, bring the registration confirmation along. Otherwise, the conference itinerary would be good too for your visa application.

    Yes i have it, and it indicates there the 3 days comference. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, az2014 said:

    A B1 visa is for business purposes, B2 is for tourism, are you sure you are looking at the correct visa?


    On the DS160 does it not ask for salary? So the information will already be there. Bank statement/certificate it doesnt really matter. Bring whatever you have but dont expect it to be looked at.

    Yes because im attending a conference . There is a question in DS160 *what is your monthly salary?* 

  6. 1 minute ago, Boiler said:

    Take what you have, unusual for it to be asked for.


    5 minutes ago, Boiler said:

    Take what you have, unusual for it to be asked for.

    Thanks for the advice😊 what im going to do now? If the consule will ask for my bank statement that states for my monthly salary?

  7. 1 minute ago, Boiler said:

    Your Bank Statement will show your salary deposits, does not really matter that you get paid in cash, presumably you get something showing taxes, deductions etc.

    The problem is I just opened my bank account recently just to deposit the money that i save and ill be using for the trip in the US. So probably maybe it would be bank certificate that Certifies that i have my savings there.  

  8. 1 minute ago, Boiler said:

    I would get a statement as well, probably not needed but if you are going take it anyway why not.

    I applied for b 1 visa. Im attending a conference. Im confuse if what should I bring. Is it statemwnt or certificate. In my work they dont give us pay slip they just give the money personally.

  9. 14 hours ago, Tyler&Linsey said:

    Don't be. Just triple check if you have everything and u will be fine. I'm not of much help for you, since you live in a different country. So the rules are different. But relax and speak the truth and you will be fine! :)

    What did you bring bank certificate that says that you have savings?😁  

  10. On 5/22/2016 at 7:14 PM, Tyler&Linsey said:

    If you are paying for your trip to the US. I think you should put "self" that's what I did. I pay my flight to the US. They ask who is paying for your trip to the US. Not who is paying for your rent and other stuff while you are there.

    What should i say if i will be the one who will pay my flight to the US then for paying for my staying there at US will be my aunt. But i put it on my VISA application is "SELF".

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