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rafiq akhtar

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Posts posted by rafiq akhtar

  1. My wife had her interview on july 24 2017 got the 5535 in sep and that was approved on nov 28.. now its been past 7 months and haven't heard anything... every time I email them i get the same answer about being in admin procces.. My queation is if it was approved in Nov what the hell are they waiting for.. seriously i dont know what to do and why its taking forever even tho eveything is clear

  2. 36 minutes ago, Zaib212 said:

    Green card holder wait for the visa # to be available and US citizen do not wait

    Might be a misunderstanding im saying when my wife had her interview our visa was cr1 its been more then 7 months in ap which i have no idea on why its in ap even tho we have a 11 month old daughter. So when the visa turns into ir1 will the process of her getting the visa be quick? That my question... sorry for not clarifying

  3. 3 minutes ago, Lion Star said:

    Thanks to Allah my visa has issued. I had created this topic "Administrative Processing-Can someone explain about reply form US Embassy Islamabad. Thanks to Allah my visa has issued. InshAllah all you people here will get their visas soon, Ameen.

    Mashallah congrats... so when was ur interview and how long did u have to wait?

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