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    IR-1/CR-1 Visa (DCF)
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  • Our Story
    Just so I'm clear: I filed form I-130 DCF in Albania. He is applying for CR1

    I have considered writing a book many times... there is so much to tell and it's so romantic, so real, so fullof love!!!

    I met my husband while I was visiting Florence, Italy. I was with a friend at a local hangout spot. My friend and I eyed these two guys... long story short we all went out together, played pool, played fooz ball, walked the Ponte Vecchio (and froze our asses off). Nothing ever came of that night other than simple crushes that my friend and I both knew would be nothong more than that.
    Three months later I was back in Florence taking a course. I was with soem friends (from the course) at the same local hang out that I was at with my friend on my last trip. A guy (with eyes that could sink a ship) walked up to the table and introduced himself to me. I knew his voice and I said, "You look so familiar". He laughed, with this amazing laugh, and we both remembered the night we met and played pool, etc a few months before.
    The next day I went food shopping at the local market. As I was walking home, I saw him. Everytime I see this guy I feel 16 again! He stopped me, we talked for a few minutes, he asked for my number and I was on my way. As I walked away, I turned around to get another look, and he too was still watching me.
    He called and text messaged everyday! Once I finally agreed to go out with him, I actaully got sick. I had to call him and tell him I couldn't make it (I felt so bad!). My roommate begged me to walk with her to the store. Even though I felt horrible, sick as a dog, I went with her. OF COURSE, as we were walking, there he is. I walked up to him (and felt totally stupid because I was suppoed to be in bed sick). As soon as our eyes met, it was like something happened. I KNEW I would marry this man. I don't remember a single word that was said, but I remember both of us just looking into each other's eyes and literally my body felt warm and I didn't feel sick or cold or anything but WONDERFUL.
    After spending EVERYDAY together from January until March, I had to go back to the states. Easily the hardest thing I've ever done was say goodbye to my soulmate.
    Once home, him and I were constantly in touch (phone, internet, mail). We decided we could NOT be apart and we both knew this was a relationship that was meant to be... almost like God's plan. I decided that I would go back in the summer (I am a teacher). I went back the day after school was over. He proposed to me on the Ponte Vecchio my second night back.
    We took a ship to Albania to meet his parents and we decided to marry while I was there. His family planned an amazing wedding for us. We had the most amazing honeymoon on the border of Greece!
    I spent the entire summer with my husband and his family.
    We filed the I-130 at the embassy in Tirana, Albania on July 5,2006...So far we've heard NOTHING. Needless to say, everyday apart seems like a year apart. I don't know how much longer I can handle this kind of pain.
    Without him, I feel lost, I feel cold, I feel empty. I want to be with my husband, my soulamte.

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  1. Beautiful Pic.

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