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Everything posted by h.linds

  1. I got both my passport and certificate today in one package. Everything is correct. Last night, my status was still "'In Process" on the DOS Website. Then, this morning, the representative from my Senator Office reached out to me and notified me that the passport would arrive today. I immediately headed straight home waiting... Passport was finally in hand before noon. It was shipped overnight from locator 35, Charleston, SC. Big shout-out to the Constituent Advocate at U.S. Senator Thom Tillis's Office, who helped me out during this stressful experience. It feels so great that my visa journey is eventually over. Also, many thanks to you all for your wonderful advice and tips 🙏
  2. That's wonderful. Congratulations! Keeping my fingers crossed that all will be well. By the way, do you live in Hot Springs or is it only your passport agency location? (Just saw your location on your signature - Redundant question. :D). Congrats again!
  3. Hi Crazy Cat, Thanks for the info! Has your wife's passport gotten any updates yet?
  4. Awesome. Congratulations!!! Mine now shows "In Process" since 03/05 (although they cashed my payment on Feb 7), however been stuck with the same status and they just added another 02 weeks on my timeline. Locator #35 (which has lots of bad reviews from my research). I reached out to my state rep a few weeks ago, nothing has progressed so far on that front, either. I'm ready to make lots of phone calls next week. 😟
  5. Hi all, I'm having an issue with my passport application and would really appreciate any advice. I applied for my passport a few days after the Oath Ceremony at a local passport acceptance facility. It has been almost 04 weeks, payment was already cashed about 2 weeks ago, but my status on the tracking system is still "Not Available". I have been trying to call the 1-877-487-2778 almost everyday, but no luck talking with a human so far. This morning, I double-checked my submitted application and found out that I accidently put my husband name in the regular order of "' First Name, Middle Name, Last name"' instead of "'Last name, First Name, Middle Name"' as required by the form. Wondering if this mistake messes up my application? Also started planning to contact my state senator as I sent along the original naturalization certificate and I currently have no other paperwork to prove my legal status over here. Many many thanks!
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