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Everything posted by MSSF

  1. We have 4 families we are filling affidavit of suppti-864 for. 4 applicants have 3 or 4 derivative members under each applicant. We were thinkiNg to bring pricipal applicant here and then do follow to join for derivavtes so they come after six months when principal is already settled. Thats why i am asking. Consulted with lawyer but not clear answer. Thats why i am wondering consequences for choosing follow to join
  2. Hello, we are working on i-864 an there is an option of follow to join. what happens if we select follow to join option? Do we pay fee now? Do we need sponsor now? What happens after principal applicant is here in USA and we WANT to bring derivative here? WHAT paperwork we will have to do? how long more does it take to get visa? do they get interviewed with principal or later? is it a good option? whats your experience in follow to join?
  3. I will really appreciate if you could please explain. i will fill i-864 for family A from my father, petitioner, and say previously sponsored 1, sponsoring now 4 and himself 1. total 5. because his income 39k is not enough to file for 5, i will fill another i-864 from joint sponsor? in this i-864, from friend with 200k, previously sponsored LPR only 1 (the rest are petitions in process not approved yet) his own household 5 principal family 4 total 10 repeat same for all families and do not include them as previously sponsored because they are not LPR yet? in this case, what if one applicant receives interview date first n then get approved LPR before, wouldn’t it be incorrect to say none sponsored before? guide plz
  4. Thanks for responding but i am so confused. my brains is all smushed. so again, there are 4 kids my dad is sponsoring who are all married Family A has total 4 family b has total 5 family c has total 5 family d has total 4 joint sponsor with over 200k said he will sponsor 2 families. my dad makes 39k but has 1 LPR under him which he sponsored earlier. when joint sponsor support 2 familes, lets say for family b and c, do i fill only 1 i-864 for from joint sponsor for each family or my dad fill one too? Total household member i meant. Principal applicant and their derivatives
  5. Part 3. Information About the Immigrants You Are Sponsoring 1. I am sponsoring the principal immigrant named in Part 2. _ Yes No (Applicable only if you are sponsoring family members in Part 3. as the second joint sponsor or if you are sponsoring family members who are immigrating more than six months after the principal immigrant) 2.I am sponsoring the following family members immigrating at the same time or within six months of the principal immigrant named in Part 2. (Do not include any relative listed on a separate visa petition.) 3. I am sponsoring the following family members who are immigrating more than six months after the principal immigrant.
  6. So you mean, 2 applicants can be sponsored b joint sponsor 10 ppl, with 200k income? how do i fill i-864 and i-864A part 3? I believe i need to fill i-864 and i-864a both but i am not sure what to select in part 3 of both the petitioner and joint sponsor’s i-864A.
  7. Family A: almost over 18 and 24. But when petition was filed, they were 2 and 8 years old. Priority date 2010 family b: 3 kids, 14 years, 12, and 8 family c : 3 kids, ages 9,7 and 5 family d: 2 kids, 8 years and 6 months another question: can someone with over 200k can sponsor everyone? This person has 5 total members of his own. Sponsored 4 ppl already as well. And our family members are total 18
  8. ok! As dad doesn’t have much income, only 39 to 40k, i was thinking to put all derivatives into follow to join, if we don’t need sponsor for them now.
  9. I was wondering if we do follow to join for derivatives applicants, as we don’t have enough join sponsors or income, do we still need sponsorship for all of them now or only principal applicant? I was wondering if we do follow to join for derivatives applicants, as we don’t have enough join sponsors or income, do we still need sponsorship for all of them now or only principal applicant?
  10. Ok. So Can we have 4 different joint sponsors for 4 different affidavit of support applications? means family A have 4 ppl——— dad sponsor and joint sponsor w family B have 5 ppl——— dad sponsor and joint sponsor X family c have 5 ppl——— dad sponsor and joint sponsor y family d has 4 ppl——— dad sponsor and joint sponsor z now according to my understanding, there can be max 2 joint sponsors per affidavit. For example: If joint sponsor w dont have enough income to support all 4 ppl, we can have another joint sponsor too to support family a. Which means affidavit i864 from dad and 2 applications form from 2 joint sponsors. correct me if i am wrong
  11. They know about marriage, and thats why they waited almost 15 years. Its F3 category, married sons and daughters of us citizen Dec2010
  12. Yes, when he first filed for 5 kids, 2 were married and 3 were unmarried. Later 2 more got married. We changed their status to married too. So, out of 5, 4 got married and 1 was umarried. 1 unmarried got her visa 5 years ago. Now 4 left, all married with kids
  13. You will file i-130 for sibling only and you can only file for him. In biographic form, you will add his spouse and kids name. When your sibling will get approved, you can add derivative under principle applicant as long as they are under 18. my dad applied for kids only. Now they recently received letter from NVC to submit documents. We were able to add their kids in their application online.
  14. Good morning, my father filed for 4 children who are over 21 and married. After 10 years we received a letter asking for Affidavit of support, ds230 and fees. Child 1 is principal applicant has total 4 members: himself, spouse and 2 children Child 2, principal applicant has total 5 members: himself, spouse and 3 Child 3, principal applicant has total 5 members: himself, spouse and 3 Child 4, principal applicant has total 5 members: himself, spouse and 2 now my father don’t have enough income to support total 18 ppl. I understand there is option for follow to join, do we need a sponsor and income to show now for follow to join members? if dad have total $40 income, how to handle this situation? like, who’s affidvit we should fill first and next?
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