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Posts posted by S*UK

  1. 3 hours ago, rachied26 said:

    Wow so exciting, have you started packing yet? Mine is JFK flying from London Heathrow. What about you hun? 

    Yes and scary too!
    Ive packed all the things that I can: Clothes, shoes, important items. I dont have any big possesions that need shipping because I still live with my parents.

    I managed to get a direct flight to the US with British Airways. Im doing London Heathrow to Raleigh, NC. What time is your flight? I might see you at the airport haha!

  2. 3 hours ago, rachied26 said:


    Hello everyone  


    So happy to see everyones approvals, I'm going to pick up my passport today! 



    Just wondering we arrive in the US November 20th and we plan on getting married December 15th, once we are married I'm aware that you have to fill out I-1485 - application to adjust status and that are concurrently able to file your I-1765 Application for Employment Authorization (EAD) and I-131 Application for Travel Document (AP) at no additional cost.



    How long does this process usually take? I bought a return flight ticket as it was strangely cheaper and I booked the return ticket for end of march thinking it would be nice to see my family before I started working etc. 

    Do you think this is too soon? 


    Thanks in advance everyone :) x


    Currently I would say yes, that's too soon. If you can move the flight it might be better to be looking at April/May to be safe. Looks like it's taking 5-6 months. 


    I had the same idea actually, but then decided I would forever have that 'one spare flight' because I would always need to book 2 way flights for it to be cheap enough. So in the end just opted for the cheapest date for the return which happened to be January. 

    Hope this helps!

  3. Just now, _Mia_ said:

    For the W2  did you just provide the last one? We only got one but I've seen people sometimes bring more lol 

    Yea, it was just the previous W2 ^_^. Also regarding your previous post, I took pictures and plane tickets etc with me too! They never asked for it but it's so much better to take those and not be asked than to not take them and be asked. 

    Good luck! You'll be fine 

  4. 1 hour ago, June2017UK said:

    Wow, I thought we only needed the employers letter (for the employed petitioners) for London. That’s good to know. 


    Good luck with Thursday. Will text you if I’m in town. X

    With me I took a letter from employer, official military orders, letters from banks, W2, 2 pay checks and the affidavit of support. 

    When I got to the window I asked the lady what exactly she wanted when she said financial information. I listed everything I had brought and she said 'everything!'.

    With him being in the military, they would technically have all the info they needed just by knowing his Rank. But they still wanted all of that. So better to be safe than sorry ^_^

  5. Thanks @Keith & Monica, your POE is fast approaching too. It's really exciting

    Thats great news @_Mia_! I'm sure they will be able to send off your medical as soon as they receive that email. 

    Congrats @spike198 on the flights. That's one day after I arrive. It seems everyone is aiming for thanksgiving if they can  


    This is will be my first ever thanksgiving. I'm not really sure what to expect. Us brits are quite reserved so I'm hoping it's not too much for me

  6. 10 hours ago, _Mia_ said:

    So had my medical today and they didn't approve my doctors letter,so I have to go back to my GP to get them to write another letter... which as mentioned last tweet me was a lengthy process in it self. I'm really upset and tired of the process right now and really not happy with having to address a really insignificant appointment that I had with my GP over 4 years ago... but just need to keep try  to stay positive that this horrible process is over soon.. I have my interview next week and I just hope I'm able to get everything ready and sent through in time.

    Sorry to hear this but please don't panic. As @Salty2305 can confirm, even if they don't have your medical results at the interview, once they do receive them they turn it around very quickly! Just stay positive. Have you booked an appointment directly with a doctor rather than going through a receptionist? I know this probably doesn't help but I'll be thinking of you x 

  7. Congrats @AnJ Co that sounds like the perfect POE and I'm so happy to hear you made it to the end! Also about the visa still being intact because I wanted to keep mine as a souvenir of the process haha. Maybe one day I'll be able to show my kids. 

    @Salty2305 congrats on your POE! I'm so jealous right now. Can't wait to be in NC for Christmas. Did you write a review of your POE at charlotte? I know it's not gonna be the same as Raleigh but may give me an idea of what to expect in NC in general.


    I don't really have an update... 

    Still patiently waiting here until my flight in 3 weeks time. I have two weeks left at work and then a week to say goodbye. Collin and I will be spending thanksgiving with his family in his hometown in northern VA. Then we have a vacation planned for my birthday in December. We will be in NC for some of Christmas and VA for the rest. Then our 4th new year together and our 3rd actually spent in person. Im so excited now and can't wait to update you all on my POE.

    Until then, good luck to all of you with your POE, interviews, medical and of course those still waiting on NOA2 especially those still waiting from the first two weeks of April! 

  8. 41 minutes ago, rachied26 said:

    Hey thanks for your response, thats what I thought eek, gonna have to try and find a place to print a new one off. 

    Hes in England with me at the moment hun :) 


    I'm so nervous about tomorrow, what kind of questions did they ask you? 




    Aww that's great that he's there with you! Is he going to the interview too? 

    If you look on my timeline I wrote a full review including all the questions. They were all very very basic questions about collin and his family and his job. 

    my advice to you is smile, be confident and just tell them the truth! You will be fine. Good luck, I can't wait to here the news that you were approved tomorrow ^_^

  9. 44 minutes ago, rachied26 said:

    Hello everyone :) So matt is only just doing is affidavit of support form (agh) and he's made an error... he's basically put down for employment where he will be going to work come November 21st (His old boss said he could have his job back) but obviously he's unemployed/ student now. Would it be okay if he just crossed it out or will it be okay as hell be starting it in a couple of weeks? 





    Hey, I'm pretty sure that this should be current information. So he should put his current salary and employer. Since you are having a joint sponsor (if I remember correctly) it shouldn't matter if he is unemployed now just make sure the joint sponsor meets the income threshold. 


    Also, I thought (not 100% sure though) that the affidavit of support needed to have an original wet signature from him. When is he planning on mailing you the documents? Just it took mine over 2 weeks with USPS to reach the uk so you may have to use another company to get them in time. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Chris2870 said:

    I'm not happy with what USCIS is doing..all my dose of patience are about to go..RFE response received on Sept 13 and it's now the 25th of October still nothing..it's been almost 2 months..I terribly miss my fiancé and we would like to hear from them to know if another visit here will be good or will just be a waste because end of the process is near but now we don't know what to do.. -Faye


    So sorry that you two are having to go through this tough time. I really hope your NOA2 comes soon. This page wont be complete until you and all the other people still waiting for their NOA2  have recieved it. We'll be here with you until the end.


    Sending hugs -_-

  11. 8 hours ago, Salty2305 said:

    Morning everyone,


    Sorry I've been a bit MIA this week. I have been packing and saying last minute goodbyes. We are leaving Cornwall tonight for the airport and flying out tomorrow morning at 11am. So exciting! Once we get all settled, I'll update everyone on POE.


    Just wanted to say Thank you so much to everyone for all of your help and support! Couldn't have done this without it :)

    Good luck! Hope POE is smooth for you and your little boy :)

  12. 1 hour ago, Salty2305 said:

    UPDATE: Flight is booked for this Friday! POE is Charlotte at 3.05pm on Friday 

    Congratulations! So happy to see you got both of the Visas and right in time for your original planned POE. I wish you all the luck and I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

    What flight path did you end up chosing?

    Also, did you just get the one big white envelope and your passport back? (just checking I got it all) :)

  13. 1 hour ago, Estibaliz said:

    Yep, green it is. It's not really a wedding dress, just a party dress, so dark green. I have a couple of pictures, but not showing yet :P


    However, here's a picture of the photo shoot we had in Spain before leaving. We just got a preview so far, but looks like it's going to be a bunch of nice pictures to add to our memorabilia :)



    This is so cute! You look amazing. Its giving me inspiration to do a photo shoot too!

    Fabulous, im so happy for you

  14. 2 hours ago, Salty2305 said:

    Good Morning everyone!


    Received the tracking email for my visa today and it will be here tomorrow. Unfortunately it looks like I will have to wait for my sons visa so Halloween POE is probably out for us :(


    Both happy and sorry to hear this. Have they said how long it will take for the K2? It's frustrating that they can't issue them both at the same time. 

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