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Posts posted by S*UK

  1. 57 minutes ago, Shauneg said:

    Some indicators that may automatically make the interview go easier is if the sponsor is military, they're close in age, same religious background, long sustained relationship


    I know you were just using this as an example but... my sponsor is military, we are 22 and 25, we are both atheist (fam history of christianity), have been together for almost 4 years, have same level of education etc. I hope they go easy on me at interview :jest::rolleyes:

  2. 1 hour ago, geowrian said:

    If we're looking strictly at a K-1, the relationship has not been proven legitimate before the time of the interview. USCIS does not review the relationship evidence (if provided) with an I-129F. Providing relationship evidence beforehand (front loading) may help the CO form a positive opinion (or potentially a decision...the question being asked ITT), but nothing has been proven.

    I just wanna make it clear since multiple people think I was referring to USCIS. I wasnt.

    I was referring to the officer interviewing. It says on the official USCIS page that the embassy you file for K1 with will do a background check and will determine if a bonafide relationship I exists. They will also require another letter of intent if 4 months has passed since NAO2. I was referring to this information with my statement, believing (wrongly I now see) that these checks would be done by the EMBASSY before you are called up to the window for interview

  3. 41 minutes ago, ConOfficer said:

    Totally incorrect. 


    USCIS does not investigate the relationship. They merely determine whether a legal or biological relationship exists on paper. The consular officer determines whether there is a legit relationship. 

    I didnt mention USCIS. That is not what I was referring to. I was referring to the fact that the officer interviewing already has a copy of the application in front of them before calling you up to the window.
    I know now that even then they may not look, but i was in no way talking about USCIS.

  4. 40 minutes ago, ConOfficer said:

    All opinions offered here are wrong. At every consulate I've worked at I've never seen an officer review proof of relationship before calling the applicant up to the window and starting the interview. It's true that I might take a look at the petition and see that the petitioner has been divorced three times or that there is a 40 year age difference, but I never make a decision before the interview. 


    As to tourist visas, there is no review prior to the interview. We know absolutely nothing about the applicant until they start talking. 

    At what point does this happen then? I have seen that many people attending the K1 interview havenot been asked for proof of relationship at all. They took extra information with them that wasnt ever handed over.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Estibaliz said:

    Err, nope. Sorry if I didn't explain well. Numbers are ordered by the number in the Excel we have for April cases. I was talking about the position in that list. This was the link to the list



    Well, of course USCIS doesn't work exactly by order, but maybe kind of... Who knows :P

    LOVE this document 

  6. 24 minutes ago, Estibaliz said:

    Yep :)

    I just checked the 264 cases for April 3rd (I had time to kill before lunch :P) and I've found 7 RFE's there, all of them dated August 2nd. It doesn't look bad at all, considering approvals doesn't show there, and the RFE's where all scattered among the 170 first petitions listed for that day (they were cases 1, 29, 44, 80, 125, 163 and 170, when you order the cases by their WAC number).

    This is my kind of post - precise, informative and simple. If only USCIS could be more like this! :jest: 

  7. 2 hours ago, amishbaby said:

     I'm just trying to say that many people have had their cases touched in March and maybe not as much in April, but their claims of only processing January 1st when I talked to them on the phone is complete lies.

    I was just checking too, incase I missed any with April received date! 

    But hey, good news today, someone with a March received date and April NOA1 got approved. 

    Im confident that you will get yours soon! Try to stay positive. It might be in the mail as we speak ^_^ and you'll be with your love in no time 

  8. 10 hours ago, amishbaby said:

    Estimated processing time or not, there's clearly many people being approved in March and April. I have spoken to USCIS on the phone and they state they're only processing January 1st petitions. That's obviously incorrect... all that matters now is that I had my senator inquire on my case, and hopefully I will hear something positive come of it.

    As far as I'm aware, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, there is only one person so far with an April date who has been approved.:( 

    But yes, many from March have been. 

  9. I've just seen on my case tracker that overnight/sometime last night another received 3/27 (most likely with an NAO1 in April) got an RFE yesterday. 

    Thats 3 of the (approx) 30 cases I randomly followed from late March that have received an RFE in the last two days . 

    Looks like they are still working those end of March cases. 

    I think I need to see more April received to truly believe they have actually moved on from March received. 

  10. 31 minutes ago, June2017UK said:

    Fotolab in Spain offer both US and U.K. Passport photo sizes. I got my US ones done there - 4 for €5

    ive also noticed photo booths in carrefour shopping centres have a 5 cm x 5 cm option.

    In London they wanted £17 for 4 US visa photos so I've downloaded an iPhone app for the next time I need them!


    Wow, London sure is ripping you off. I got 4XUS passport pictures for £6 in Manchester :blink:. Typical London.

  11. Just now, Estibaliz said:

    Oh, the Apple one is cool to scan, because it has filters for the type of case... and anyway, I'm sure either me or @Trinab80 would be around updating you all on new alerts for approvals, so no worries :P


    Well, Trina is going to visit her fiance tomorrow... yay! :jest: And I do have to sleep and have a 7-9 hours time difference with the States, lol... but yeah, we will be good on info around here anyway, because there's a bunch of nice well informed people around here :)


    Thats true! I don't know what I would do without the updates on this site. I even check at work sometimes :jest:. And im in the UK, so 5-8 hour time difference with the US.... so your timing probably suites me better anyway ^_^

  12. 5 hours ago, JessnTrev said:

    Anyone else have a splurge of sorting out their clothes at the moment and decide what your going to be taking with you when you move.. or is that just me? lol.. literally sorting through one draw at a time, one draw last weekend and one draw this weekend, drag it out a bit lol. 


    Only just realised how many clothes I have.. quite worrying lol. Not even started on shoes yet oh jeez haha.


    Making me far to excited to be moving. :)


    Happy Sunday all! what's everyone up to? x

    How strange that I have been sorting all my clothes this afternoon too! Trying to decide how I can possibly get everything across the pond without it costing a bomb. 


    3 hours ago, Mia83 said:

    Yep, I've started doing that too! My baby is arriving in the U.K. tomorrow a I'm kinda debating giving him a suitcase of some of my stuff to take back to the US with him. Originally was thinking all my winter clothes beacause "surely" I won't be needing them here this winter.. but with the delay with the visa not so sure anymore lol xx

    I'm moving from the UK too and  having a similar dilemma. Our winter is also much milder than theirs so I'm wondering if I even have enough winter clothes :rolleyes:


    Happy Sunday xx :D

  13. 10 hours ago, Chris2870 said:

    They have to be close though...RFE's all around my case number but nothing 25 before or after ( but then they pick up again well after my number). So hopefully that's a good sign.

    Did see where someone's case was rejected because they used an old form that is no longer accepted..That sucks!


    Case Tracker app(iphone/ipad)

    Are these I129F applications? I see lots of activity around my WAC number but as soon as I filter for I129F all I see is 'received' for hundreds and hundreds of numbers before and after :huh:.

    None are approved (besides one single application I assume was fast tracked) and no RFEs at all. Hence my earlier question about people receiving them. 

  14. Happy Friday everyone, 


    Great to see some more March filers being approved yesterday. It gives me a little bit of hope that us April filers will see movement soon. I certainly did not expect to still be waiting in August when I first began this process.


    My question for today... have any April filers received RFE's yet? It's always in the back of my mind that this is still a possibility and is the last thing anyone wants to see in August! 


    Positive thoughts on day 109 (since received date) ⭐️🌸☺️

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