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Posts posted by S*UK

  1. 5 minutes ago, Y&P said:

    Just received NVC case number today! We have been calling and calling for a week since it was received by NVC. We found out our NVC case number in both of our emails this morning! So calling NVC might not be as effective as waiting for their email notification:) Good luck everyone!

    I was wondering about this earlier. How long is it taking people to receive the email from NVC after NVC actually receive your case?
    Also, does anyone know if the UK uses electronic cases or not?
    Congrats BTW!
    So happy to see lots of positive news on here recently. And to those still waiting for NOA2 hold in there. It WILL come.

  2. 2 hours ago, _Mia_ said:

    Hey. I looked into this the other day when you guys were talking about the medical history thing as it kinda worried me a bit. Not that anything is wrong with me but I find this process so extremely intrusive already that I find handing over my medical history so that I can be with my fiancé absolutely disgusting.. I understand the reason behind it but I find this informationvery private.. any ways.. so I saw someone posted on a forum about Knightsbridge that you just need a summary and not a full history and that you can ask your GP to make this available online for £10 and you can print it off. Someone used this and brought it to Knightsbridge who accepted it. I am for sure not paying £50..

    Thanks! You are right. I'll call back tomorrow and quote 'patient care summary' and see what they say. I hope they understand this time what I need. They seemed so clueless when I called. 

  3. Hi all, 


    I called my GP today and asked for a copy of both my medical records and my vaccination history. 


    I was told that this would cost £50!?!? And would take a week to process. I need to go down to my doctors and sign some forms and pay the fee in cash. 


    Does this sound normal! I've not read of anyone else being met with this response from their GP. 


    Fuming lol. Please can someone tell me if this is normal. 

  4. 11 hours ago, TomC88 said:


    So, you'll never believe it, but the Tracker is working! I just refreshed it one more time before going to bed (it was midnight here) and the status changed to approved today (8/28)! 


    No worries about the embassy, I can stop worrying as much for the time being. Thank you though, I'll be sure to check around this site for info! It is such a relief, isn't it! 


    Good luck to you, too, on the next steps; and thanks for also letting me vent a little!




  5. Just now, Chris2870 said:

    Faye told me lol...now what will it be and are they sending it USPS or Pony Express? Didn't mean to rhyme but I digress!




    Officially have lost my mind :jest:

    This made me laugh. I really hope this is a quick turn around for you both. You may even 'get the time back' so to speak since the philippines seems to have quick processing times!

  6. 20 minutes ago, Tatiana&D.S. said:

    Hi I have my NOA 2 received date August 18th. Does anyone know the number to call to get my new case number so I can book my medical!?? 

    20 minutes ago, Tatiana&D.S. said:

    the appointment for a physical examination will be available when you know the date of the interview, you can make an appointment for an interview only when the case arrives at the embassy

    Sorry, this isn't true for the UK. You should book your medical before the interview as stated on the US embassy in London website. Once you have your NVC case and LND number (EDIT: AND YOUR CASE IS 'READY') you should call knightsbridge doctors and schedule a medical exam using all the information listed here: http://www.visamedicals.info/us.asp. Then, once you have this booked you can fill out the notification of readiness on the embassy page and schedule your interview, making sure you leave 2 weeks between each.



  7. 1 minute ago, Estibaliz said:

    I'm quite sure you have to wait until the case shows as Ready. I'm sure you have already checked the Embassy website, but here's also the post Trylobyte had made about how to proceed for UK beneficiaries... And we know he succeeded :)


    Thanks, i'll have a read of his post now and if I have any more questions i'll message him ^_^. Yep, and actually, the doctors website for medical and the embassy website totally contradict each other! How frustrating *sigh*. They don't make it easy.

  8. 2 minutes ago, AnJ Co said:

    Check the medical facility website for the required documents. If they don't need your LND number, then probably good to go to get it.  Last few UK's I noticed - they got Medical after the NOA2

    Keep in mind a medical is only good for 6 months, If approval goes longer you may have to renew it.  (I know, I just rained on your holiday LOL)

    I already received my NOA2. But on the UK medical website it says I need an 'appointment letter from the US embassy' and Im pretty confused what exactly this is. As in, would the NVC number be enough or do I need to wait for a letter to arrive from London.

  9. 1 hour ago, Estibaliz said:

    It's a local holiday here (patron saint of my town), so I'm still on off/weekend mode :unsure: But it's a working Monday for mail, USCIS, NVC and Embassies, so hoping for a good bunch of good news for all of you Aprilites.


    Its a national holiday here in the UK too! Another day off work means another full day spent preparing for the next step of the journey! Unfortunately, being a holiday, I cannot call my doctor for my medical/vaccine records. So i'll do that tomorrow.


    Im excited for lots of good news from everyone who is still waiting for NOA2. Still checking my case tracker regularly (even though I promised to give myself a break) haha.


    I just have one question if someone could maybe help? Do I have to wait until my case has officially been transfered to my local embassy before booking the medical? Do I have to receive any sort of letter from my embassy or can I arrange my medical as soon as I have my case number from NVC?

    Thanks IA. Hope everyone has a positive day today to start the week off well!

  10. 1 hour ago, cdagevil said:

    Hi there, I know its second question of the day but I have many!


    When it says you can use checking and savings statements in order to corroborate the I-134 income requirements, can my parents just send me each 10,000$ pushing me above the required amount?


    Or will this be looked upon unfavorably?



    Sorry I can't answer with confidence here, but in my opinion, if your parents have enough income to act as co-sponsors I would probably go that route.

  11. 59 minutes ago, _Mia_ said:

    Do we need to provide our medical record too?? I thought they just required our vaccination card?

    It is stated on the checklist on the Knightsbridge doctors webpage. http://www.visamedicals.info/us-bring.asp

    So I wouldn't risk showing up without it. It doesn't seem too hard to get hold of, just call your GP and arrange a time to collect it.

  12. Hope everyone is having a great weekend and not stressing too much about the NOA2 (I know, easy to say once you have it). I think next week will be a good week for a lot of you. I spent a full week in the dark, when actually I had already been approved. So don't lose hope, it will come when you arent expecting it to! My fiance called me in the middle of my work day, before USCIS had even opened for work, and I had been up very late talking with him the night before (with no NOA2 at that point). The last thing I expected was a NOA2 surprise. I guess the mail came super late the day before. 


    My police certificate arrived in the post today. For all those in the process from the UK, it took exactly 7 working days from the day I ordered it online. I applied for 2, just to be safe. My birth certificate however, is taking much longer. Since I already have a birth certificate at home i'm not worrying too much - this one can just act as a replacement. If you don't have one already though, I would advise ordering it online early. It will really save you some last minute stress when the time comes ^_^.


    Thanks for your reply @Daz&Hank. I guess asking for a medical history summary isn't a common thing over here, especially in small towns and villages where people dont often emigrate. Im happy to at least hear that they accepted those at the medical exam, thats one less thing for me to be worrying about (this process has me stressing about everything imaginable).

  13. Just now, Missabc said:

    I did, it was basically a summary in date order on one piece of paper. I've got a hiatus hernia which is listed on my summary but I've added my letter from the hospital when i was diagnosed just in case they wanted to have a look at it too.  

    Okay thanks, sorry to be a pain but did you also get that striaght from your GP and how long did it take to get?

  14. 2 minutes ago, Missabc said:

    I called my doctors and explained i was emigrating and that i needed my vaccination record and 2 vaccinations (MMR & TD), the receptionist said that i can just see a nurse rather than a DR and got me booked in. Was really easy and simple :) Also, when they printed off my vaccination record it was on letter headed paper and they stamped it. Hope that helps. 

    Thanks, i'll ask specifically for it to be at least stamped this time.

    Did you obtain your medical history also?

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