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Posts posted by homesick_american

  1. Good to hear from you HA. Glad that you made it back to Texas ok. Hope things get sorted out for you soon! You didn't escape the rainy weather; seems we're about to get washed away here in Dallas lately! Take care and keep us posted as you can.

    Yeah really; here I was thinking I was in the land of sunglasses and flip-flops. At least up here in north Dallas we're in no danger from floods...whew! The elevation up here is too high; I've never heard of this area flooding.

    I saw Lake Lewisville was flooding; you're not up there are you?

  2. The head of accounts at the solicitor's told me that the wire went through yesterday; hopefully it'll get converted at today's rates which are kick-###. The BoE meets on Thursday and whatever happens I think the pound may go down against the dollar on Thursday so I want it converted at TODAY'S rate.

    I'm like...FINALLY.

    The solicitors messed up the wire so they're giving me 4.8% interest in compensation; on nearly 37,000 pounds 8 days' interest works out to about $70. I told them in no uncertain terms that that was completely unacceptable. I'm gunning for compensation of over 1,000 pounds. They f*cked up. They owe me.

  3. I had a cashier's check for about 10,000 pounds in my pocket when I hit the USA...well over the customs limit for not declaring monetary instruments.

    I just wanted to say that at JFK, the customs guys were laid-back about the forms and it took about five minutes to fill in the proper form for the check I brought in. Don't neglect to declare it because if they find out about it later, they can seize it. It's no big deal to fill in the paperwork.

  4. I'm already exchanging e-mails with a guy in Dallas. :devil:

    I've sworn off foreigners forever; I'm just not dealing with this again.


    Oh.....I reread that, hope my S.O. doesn't.... :lol:

    It's nothing against foreigners; I just don't want to deal with visas or overseas moves ever again. I'm never living abroad again. I'm done...finished. At this point I'd be happy to never set foot in the UK again. I probably will someday, but hopefully not for a long time.

    It's time to date American men only...or at least men who already live here and WANT to continue living here.

  5. Awww, thanks guys; I'm touched.

    The flight from London was terrible; we got awful seats right in the middle of the plane and my dad insisted on the aisle seat. I had to stop drinking because he yelled at me for constantly making him move so I could go to the bathroom. It was pretty miserable. On the flight from New York, we sat on the runway for over an hour waiting to take off and I kept falling asleep; Ativan is VERY strong stuff but it seemed to work. I just cried a lot on the flight from London but coming out of NYC I was fine; more fine than I've been in years.

    Thanks to everyone who tracked me.

  6. Dunno if anyone's been curious or not, but here's an update anyway.

    I arrived in Dallas on Sunday, June 24th; the flights were OK. The one from NYC was better than the one from London, but at that point I'd had so much stress and BS that I didn't really care if the plane crashed or not.

    My cats arrived the day after I did. They're not dealing with the stress very well.

    My money still hasn't arrived; my solicitor in York bungled the wire transfer and didn't admit it for days.

    I hope to buy a car on Wednesday.

    My husband and I are talking regularly but I don't know if he will come here to the USA and I'm not going to plan my life around that.

  7. Given the shocking behavior in my thread yesterday I feel this is no longer an appropriate or friendly place for me to be, especially since this site is all about family immigration and my cowardly ** of a soon to be ex husband lied his way through our marriage and we're now divorcing.

    So I'm not really interested in hanging out with a bunch of happy families, especially when they're rubbing salt in my open wounds.

    To the people who were supportive, thank you.

    I may visit occasionally but this will be my last post for a while.

  8. What's wrong with people here?

    If ANYONE has the right to be snappy, I think it's the girl whose husband just said he's leaving her.

    Seriously. Is this REALLLLLY the appropriate time to pick on H_A? How would anyone here feel if, when at their lowest, people went out of their way to - WAY out of their way - to chastize your diction or rightfully raw feelings?

    I cannot believe the treatment I see here. It's fine to slap the ####### out of each other over process frustration or methods of case progression, etc, but when it comes to something like THIS people can't let it go for so much as a goddamn minute?

    I'm sure H_A has real life friends who will help her deal with the hurt and the pain she's feeling. But I bet even more that most of them won't be empathetic to the stress of the bi-national relationship nor the bitter, bitter irony of her husband's timing in this matter. So she came here - probably half-fearing some B.S. from some people, but hoping humanity would save the day.

    She was rude to NO ONE. She was right to be pissed when ignorant members stuck up for her totally-unknown-to-us husband. He's leaving. He's a cad. She needs support. Anything else is unimportant.

    I feel so badly for you H_A. I'm sorry you have to deal with ANY of this.

    Thanks...I'm glad someone understands.

  9. Hey guys - anyone who is NOT rebeccajo or H_A probably shouldn't weigh in on their views on both their words and their intentions. This is a terrible time for H_A, so I think it's best if we respect her wishes, be kind, and stay back from the live wires.

    I agree it is a difficault time for HA... but I dont see how that gives HA the excuss to be rude to anyone..... I saw no evidence of Becca being nasty in this thread so dont see the need for the statement to be made....


    Kez, this is personal. Please stay out of it.

  10. If it's OK with you, Becca, I'll do my own thinking.

    Hey, that's fine. You should do your own thinking. I was just giving you the benefit of the doubt is all.

    Becca, please do me a favor and bow out of this thread. I am not in the mood for your preachiness or your tendency to rub salt in open wounds. Please just leave me alone.

  11. Firstly, sorry to hear your news HA. Must be a shock.

    I wish everyone would remember there's 2 sides to every story though. This poor guy's been hung, drawn and quartered by a few on here for dropping this bombshell on HA. Maybe his timing was off, maybe he handled it wrong, but I'm sure he had his reasons and we've only heard HA's side.

    HA - I presume yesterday you loved and cared for him and he was your husband. Today you want to kill him and he's a loser. If you didn't feel love and care for him, maybe it was you who was faking, as well as him? Anger is one part of a grieving process and I hope it's just one stage you will go through.

    He didn't forecfully MAKE you go to or even stay England, so I don't see how you can throw that in his face. As I said in posts before, if you were that unhappy, why didn't you leave?

    I'm not trying to be negative, it just gets to me when people can call others every name under the sun when they don't even know the circumstances. I know the words are said in support for HA, but please guys, name calling??


    Frankly, the circumstances don't really matter as SHE is the one coming to us for support. Perhaps if he were on this forum and we'd gotten to know HIM, we might be a little less forthright about our direct support for HA. But no... we've come to know Homesick American through her posts on this forum. Why on EARTH would you want to throw little jabs like "He didn't forecfully MAKE you go to or even stay England, so I don't see how you can throw that in his face" when she is in such obvious distress and faced with a tremendous challenge in the coming days. Sheesh. Is it SO hard to give someone support without all these little nitpicky questions second-guessing what they might have done or didn't do wrong in their relationship?

    HA... take the support you find here and find whatever solace in them that you can. But I certainly hope you don't feel the need to explain "both sides" or defend the fact that you're feeling a little less than warm and fuzzy to the man (and yes, I stick by my PANTY WASTE statement) who dumped on you a few days before coming back to America.


    I think Helen said things very well - and she really is right you know. We don't know both sides of the story. We can still offer support to HA without feeding HA's anger. I believe as a mature woman and a thorough thinker she will be able to accept that.


    If it's OK with you, Becca, I'll do my own thinking.

  12. My husband chose this morning to drop the bomb on me that he's been faking it these last couple of years and he's been lying to me about loving me.

    So we're getting a divorce.

    I will be coming to America on Sunday, but he won't be. The weird thing is...I'm not even really upset. I'm just angry about having wasted the last six years of my life on such a fcuking coward.


    now that is the last thing i expected you to say.

    *shrug* What can I say. Now that he's shown his true colors, I can see what a loser he really is. I just feel like an idiot for marrying him in the first place.

  13. Well, HA, normally I would say...whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tone it DOWN a bit...but in this case, I have to say....you have every right to be feeling how you're feeling. ( the death thing was a tad harsh tho I think! *wince* )Big hugs coming your way today, and be careful...becasue even though you're not that upset (not angry, upset) right now, it will hit you eventually...but at least after that you'll have a chance to be with someone who deserves you in a home you love. M.

    Well, I dunno....the major underlying feelings right now are relief at being rid of someone like him after he showed his true colors...anger, at being lied to and having six childbearing years wasted...and confusion, since I don't know what I've done to deserve this.

    The thing is, I don't think I'll miss him. I hate him right now. I have no affectionate feelings towards him at the moment and can't see ever having any again. When I break up, it is for keeps and I never look back.

  14. He wants 50% of the proceeds of the sale of the house. I could probably get more if I wanted to go through a long, drawn-out divorce but at this point I just want to be rid of that pu$$y mama's boy. When the going gets tough, he runs to mama.

    If he came down my driveway right now I'd beat the ever-loving cr@p out of him. I told him he is not welcome at this house and he is not welcome at my parents' house, and I'll do whatever I want with the stuff that the movers boxed up TODAY and are shipping to the USA.

    He thinks he's gonna come and get his stuff. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No he isn't.

    He knows guns are legal in Texas, right?

    Yup. He also knows my dad has matching 9mm handguns on his person at all times. My dad would never use them, but my soon to be ex is such a cowardly pu$$y that he probably thinks he would. MORON. LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. My soon to be ex-husband is a disgusting pig of a man. He's a cowardly pu$$y and the best I can say about him right now is at least I didn't have kids with him. THANK GOD FOR THAT.

    He wasted six years of my life and I will never ever ever ever ever forgive him for that. EVER.

    His coarse, crass, uneducated stupid fcuking mother of his can kiss my rosy red a$$ from now until the end of time. I hate her and I hope she dies a long, painful death. She came between us. She is a fcuktard.

  16. He wants 50% of the proceeds of the sale of the house. I could probably get more if I wanted to go through a long, drawn-out divorce but at this point I just want to be rid of that pu$$y mama's boy. When the going gets tough, he runs to mama.

    If he came down my driveway right now I'd beat the ever-loving cr@p out of him. I told him he is not welcome at this house and he is not welcome at my parents' house, and I'll do whatever I want with the stuff that the movers boxed up TODAY and are shipping to the USA.

    He thinks he's gonna come and get his stuff. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No he isn't.

  17. My husband chose this morning to drop the bomb on me that he's been faking it these last couple of years and he's been lying to me about loving me.

    So we're getting a divorce.

    I will be coming to America on Sunday, but he won't be. The weird thing is...I'm not even really upset. I'm just angry about having wasted the last six years of my life on such a fcuking coward.

  18. Do you know how many passengers have died in accidents on board Southwest Airlines? Zero. That's right....zero. They've NEVER had a major catastrophe, so there goes the budget theory. My cousin is one of the ones making sure you're safe in the air when you fly Southwest, so it offends me when people assume that Southwest Airlines cuts corners on safety. I can assure you that they do NOT, and their safety record speaks for itself.

    People are probably not specifically talking about being budget on maintenance but rather a budget carrier in terms of service.

    Lets not compare SW to a carrier like Qantas. Even on the safety front..

    Uh....nobody is. You can't compare American Airlines' domestic service to their international service, which is much better.

    Also, you can't fly Southwest to Sydney...and you can't fly Qantas from DFW to Vegas. :lol: It's not like we can pick and choose between the two.

  19. SO??? What I was saying is not rubbish. Southwest has some of the newest planes in the air. It's average fleet age is just 9.8 years. Just wait until some of these planes get some age to them, you will see the exact same pattern. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that.

    Southwest is good...I'm not saying that, but their going to be running in to trouble shortly. They were able to do well with fuel hedging, but they will be paying the same prices on fuel all the other airlines are paying in the near future.

    LOL....again, irrelevant. Southwest uses their planes almost as long as any other major US carrier, but they have an excellent relationship with Boeing and are better for switching to new aircraft than some carriers. They recently retired a 25 year-old 737, the last in their fleet of that particular make; I believe it was a 737-200, or it could have been old. I don't know why you're insisting on arguing with me about Southwest's safety record, which speaks for itself.

    The airline may run into trouble...it may not. It has turned a profit basically every quarter since it was started in the 1970s and I can't think of another airline that has been more financially successful. You seem to have something against it as an organization, but I'm not going to argue about its record anymore; it's ridiculous.

  20. As a rule, Ikea seems to be good for rugs, lamps, utensils, glassware etc etc. I find that the actual furniture is pants. A friend of mine in London bought a huge sofa of theirs. Bloody monster it was. THE most uncomfortable thing I've ever sat on. It started to go threadbare within 6 months, sag within 4 months and I swear I almost contracted piles a couple of times by sitting on it, it was so hard! :lol: j/k

    I totally agree. The furniture sucks, the other stuff can be very nice but you gotta be selective. :thumbs:

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