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Posts posted by homesick_american

  1. I found this quite hilarious:

    Hypocrisy claim over Cameron bike

    Just goes to show how politics is all about branding these days. Is anyone going to fall for this? Or are they just going to laugh at "greenwashed" David Cameron cycling to his office with his chauffeur driven car following behind bearing his briefcase?

    I dunno; people are so annoyed with Labour these days that they just might, especially since the Lib Dems are still in the political wilderness. The next general election might be very interesting indeed.

  2. I think you were rude to me.

    stop whining. I tried to help, as did many others. I will now stop trying to help you.

    Thank god for that. If this is what you call 'help' I can do without it. Have a nice life.

    Grow up.

    I initially linked you to a thread with relevant info, yes, we call that help on here.

    Reading through your various other posts, you obviously spent NO TIME searching for info on your own, yet continued to post the most basic questions. I quote:

    What's a touch?


    This may be a stupid question, but what's IMBRA?

    Had you spent a few minutes looking at the guides - you would have had the answers. There's an entire FORUM on IMBRA, with pinned threads telling you what it is! It gets pretty frustrating when someone comes on VJ here & demands answers, then posts multiple threads with the same subject. Posting 3 different threads will not get you the answer you hope for.

    Welcome to ignore. I asked a simple question that you could have ignored, but you had to jump down my throat instead.

    Very rude.

  3. Oh we can't defeat them, let's just give up and die then.

    now you're sounding like a liberal :lol:

    Oh please, I vote Democrat and I say CRUSH the fundamentalist bastards and those who support them.

    And that -while not a partisan position per se- seems to be exactly the attitude critized in the article. If we don't understand the stakes of what is being propagated as a war against Islamic fundamentalism, we're stuck in the exact same bind we've been in for the last 5 years. Islamic fundamentalism is the outgrowth of an Islamic pan-nationalist movement reacting to Western interference in the Middle East. This movement has been afoot for over 50 years, which we of course like to overlook because of the way in which the West is implicated in it.

    Also, crushing fundamentalism (which as an ideology cannot be defeated with huge weapons alone as history has sufficiently proven) needs to start at home. We can't claim to oppose fundamentalism somewhere else but tolerate fundamentalism here.

    Hey, I've tried to understand it. I'm sick of it. I've been living in the UK for the past five years where the Muslim community gets their knickers in a twist over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. I am sick to goddamn death of it, and I'm tired of trying to understand it. I'm ready to turn my back on it. I give up.

    You tried to understand what exactly? Why Islam has been declared the new enemy without knowing what Islam is? Or why the "Muslim community gets their knickers in a twist?" I'm sick of the whole thing too, particularly of the whining on both sides because everyone feels like they have to make too many concessions. Funny thing is, I remember a time when Muslims were actually integrated successfully into Western societies by large numbers, but that was before the whining started and before we rallied behind inefficient leaders who have themselves no clue whatsoever about the "war" they are undertaking because all they care about is their own little whiny interests (and no, I'm not just talking about Bush and his republican minions, but also politicians heading other countries in this world).

    I don't mean to be rude, but please don't waste your time arguing about this with me because I don't care.

    At which point you might ask, why bother to post a reply. If you don't care, you wouldn't take the time to post. No?

    No, that's not true. I no longer care about why the extremists do what they do, and I don't care about understanding it. I'm just against it, plain and simple. Perhaps in the future I'll be ready to discuss the whys and hows of it again but after five years of putting up with British liberal PC hand-wringing, constant America-bashing, and nonstop Muslim community bitching, I'm sick to death of it. I still get to have an opinion, though, even if you don't agree with it. :whistle:

    Never said you didn't - just commenting that clearly you do care otherwise you wouldn't have replied. ;)

    Did you actually read the article BTW - what do you think of it?

    Same as what I think of the other ones that I read in the liberal European press: YAWN.

    I was against the war in Iraq before it started. I'm still against it now. I'm against the bombing and killing of innocent men, women, and children. However, that doesn't mean ###### to anyone. The terrorists don't distinguish between people who hate Islam and people who don't. They don't care what you think about anything. They can't be reasoned with or bargained with, and no matter how many of them you kill there will still be more to take their place. I don't think there is anything that the United States can REALISTICALLY do to stop that. All we can do is try to protect ourselves.

    I've heard the reasons why they're mad at us. And I don't care about those reasons anymore. My basic opinion these days is '###### 'em.'

  4. A GMC Sierra and a Ford Super Duty could haul 10,000 pounds and they both get better mileage than an Excursion.

    Then again, who really NEEDS to haul a trailer that large? They don't.

    um wrong....my dad has a ford super duty diesel and the milage is about the same as that diesel excursion :P i'd imagine about the same for the sierra/chevy too.

    as for anyone needing a trailer that big.......how about ranchers? or do you think they still have cattle drives to the market? :lol:

    You can argue with me, or you can argue with GMC and Ford; I got that information from their websites. Unlike some people, I'm not just pulling stuff out of my ### here. :P

    are you looking at gas engines or diesel? if you are hauling over 7,000 pounds you better have a diesel engine, and the mileage for a diesel isn't near as bad as gas. my truck is gas but the reason for that is i don't haul my trailer very often nor is the trailer at max weight very often (most it's been is about 4,000 pounds - landscaping bricks).

    btw, that excursion i was referencing above, it's dead in nebraska. transmission problems while hauling that trailer (which is 10,500 pounds). current mileage on the excursion is in the upper 70k, i can only imagine how quickly a gas powered v-10 would have died had it been used. :P

    You know, they don't sell Ford Excursions in the UK yet farmers still manage to get their cattle to auction. I guess they're using magic to transport them.

    cattle ranching in the uk? oh please. if that's anything like a dutch cattle rancher, it's two cows :lol:

    it's not uncommon here to see a 1 ton pickup with a 5th wheel trailer hauling 12 cattle to the sale barn. i seriously doubt that in the uk you'd have a "rancher" doing the same.

    Well gee, I live here and I know what I've seen. *smirk*

  5. I think you're reading too much into what I wrote.

    I wanted the GP to re-write the letter to INCLUDE ADDITIONAL RELEVANT INFORMATION THAT SUPPORTS OUR CASE. I haven't seen you in any of the other threads I've started about this, so I'm assuming you don't know the whole story because if you did, I doubt you'd have said what you did.

    Please do not put words in my mouth, I don't like it...and don't assume to accuse me of anything, especially fraud. I know better than to expect an apology.

    I'm not apologizing since i did nothing wrong.

    And I did read & even post a thread for you to look at from another UK filer who had a similar issue (post #9 if you read it)


    i continued to read that thread & despite everyone AND the USCIS telling you it was OK, you carried on.

    I don't see how you could have said what you did even after reading what I wrote, but nevermind.

    I think you were rude to me.

  6. So the usual judgemental VJ crud has taken over yet another thread. Its so easy when it's NOT YOU, isn't it? But hey, makes a person all feel snuggly warm that he/she are always better in their views then some poor sod who obviously has no clue, eh?

    We're all adults on this board, we've all been through so many scenarios in our minds. What works for one may not for another for whatever reason isn't even any of our business, so all the hot air is just ego stroking and not advice giving as you may like to label it. Folks suffer enough stress and anxiety in this process without this fluff. It's a shame really. All the helpful information gets lost in the inevitable muck.

    (flame away... as is the VJ style.)

    Just_waiting, I think there's a difference between regular applicants and the ones in this situation. I think it's completely unrealistic for them to expect the US to issue him a visa when they have not met face-to-face. If her problem is a fear of flying, I can sympathize...I myself have suffered from a severe flying phobia for years...but it did not stop me from visiting my SO when I still lived in the US (we now both live in the UK). My love for him was greater than my fear of flying. To me, being afraid to fly is not a good enough excuse.

    I don't see why she can't just visit him, fear of flying or not. I think it's clear that she will probably have to, since the government isn't going to just let him come over on a K1 unless she does. Plus, what if they meet and decide they don't like each other after all? It may sound silly, but I had a friend in college who 'fell in love' with a guy online. They 'loved' each other online for 7 months until he visited over spring break, and the relationship fizzled within 3 days. That's not the only time I've seen that happen. I fully believe that people CAN fall in love online sight unseen because I have seen it happen, but I also know that it does not always work out...and I think it is extremely important for them to meet for this reason, even without the US government's requirements.

    I don't think I'm being harsh at all, just realistic.

    If you were in the middle of all the emotions of a denial... I'll bet you would read your thread with different eyes. No matter. I'm sure she has asked herself these questions all a million times.

    I understand as well as anyone the need and reason for a couple to meet face to face. Its far too easy to build a fantasy around someone that isn't always accurate without actually seeing the reality first hand. I also think, especially given the differences in culture in a circumstance like this one (and mine), getting an understanding of your SO's homeland and customs are terribly important to building a strong foundation for a marriage. You can't get that over the internet/telephone. However, I still don't feel it necessary to sit and pick her apart for her situation. You never really know until you stand in someone's shoes.

    I'm just a bit sensitive at the insensivity on this board lately. Not aimed at anyone directly, I just really feel for people sometimes when I read the comments of others but I guess "support" comes in may wrappers.

    I think you hit the nail on the head with the bit in red. Re read this thread...a majority of the posts are ones of support 'hang in there, thinking of you. etc' The rest...which you call judgemental....are those of realistic solutions. The 'hang in theres' are all well and good, but in order to have a real plan as to where she goes from here, well these responses aren't going to help her at all. Ironically, the posts you deemed as judgemental are the ones who offered the most proactive advise which will help her reunite more quickly with her fiancee.

    Especially since (speaking for me) seeing that she just retained a lawyer and is spending hard-earned money to fight a probably losing battle...when she could take the same money and save it and put it towards some means of getting to visit her fiance...well that advice should come sooner rather than later, no? Or wait til she throws away money and then be all 'no don't do that!' totally after the fact?

    If you can see that as unsupportive, well then I dunno what to say here.

    I couldn't have put it any better myself, thank you. :yes:

  7. Oh we can't defeat them, let's just give up and die then.

    now you're sounding like a liberal :lol:

    Oh please, I vote Democrat and I say CRUSH the fundamentalist bastards and those who support them.

    And that -while not a partisan position per se- seems to be exactly the attitude critized in the article. If we don't understand the stakes of what is being propagated as a war against Islamic fundamentalism, we're stuck in the exact same bind we've been in for the last 5 years. Islamic fundamentalism is the outgrowth of an Islamic pan-nationalist movement reacting to Western interference in the Middle East. This movement has been afoot for over 50 years, which we of course like to overlook because of the way in which the West is implicated in it.

    Also, crushing fundamentalism (which as an ideology cannot be defeated with huge weapons alone as history has sufficiently proven) needs to start at home. We can't claim to oppose fundamentalism somewhere else but tolerate fundamentalism here.

    Hey, I've tried to understand it. I'm sick of it. I've been living in the UK for the past five years where the Muslim community gets their knickers in a twist over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. I am sick to goddamn death of it, and I'm tired of trying to understand it. I'm ready to turn my back on it. I give up.

    You tried to understand what exactly? Why Islam has been declared the new enemy without knowing what Islam is? Or why the "Muslim community gets their knickers in a twist?" I'm sick of the whole thing too, particularly of the whining on both sides because everyone feels like they have to make too many concessions. Funny thing is, I remember a time when Muslims were actually integrated successfully into Western societies by large numbers, but that was before the whining started and before we rallied behind inefficient leaders who have themselves no clue whatsoever about the "war" they are undertaking because all they care about is their own little whiny interests (and no, I'm not just talking about Bush and his republican minions, but also politicians heading other countries in this world).

    I don't mean to be rude, but please don't waste your time arguing about this with me because I don't care.

    At which point you might ask, why bother to post a reply. If you don't care, you wouldn't take the time to post. No?

    No, that's not true. I no longer care about why the extremists do what they do, and I don't care about understanding it. I'm just against it, plain and simple. Perhaps in the future I'll be ready to discuss the whys and hows of it again but after five years of putting up with British liberal PC hand-wringing, constant America-bashing, and nonstop Muslim community bitching, I'm sick to death of it. I still get to have an opinion, though, even if you don't agree with it. :whistle:

  8. A GMC Sierra and a Ford Super Duty could haul 10,000 pounds and they both get better mileage than an Excursion.

    Then again, who really NEEDS to haul a trailer that large? They don't.

    um wrong....my dad has a ford super duty diesel and the milage is about the same as that diesel excursion :P i'd imagine about the same for the sierra/chevy too.

    as for anyone needing a trailer that big.......how about ranchers? or do you think they still have cattle drives to the market? :lol:

    You can argue with me, or you can argue with GMC and Ford; I got that information from their websites. Unlike some people, I'm not just pulling stuff out of my ### here. :P

    are you looking at gas engines or diesel? if you are hauling over 7,000 pounds you better have a diesel engine, and the mileage for a diesel isn't near as bad as gas. my truck is gas but the reason for that is i don't haul my trailer very often nor is the trailer at max weight very often (most it's been is about 4,000 pounds - landscaping bricks).

    btw, that excursion i was referencing above, it's dead in nebraska. transmission problems while hauling that trailer (which is 10,500 pounds). current mileage on the excursion is in the upper 70k, i can only imagine how quickly a gas powered v-10 would have died had it been used. :P

    You know, they don't sell Ford Excursions in the UK yet farmers still manage to get their cattle to auction. I guess they're using magic to transport them.

  9. Oh we can't defeat them, let's just give up and die then.

    now you're sounding like a liberal :lol:

    Oh please, I vote Democrat and I say CRUSH the fundamentalist bastards and those who support them.

    And that -while not a partisan position per se- seems to be exactly the attitude critized in the article. If we don't understand the stakes of what is being propagated as a war against Islamic fundamentalism, we're stuck in the exact same bind we've been in for the last 5 years. Islamic fundamentalism is the outgrowth of an Islamic pan-nationalist movement reacting to Western interference in the Middle East. This movement has been afoot for over 50 years, which we of course like to overlook because of the way in which the West is implicated in it.

    Also, crushing fundamentalism (which as an ideology cannot be defeated with huge weapons alone as history has sufficiently proven) needs to start at home. We can't claim to oppose fundamentalism somewhere else but tolerate fundamentalism here.

    Hey, I've tried to understand it. I'm sick of it. I've been living in the UK for the past five years where the Muslim community gets their knickers in a twist over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. I am sick to goddamn death of it, and I'm tired of trying to understand it. I'm ready to turn my back on it. I give up.

    You tried to understand what exactly? Why Islam has been declared the new enemy without knowing what Islam is? Or why the "Muslim community gets their knickers in a twist?" I'm sick of the whole thing too, particularly of the whining on both sides because everyone feels like they have to make too many concessions. Funny thing is, I remember a time when Muslims were actually integrated successfully into Western societies by large numbers, but that was before the whining started and before we rallied behind inefficient leaders who have themselves no clue whatsoever about the "war" they are undertaking because all they care about is their own little whiny interests (and no, I'm not just talking about Bush and his republican minions, but also politicians heading other countries in this world).

    I don't mean to be rude, but please don't waste your time arguing about this with me because I don't care.

  10. Get it now, they take a while to process.

    We are using an attorney and she strictly believed we should wait before applying for the police cerificate, she also said it was only good for three months, we applied for our certificate when we got packet three, so we are not sending back the checkilist until it has been about 25 of those 40 processing days, although my fiance did send for one last year just to see what was on it, and it came in 10 days...so send for it if you dare.

    I'm not an attorney but that doesn't sound right to me. My husband's police certificate was more than three months old at the interview and it did not cause us any problems.

  11. We want the GP to re-write it but we haven't been able to do anything about it since hubby's been out of town at a conference and the GP won't take MY advice on what to do.

    I highly doubt you can get the GP to re-wriote to say what you want. That's called fraud.

    It sounded fine anyhow, I don't know what you're on about.

    I think you're reading too much into what I wrote.

    I wanted the GP to re-write the letter to INCLUDE ADDITIONAL RELEVANT INFORMATION THAT SUPPORTS OUR CASE. I haven't seen you in any of the other threads I've started about this, so I'm assuming you don't know the whole story because if you did, I doubt you'd have said what you did.

    Please do not put words in my mouth, I don't like it...and don't assume to accuse me of anything, especially fraud. I know better than to expect an apology.

  12. Oh we can't defeat them, let's just give up and die then.

    now you're sounding like a liberal :lol:

    Oh please, I vote Democrat and I say CRUSH the fundamentalist bastards and those who support them.

    And that -while not a partisan position per se- seems to be exactly the attitude critized in the article. If we don't understand the stakes of what is being propagated as a war against Islamic fundamentalism, we're stuck in the exact same bind we've been in for the last 5 years. Islamic fundamentalism is the outgrowth of an Islamic pan-nationalist movement reacting to Western interference in the Middle East. This movement has been afoot for over 50 years, which we of course like to overlook because of the way in which the West is implicated in it.

    Also, crushing fundamentalism (which as an ideology cannot be defeated with huge weapons alone as history has sufficiently proven) needs to start at home. We can't claim to oppose fundamentalism somewhere else but tolerate fundamentalism here.

    Hey, I've tried to understand it. I'm sick of it. I've been living in the UK for the past five years where the Muslim community gets their knickers in a twist over ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. I am sick to goddamn death of it, and I'm tired of trying to understand it. I'm ready to turn my back on it. I give up.

  13. I have been working overseas for peanuts so my income is below whats needed to bring my fiance home with me on a K1 visa.

    I would like to avoid asking someone to be a sponsor and I wonder if my savings and equity will qualify me despite a low income. Do they make exceptions?

    I have more than $500,000 in real estate equity and $43,000 in the bank. Plus my fiance is an RN and has been a college instructor for 14 years (hardly a high risk for welfare).

    Anybody have an answer?

    You can use real estate holdings to meet the requirement if they can be liquidated within a year, I think.

    They probably won't consider your fiancee's income or earning potential, though you are right...RNs are a pretty low risk for welfare!

  14. Just curious.

    (No, we haven't heard about ours yet. Haven't even faxed the GP letter.)

    Why are you back here again with your worries, Homesick? Many of us have tried to reassure you and you are still worried? Moreover, you haven't even faxed the GP letter...Why? You are just extending your anxiety. Get the letter faxed and report back the positive response :yes:


    We want the GP to re-write it but we haven't been able to do anything about it since hubby's been out of town at a conference and the GP won't take MY advice on what to do.

  15. They ought to make baggy pants mandatory for those that have a criminal record - makes it harder for them to run from the law. Literally:
    Baggy pants thwart Calif. man's escape

    The Associated Press

    SALINAS, CA- Police in California say a fleet-footed suspect's escape attempt was foiled when the man's baggy pants fell to his ankles and tripped him up.

    The California Highway Patrol said 37-year-old Johnny Camel tried to run from police after a traffic stop in Salinas, California, Friday. But police said Camel was wearing jeans that were about four sizes too big.

    Police said Camel also wasn't wearing underwear under the loose jeans.

    The CHP said an increasing number of foot pursuits are ending quickly because suspects can't run and hold their pants up at the same time.

    Police said Camel is on parole after a recent release from prison. A conviction for resisting arrest could send him back to jail.


    LOL...idiots. :lol:

  16. You work at Cat, this gives me a good point of reference between your statement and the quote from the article Steven_and_Jinky posted thus I have a question for you.

    Could a High School dropout obtain a position at Cat earning enough to support a family of 6 with only one parent working, and still be able to afford to own a home on 1/2 acre lot and 2 cars, in Illinois?

    I have two answers to that question. First of all, yes there are a lot of people here that have no education that are making $20+/hour doing things like welding and assembly. But your question also begs another question. Why SHOULD a high school drop-out EXPECT to make enough to support a family of 6, own a home and have 2 cars? What ever happened to personal responsibility? This is America. You get out of it what you put into it. Someone that has so little self-inititive shouldn't have all the perks that someone else gets that works at life. You see, that illustrates my point. In order for this country to work we have to improve ourselves as a people. This is the 21'st century. We are living in a hi-tech world. Someone that does not give a damn about his own future is not my responsibility or the responsibility of business to carry him. If you want to drop out of school, fine. Just don't expect to make as much as someone that finishes school. That's their choice, not my problem.

    I agree with that. Too bad the UK can't grow a pair like the US has and kick people off welfare. It's practically a lifestyle here. I think it encourages mediocrity and laziness among less motivated people, since they know it will always be there for them. I get tired of supporting the whiners and lazybones of the world, personally. Genuinely down on your luck, that's fine; that's who welfare is designed for. On disability for four years even though you spend all day in town hanging out, no dice. On welfare because you can't get your dream job but you COULD get a job that pays the bills...get up off your ###.

  17. So the usual judgemental VJ crud has taken over yet another thread. Its so easy when it's NOT YOU, isn't it? But hey, makes a person all feel snuggly warm that he/she are always better in their views then some poor sod who obviously has no clue, eh?

    We're all adults on this board, we've all been through so many scenarios in our minds. What works for one may not for another for whatever reason isn't even any of our business, so all the hot air is just ego stroking and not advice giving as you may like to label it. Folks suffer enough stress and anxiety in this process without this fluff. It's a shame really. All the helpful information gets lost in the inevitable muck.

    (flame away... as is the VJ style.)

    Just_waiting, I think there's a difference between regular applicants and the ones in this situation. I think it's completely unrealistic for them to expect the US to issue him a visa when they have not met face-to-face. If her problem is a fear of flying, I can sympathize...I myself have suffered from a severe flying phobia for years...but it did not stop me from visiting my SO when I still lived in the US (we now both live in the UK). My love for him was greater than my fear of flying. To me, being afraid to fly is not a good enough excuse.

    I don't see why she can't just visit him, fear of flying or not. I think it's clear that she will probably have to, since the government isn't going to just let him come over on a K1 unless she does. Plus, what if they meet and decide they don't like each other after all? It may sound silly, but I had a friend in college who 'fell in love' with a guy online. They 'loved' each other online for 7 months until he visited over spring break, and the relationship fizzled within 3 days. That's not the only time I've seen that happen. I fully believe that people CAN fall in love online sight unseen because I have seen it happen, but I also know that it does not always work out...and I think it is extremely important for them to meet for this reason, even without the US government's requirements.

    I don't think I'm being harsh at all, just realistic.

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