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Posts posted by homesick_american

  1. Advice for going to the US Embassy:

    1.) Take a taxi; they all know where the embassy is and it's easier than fumbling around with a tube map.

    Roughly how much is the taxi - I think I will be arriving by train at st pancreas station which I believe is near the kings cross tube?

    I don't know how much it would be from there (it is near Kings Cross) but our taxi from close to Paddington Station cost 12-13 pounds.

  2. Get over it already! I'm a hard core atheist and I can clearly see that Jabree only wants prayers from others. She's not going to disclose no matter how many little snide remarks are made. Just deal with it. Pray for her or move on.

    Don't attack me. I didn't start this thread, I didn't start the speculation, and I'm not the one applying for a visa for somebody I have never met and refusing to disclose what my hardship is. I can't believe that you can't see that the situation is hopeless.

    I am also an atheist, so I don't waste my time praying for anything/anyone.

  3. Most people here are traveling to the Middle East or North Africa which is expensive also. It cost me 1600$ last summer to fly to Morocco.

    That would be my contention but someone else on here claims it's dirt cheap to fly from Europe to Egypt.

    It is dirt cheap to fly to Egypt from the UK, and since you allege it's SO cheap to fly from the US to Europe, surely even adding the two together would not be unsurmountable. So, she could visit him there or he could travel to a European country and they could meet there.

    I'm not buying the hardship thing; sorry.

    Well we don't really know what it is however USCIS didn't accept the reason so who knows.

    We don't know because she won't tell us. *shrug*

  4. Most people here are traveling to the Middle East or North Africa which is expensive also. It cost me 1600$ last summer to fly to Morocco.

    That would be my contention but someone else on here claims it's dirt cheap to fly from Europe to Egypt.

    It is dirt cheap to fly to Egypt from the UK, and since you allege it's SO cheap to fly from the US to Europe, surely even adding the two together would not be unsurmountable. So, she could visit him there or he could travel to a European country and they could meet there.

    I'm not buying the hardship thing; sorry.

  5. To,

    Everyone who was interested in our case being denied... (L)

    I retained an attorney to appeal our case this morning . Of course, there are NO guarantees of an approval.

    We felt it was our only recourse at this point, so this is where we are at as of right now.

    We want to thank those who sent us PM's and were concerned, and also those who posted encouraging words in my recent thread, and the many prayers that went out to us out of brotherly/sisterly love.

    There had been some questions concerning this denial. I can tell you that when we filed , we filed under a hardship. I do not want people thinking their case will be denied because ours was. Each case, as we all know, is different in it's own right.

    Keep us in your prayers, it is going to be a rough road ahead.

    God Bless you all ! (F)

    Jabree and Hitham

    I am sorry to tell you that you will not succeed and will spend money on a wasted effort with the lawyer. Please read from the link below and think about possible ways to physically meet.


    Good luck and take care, Marilyn and Peter.

    Oh wow, OUCH...those letters are so cold.

  6. Nobody really knows the statistic here... the sistem is so dirty now that I don't believe those polls... But I believe in people, venezuelan people the poorest ones they're really tired... they don't care about Chavez anymore (in fact they want him out) they really care about what to eat today.

    I don't undestand why some of you American people like Chavez when Chavez idolizes Cuba's Fidel Castro, is chummy with Libya's Moammar Khadafy and was a Saddam Hussein pal. He's made nasty remarks about President Bush and "suggestive" public comments about Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

    Hehe, don't look at me...I hate Hugo Chavez, I think he's a lying scumbag.

  7. To correct an earlier point, it IS possible for UK-born Citizens to renounce their Citizenship if they wish, by sending a letter formally stating their intentions to do so to the nearest UK Embassy (as I intend to do once I gain US Citizenship, due to personal principles such as my disagreement with Monarchy etc). It is possible to regain it later on, however you have to jump through various hoops to do so.

    Weird; I'd heard that Brits didn't have the right to do that. Learn something new every day, I guess.

    Why renounce, though? You won't be paying taxes in the UK anymore, isn't that enough? :luv:

  8. Well Chuckie, I don't want to be rude but I have something called 'a life.' I actually live with my SO, and I have better things to do than to spend the evening searching the web for the towing capacity of every truck and SUV on the market just to win a pissing contest with a complete stranger on the internet. You implied that the Excursion was the only vehicle capable of towing that trailer. I told you it wasn't. Now you're not satisfied because I didn't list EVERY SINGLE vehicle on planet Earth capable of it?

    Might I suggest you read a book? Watch a television show? Walk the dog?

    ya know, i was making an honest effort there to have an adult debate and here you go wandering off into slanderville, population: you. as i'm at work, i obviously don't have the ability to watch a tv show or walk a dog, now do i? now take your sarcasm and park it just beyond neptune. now since you've bailed out for your "life" i'll recap all of this for you in your absence.

    i've looked at the gmc and ford websites. it's difficult to find gas mileage rankings but it can be done. what i've found is don't even try anything less than a superduty ford 250 with the v-10 (which will make the point of gas mileage better than the diesel excursion moot) although a diesel f-350 would work about the same.

    with a gmc sierra start with a duramax diesel 2500HD, but again no difference in mpg when compared to the excursion. yes, these vehicles are able to pull that trailer yet cannot beat the excursion in mpg. if you are foolish enough to think a v-6 or v-8 is gonna pull that trailer for long, go try it sometime. have a tow truck following you ;)

    any gasoline engined pickup cannot match or exceed the diesel excursion in mpg or towing capacity. if you want the towing capacity in a gas engined pickup, you'll want the v-10 version, which then makes the mpg issue moot. even diesel pickups as those mentioned above only match the diesel excursion.

    you started off with stating there was a bunch of them that could do this. so far i've seen two, but there is no difference in mileage! the only ones that can match it have the same mileage and are equipped the same (diesel engine). the only difference is the body of the vehicle - pickup body versus classic "suburban body." so what's the point? perhaps it's just your personal dislike of the vehicle shining thru.

    furthermore, reread your statements of:

    --"Are you honestly trying to tell me that an Excursion gets 18mpg? Bullshit!"

    (not trying to, i am telling you. perhaps you've been reading only about the gas version of this vehicle?)

    --"You don't need an Excursion to haul a 12,000 pound trailer...so I wouldn't have good things to say, no. Nobody NEEDS an SUV. If you must haul a 12,0000 pound trailer, there are vehicles that are much better suited to the job and waste less gas in daily usage than a Ford Excursion."

    (proven above in my 2nd and 3rd to be false).

    --"5.) "I haul a trailer." Pickup trucks usually have better torque than SUVs and while many pickup trucks have obscenely poor gas mileage, many are better on average than an SUV. In actuality, you don't really need an SUV to haul a trailer anyway; if you only do it occasionally, you're better off financially renting a powerful truck to do the hauling than you are owning a vehicle capable of hauling something that heavy."

    (were you aware that the excursion is built on a f-250/350 body and essentially has the same drive train and such - just a different body style? so much for that better torque if you were trying to use that as an arguement against an excursion.)

    --"Plenty of other vehicles. Excusions are the biggest gas-wasting pieces of ####### Ford ever produced."

    (if gas engine, i'll agree that it is one of the biggest. but the diesel version i disagree on)

    in summary, i find it humorous that your bias towards the excursion permits you to make wild claims like the excursion is the biggest gas waster......my dad's f-250 and my co-worker's excursion match each other in mpg in diesel based on real life use. ergo, your statement of "A GMC Sierra and a Ford Super Duty could haul 10,000 pounds and they both get better mileage than an Excursion." is quite false. also do try keep in mind that you're comparing stated milage on the website to actual milage i'm telling you about, and everyone knows that claimed mileage by the manufacturer is usually higher than reality.


    Obsess much?

  9. Hey, you seem really worried and stressed out about this, and it looks like the consensus here is that it's not something to be that upset about. So chill a bit, okay? Things are gonna be alright. :thumbs: A lot of us get crazy stressed about really minor things - we're lucky to have VJ to vent at.

    I am...it's all I can think about. I have a natural tendency to worry; my mind just grabs onto something and I can't stop worrying about it until it resolves itself or until something new to worry about comes along. I guess it's a good thing it's not MY mental health under scrutiny here. :blush:

    Ohh England's alright! Apart from the weather... Where are you living at the moment? It was a nice sunny day today :)

    York...it's a big pile of #######. It was sunny, but I didn't get to enjoy any of it because I was at work all day. It's not the weather that bothers me about this place...it's THIS PLACE that bothers me. I can't put my finger on any one aspect of the UK that I dislike. It's the whole package. It's just....meh.

    Well, I am amazed. York is a beautiful city and VERY popular with American tourists. A 900 year-old Minster (Cathedral), Mediaeval walls, ancient ruins, great museums, lovely river, lots of nice restaurants and within easy travelling of the coast and other major northern cities like Leeds.


    Can't win 'em all, York Tourist Board ! :whistle:

    Have a great time back home in Texas. I hope that you will be sympathetic if your hubby takes a while settling...

    Good luck ! Neil.....A Yorkshireman.

    Yes, it's as cute as a chocolate box...but it gets very dull after five years. The job market stinks for people in my sector, the cost of living is obscene, and there's nothing to do. :crying:

    Hehehe, I've stepped in it so many times with British people that I've lost count. They rag on their country all the time but if *I* do it, look out! :lol:

    I confess, I'm enjoying hearing your honest perspective on it. I'm so sick of the British expats negative comments about the US, it's nice to know that turnabout IS fair play! :lol:

    Hehehe, it sure is! :innocent:

  10. Chavez is a thug; can't stand him.

    Same could be said about Bush.

    I don't disagree with that. I'm no fan of Bush. I think Chavez is worse, though. I guess the devil you know is better, eh? :D

    Why do you take it personally with regard to Chavez? I think he's much needed change in South American politics and I'm glad somebody finally thumbed their noses at our foreign policies.

    I don't take it personally at all. I dated a Venezuelan in college who was in Maracaibo for one of Chavez's coup attempts. His stories were horrifying. Unfortunately I don't remember all of the details; I just came away with a strong dislike for Hugo Chavez. The guy's a scumbag.

  11. I dunno how to feel about this. I think this lawsuit will be as successful as states suing gun manufacturers. It won't be a bonanza like when they sued tobacco companies.

    On the one hand, it will bring attention to the issue and perhaps force American auto manufacturers to make more fuel-efficient cars, or the government to raise fuel efficiency requirements (which are not per vehicle but are an average of the fleet, or the number of cars sold per year...can't remember).

    On the other, it won't do much to win over environmental moderates or fence-sitters and it could end up backfiring.

    So...torn on this one.

  12. {1} To the OP, I offer my condolences on the denial, I hope you find a way to work around it.

    {2} I agree with the above posts offering advice, I see no one attacking her. Just giving good sound, realistic advice about the very rough road she has ahead.

    {3} I just want to state to the OP, you're going to have to make a decision about how you want to proceed with VJ. If you want to offer miniscule details, by the nature of this board, you are goign to get people to speculate and offer their advice whether it's correct for your situation or not. This may appear to be attacking you, but it's the most people can do when you offer such vague details. My thoughts to you, if you'd like to stay private, don't post about it on VJ. If you'd like some real help from the experts here that have (I'm assuming) helped you so much this far, I'd recommend letting a little more information out. It's your decision, either way.

    Good luck!

    :star: Cass (bebop the great)

    EDIT: For spelling. :blush:

    Well put! :thumbs:

  13. Haha, better be careful you don't offend any brits on here :)

    Hehehe, I've stepped in it so many times with British people that I've lost count. They rag on their country all the time but if *I* do it, look out! :lol:

    Me, I only get offended by ignorant ragging. For example, if someone rags on Texas but they've never been there, that's an ignorant rag. If someone grew up in Texas and rags on it, it doesn't bother me because I know they at least know what they're talking about. :star: I've lived in the UK for over five years, so I think I've earned the right to rag on it. Yes? B)

  14. I suppose I could ask but I think I've made my point, i.e. you do not need an Excursion to tow 10,000 pounds. I wouldn't think an Excursion would be overly practical on a ranch anyway. You pretty much never see gigantic luxury SUVs on farms here, mostly because it would just be SILLY.

    actually, no, you have not. the only vehicles that can match it's performance in towing get about the same mileage............i.e. a f-350 (diesel) and so on. i'm looking for something that gets over 18-19 mpg and has a towing capacity of at least 10,500 pounds.

    yes, an excursion would not be practical on a ranch, but given the situation of having a large trailer, which was previously mentioned, do you know of any car that can replace it?

    I already mentioned two, which you've strategically ignored.

    Like I said, next time I chat with my husband's grandparents I may ask them how they get their livestock to market. However, I already know the answer to that question.

    Someone ELSE comes and collects them. It's a business. That way they don't have to have the overhead, or hassle, of having such large vehicles on their property.


    A GMC Sierra and a Ford Super Duty could haul 10,000 pounds? perhaps so. IF equipped with a diesel engine and they get about the same milage as an excursion. so i fail to see how that can be a significant savings......the excursion 4x4 can go up to what was it, 12,000 pounds? the example i cited was a trailer of 10,500 which is the weight of the trailer being towed by someone i know who has an excursion (which, btw is dead at a ford dealer's right now for transmission problems).

    you indicated from a way back in this thread that there was plenty of vehicles that could take the place of an excursion, i've seen the possible offerings of two. i'll take a look at the dealer websites on a sierra and super duty and see what the mileage and capacity is for those. i seriously doubt that either one offers even a marginal difference as compared to an excursion mpg wise.

    Well Chuckie, I don't want to be rude but I have something called 'a life.' I actually live with my SO, and I have better things to do than to spend the evening searching the web for the towing capacity of every truck and SUV on the market just to win a pissing contest with a complete stranger on the internet. You implied that the Excursion was the only vehicle capable of towing that trailer. I told you it wasn't. Now you're not satisfied because I didn't list EVERY SINGLE vehicle on planet Earth capable of it?

    Might I suggest you read a book? Watch a television show? Walk the dog?

  15. OK...well, maybe I am a little...but this is very very important. We don't want to stay in England anymore, I f*cking hate it here and I want this visa approved for hubby so we can get out of here. :crying:

    Then send in the letter you've got; it is totally sufficient.

    Which you would know if you spent your evening searching for the old posts (use google too) for the MANY previous similar cases.

    Uh...already did that before the first time I posted, thanks. :yes: And not just on this board, either.

  16. Hey, you seem really worried and stressed out about this, and it looks like the consensus here is that it's not something to be that upset about. So chill a bit, okay? Things are gonna be alright. :thumbs: A lot of us get crazy stressed about really minor things - we're lucky to have VJ to vent at.

    I am...it's all I can think about. I have a natural tendency to worry; my mind just grabs onto something and I can't stop worrying about it until it resolves itself or until something new to worry about comes along. I guess it's a good thing it's not MY mental health under scrutiny here. :blush:

    Ohh England's alright! Apart from the weather... Where are you living at the moment? It was a nice sunny day today :)

    York...it's a big pile of #######. It was sunny, but I didn't get to enjoy any of it because I was at work all day. It's not the weather that bothers me about this place...it's THIS PLACE that bothers me. I can't put my finger on any one aspect of the UK that I dislike. It's the whole package. It's just....meh.

  17. I suppose I could ask but I think I've made my point, i.e. you do not need an Excursion to tow 10,000 pounds. I wouldn't think an Excursion would be overly practical on a ranch anyway. You pretty much never see gigantic luxury SUVs on farms here, mostly because it would just be SILLY.

    actually, no, you have not. the only vehicles that can match it's performance in towing get about the same mileage............i.e. a f-350 (diesel) and so on. i'm looking for something that gets over 18-19 mpg and has a towing capacity of at least 10,500 pounds.

    yes, an excursion would not be practical on a ranch, but given the situation of having a large trailer, which was previously mentioned, do you know of any car that can replace it?

    I already mentioned two, which you've strategically ignored.

    Like I said, next time I chat with my husband's grandparents I may ask them how they get their livestock to market. However, I already know the answer to that question.

    Someone ELSE comes and collects them. It's a business. That way they don't have to have the overhead, or hassle, of having such large vehicles on their property.


  18. I have to say I do think you're being a bit overly paranoid about this, but I can hardly talk as right now I'm convinced someone;s stolen my packet three reply and put it in the bin..

    But seriously, it really does sound like it's ok, so stop worrying!

    OK...well, maybe I am a little...but this is very very important. We don't want to stay in England anymore, I f*cking hate it here and I want this visa approved for hubby so we can get out of here. :crying:

  19. ok, so how does the uk cattle rancher get the cattle to market? load them one at a time in their citroen? :lol:

    Nope, they use trailers. But they don't haul them behind Expeditions. My husband's grandparents live on a farm. :lol:

    1 - how many cattle at a time?

    2- how far to the market?

    it would not be unusual for a rancher to drive a 100 mile trip to sell off a dozen cows here.

    I suppose I could ask but I think I've made my point, i.e. you do not need an Excursion to tow 10,000 pounds. I wouldn't think an Excursion would be overly practical on a ranch anyway. You pretty much never see gigantic luxury SUVs on farms here, mostly because it would just be SILLY.

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