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Posts posted by homesick_american

  1. We're going through the process ourselves; I've lived in the UK for the last five years (I'm the USC).

    I was told at our interview that my income in the UK doesn't count and neither does his. We qualified due to the equity in our home; we stand to make an 80-90,000 pound profit on the sale of the house which is almost double the asset requirement that, according to the fellow we interviewed with, is $80,000.

    If you can't meet the requirements with your assets then you probably will need a co-sponsor.

    As for domicile, we didn't have any problems. They never even asked. They know we have a house here in the UK that we'll be selling but they didn't ask what we were going to do once we got to the US.

  2. Well, they'd better ban manufactured bread in grocery stores as well! Have you ever read the labels on that #######? Even the stuff "baked in store" (which is really baked at their central manufacturer and frozen and shipped :P ) is full of trans fats.

    I was looking for bread the other day (I usually make my own but wanted something different) and everything on the shelf had either trans fats or hfcs in it.

    There is a product out now in the baking aisle that is a Crisco substitute. its vegetable fats, but not partially hydrogenated. I can't remember the name of it now. Smart...something...It can be used anywhere you would normally use Crisco type products, and in some recipes can replace butter. I used it the other day when I made some pumpkin bread. Nobody knew they were eating something that's actually not bad for them, they thought it was junk food ;)

    It's terrible, Reba; not only is bread these days full of trans fats, it's full of salt...and sometimes even sugar...as well. Bread is just about the only 'processed' food we buy; most of what we buy is raw or frozen vegetables or fruit, lean meats, whole grains, and pulses.

    I can't handle processed food anymore. Every time I've visited America in the last couple of years the food has made me sick. :(

    I was wondering why my stomach has been screwed up the last few weeks. I think I might be wheat intolerant, but all that extra rubbish in the bread probably doesn't help matters. I'm going to give it up and see if there's an improvement.

    My dad used to get horrendous heartburn and trapped gas - took almost every medication there is, and only gave him moderate relief. Since he's given up white bread - he's been much better.

    If I eat marinara sauce, red meat, heavy cream, chocolate, a curry, or anything with goats cheese in it...I get horrible heartburn. Can't have orange juice either! :crying:

    My diet is so boring, but the upside is I'm having no trouble getting skinny again. :dance:

  3. I'm a squatter. I think it is gross to sit on a public toilet--even WITH toilet paper. I am even one of those that will wait until I get home to do #2 because I don't want to sit. I have learned to squat and have very good aim. :yes: My husband is a sitter when he is tired and stands when he is in a hurry. :star:

    Not me...I inspect a public toilet seat before sitting on it but only because I don't want my ### to get wet. If the seat's wet I just wipe it off and sit down. I don't put reams of toilet paper on the seat before I do so either. I've never been sick because of it. :D

    Not judging, just sharing. (L)

    I can't do it. I picture all these asses on the seat and I can't bring myself to sit. It is hard to squat in an airplane-with all the turbulance :lol:

    Well, don't think about it. I know, I know...easier said than done. :D

  4. I'm a squatter. I think it is gross to sit on a public toilet--even WITH toilet paper. I am even one of those that will wait until I get home to do #2 because I don't want to sit. I have learned to squat and have very good aim. :yes: My husband is a sitter when he is tired and stands when he is in a hurry. :star:

    Not me...I inspect a public toilet seat before sitting on it but only because I don't want my ### to get wet. If the seat's wet I just wipe it off and sit down. I don't put reams of toilet paper on the seat before I do so either. I've never been sick because of it. :D

    Not judging, just sharing. (L)

  5. I'll say this though - go to a public bathroom in a train station in Munich and they are mostly all scrupulously clean, compared to London, LA, and NYC where your shoes slither across floors awash with urine, and you're lucky if you get out of there without a piece of #######-streaked paper stuck to your foot.

    Not surprising. Germans have this thing with being fastidiously clean. When I lived there, it was required that we sweep the sidewalks for pedestrian use. Want to really see what I'm talkin about? just drive across the border into France... like night n day different

    Take the channel tunnel train from the UK to France sometime. France is so much tidier than the UK; makes the UK look like a landfill.

    Jaques Derrida wrote an essay on this, comparing German, French, and American attitudes to toilets and excrement. He also argued the shelf in German toilets was for the purpose of examination. :lol:

    Erica Jong made some similar comparisons in 'Fear of Flying.'

    I grew up with a brother and I'm married, so I know all about scrubbing aerosolized pee off bathroom surfaces. MY life would be much easier if my husband would sit down because as good as his aim is, pee will inevitably get everywhere. Happens in every bathroom where men stand up to piss.

    'Standing up to pee' is not a human right. Peeing is a human right. I don't think the position matters, and that Norwegian guy is a sexist jerk.

    Makes you wonder how they enforce that - do they have camera's in the bathrooms? Do teacher's act as "toilet police" and go from cubicle to cubicle looking over the door? (Can imagine that causing no shortage of uproar).

    Still… and no-one has pointed this out yet. But isn't urine sterile...? After all... missing with a #2 is a little bit different - and a lot worse to clean up ;)

    If someone has an infection, then no...urine isn't sterile. It's a ###### to clean up, and it stinks. I say make 'em sit.

    women should stand up for their rights too! :P

    I couldn't aim even if I wanted to, which is why I sit to pee. I wish my husband would do the same.

  6. Yet the crux of my post was lost on you. Go figure.... :lol:

    LOL...whatever makes you feel better, dear. If you need to dump all over people and personally insult them to make you feel better about yourself/your life, by all means go right ahead. Project away.

    Ahh, but you can condescend all you want at the same time as complaining about me? LOL ok then...dear


    Lisa, I'm not going to waste any more time on this. I'm sorry that you feel so hostile towards me, but that isn't my problem.


  7. Well, they'd better ban manufactured bread in grocery stores as well! Have you ever read the labels on that #######? Even the stuff "baked in store" (which is really baked at their central manufacturer and frozen and shipped :P ) is full of trans fats.

    I was looking for bread the other day (I usually make my own but wanted something different) and everything on the shelf had either trans fats or hfcs in it.

    There is a product out now in the baking aisle that is a Crisco substitute. its vegetable fats, but not partially hydrogenated. I can't remember the name of it now. Smart...something...It can be used anywhere you would normally use Crisco type products, and in some recipes can replace butter. I used it the other day when I made some pumpkin bread. Nobody knew they were eating something that's actually not bad for them, they thought it was junk food ;)

    It's terrible, Reba; not only is bread these days full of trans fats, it's full of salt...and sometimes even sugar...as well. Bread is just about the only 'processed' food we buy; most of what we buy is raw or frozen vegetables or fruit, lean meats, whole grains, and pulses.

    I can't handle processed food anymore. Every time I've visited America in the last couple of years the food has made me sick. :(

  8. With diabesity on the rise, it's clear that adults cannot be trusted to eat responsibly on their own. People don't exist in a vacuum. When people get fat and diabetic, it raises the cost of healthcare for EVERYONE. I don't want to pay extra because Steve the Lardass down the street just LOVES trans fats. #### that. Steve the Lardass can go without.

    So...I say ban trans fats. For starters.

    Wow, that's a shockingly interesting pov....

    I don't think it's shocking at all. 2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese. I think the evidence is clear enough that many people are simply incapable of feeding themselves properly. I'm tired of paying for them. I say ban trans fats.

  9. Me: 'tax rates, insurance rates, and mtg rates'

    You: Yeah, BUT house prices imo will stay cheap

    Me: Has nowt to do with house prices *lengthy and verbose explanation*


    Me: *blinks*

    It's prolly not really you, HA, but my tolerance level. I am kinda getting really tired of the online pissing contests as of late. I made a comment here based on my experience...you responded to me by mentioning something I wasn't even commenting on. I think it's safe to say that every single one of us here would assume she's moving to a place where house prices are cheaper. That's a given. However, I explain again, and you STILL respond with the same 'yeah but house prices...'

    Perhaps I'm short tempered lately, because honestly, I find this little exchange between us to be tiresome and ridiculous that I apparantly cannot make my own point without you trying to interject with a superfluous and completely irrelevant clarification that no one is questioning....YES, HOUSE PRICES ARE CHEAPER, but it's got sweet ** all to do with what I was trying to say here.

    Have a great day :)

    Yes, I think you're being a bit short-tempered. No offense.

  10. As previously stated it is the USC that needs to prove sufficient income not you..

    ahh...I see, many thanks to all those who clarified that point. Unfortunately, she does not earn enough to qualify, so I assume that I have to find a suitable sponsor(?)

    Yes. She still has to file an affadavit of support, though. Your co-sponsor also has to file his/her own affadavit of support. Good luck.

  11. If you're missing vaccines then by all means try to get them off your GP. However, be warned that your GP may refuse to give you certain vaccines...some GPs here refuse to give the MMR to adults...and you may have to pay for the vaccines anyway.

    Your GP could also do an immunity screen but those take a while.

    Thanks for the info.

    Having read the medical information a bit more closely, it's probably only the Td (adult formation tetanus and diphtheria toxoids) than I might need. I had MMR when I was younger, and Varicella is not available in the U.K. I shouldn't worry too much about one vaccination I guess.

    Sorry for not reading the forms more closely. I think there's only a limited amount of information about immigration I can absorb each day. On the bright side, every day I'm becoming more competent! :yes:


    If all you need is a diptet then get your GP to give it to you, then you'll probably get it for free. :yes:

  12. With diabesity on the rise, it's clear that adults cannot be trusted to eat responsibly on their own. People don't exist in a vacuum. When people get fat and diabetic, it raises the cost of healthcare for EVERYONE. I don't want to pay extra because Steve the Lardass down the street just LOVES trans fats. #### that. Steve the Lardass can go without.

    So...I say ban trans fats. For starters.

  13. Get rid of the Islamic extremists instead of the opera. They should be canceled! First Londonstan and now Berlinstan. Where will it end?

    This is one of the smartest opinions I have ever heard in this forum.

    That is get rid of the bad guys rather than punish everybody else.. :thumbs:

    I'm so tired of Londinistan and Britainistan that I could puke.

    How about Paristan??

    Maybe this is why Europe does not like the US's approach to dealing with reality. That is the head on approach..

    There are numerous growing 'no go islamic zones' in various European cities like Paris. Basically they have suceeded in enforcing Sharia Law and bypassing the countries Law.. Setting up their own Israel so it speak..

    Oh, I've been to Paris many times...seen it. It's pretty bad. :(

    Ayyub Axel Koehler, the head of the Central Council of Muslims, one of Germany's largest Muslim groups, on Tuesday told the foreign press corps in Berlin he did not want to comment directly on the Idomeneo cancellation, but gave his general opinion on the issue:

    "While we are absolutely in agreement with the need for a free press, free opinion and free arts, we also think that there are certain limits to those freedoms," he said. "If there are issues that most deeply hurt the feelings of believers, then one should be considerate, as it should be normal among civilized persons."


    Someone needs to tell this asshat that nobody has the right NOT to be offended. That is not a right.

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