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Posts posted by homesick_american

  1. H_A,

    I was wondering why this thread was continued, but now it seems the mods did it for whatever reason.

    Granted there isnt a need for personal attacks, but in all fairness you have put yourself out there with personal details, and the slagging of your MIL ect.

    I am truly sorry this has happened to you, and yeah divorces happen, i can attest to that. I hope you can work thru this and find the happiness you want.

    I'm glad to see at least one person here is human.

    If I thought that people were going to jump on the bandwagon like this, I'd have kept it to myself. Obviously this board is neither supportive nor does anyone here give a sh!t about anyone except themselves. Also, nobody here knows my MIL and even my husband admits that she is, in fact, nuts. He has cut off contact with her as well.

    I've sent a PM to Captain Ewok complaining that this thread was split since I did not request it; I asked for it to be shut down and it has not been, and I don't appreciate the implication that *I* somehow re-started this topic. I certainly will no longer share any personal information on this board and would advise anyone else here to do the same. I think the mods should have used better judgement given some of the posts on the original thread; they should have just let it lie.

  2. I have the worst trouble getting my telephone company to listen to me. There is some kind of technical problem with them that won't let alot of people dial out to their internet providers. We get a busy singal instead of the normal modem sounds. This only happens on phones that have lines from my telephone company. Any others work perfectly fine. Even the customer representative had that problem. They said it was fine and they'd fix the problem by the end of the day.

    Well this morning I woke up with the same problem, so I called and apparently there is no history of anyone ever having problems dialing out to their Internet, including me. Now they won't listen to me and have scheduled a technician to come to my house tomorrow and repair my phone. So apparently there is a problem at my house that made every phone line in the county not be able to connect to the Internet.

    I just get so mad when companies refuse to listen to anything you have to say. Anyone else ever have this problem?

    Sorry, just my rant for the day:D

    I finally had enough of Ma Bell. I broke all ties with them 2 years ago. I got cable internet and a Vonage phone. It turned out to be much cheaper and I have blazing internet speed to boot! Landlines are so 20th century.

    I agree, though many cable providers are also monopolies (at least in TX) so it's not a huge amount better; once those lines deteriorate it'll be just as bad.

  3. To be shocked that it happens a lot in Britain, you'd also have to be assuming that most of the people in Britain are British...

    Most of them are.


    I'd love to know where exactly they got those statistics from :blink:

    It's your tax money at work. Actually it was probably mine too. :lol: I think Wikipedia has a better breakdown but that's from the 2001 census, prior to 10 new countries joining the EU in 2004 so their stats will be off. Remember that is the country's average; London's at least 20% foreign-born.

    Most of the foreign born in London are from Oz, NZ, South Africa and Poland. Probably not practising female circumsision

    Most likely not, but I'm not griping about the UK's foreign population. Since I no longer live there I don't really care.

  4. I didn't split this topic nor did I request for it to be split from the original topic; clearly this is a topic SPLIT performed by a moderator.

    Mods, shut it down. I don't appreciate the personal attacks.

    ETA: This is to the people who are attacking me: 50% of all marriages end in divorce. This includes yours too. Just remember that. :lol:

  5. That's one thing I am SO going to miss. English bread.

    I am going to have to invest in a bread maker.

    Credit where it's due...our local Sainsbury's had rather good bread. My local supermarket here does too, but I'm in a very wealthy part of Dallas right now and I'm sure when I get my own place it'll be in a somewhat less well-heeled area of town so good bread will be harder to find. :blush:

    Ok I have to ask where in Dallas is this Supermarket for future reference. Tiff has have been to the UK Emporium at Grapevine, luckily round the corner from us, and found all the necessities Bisto and Cadbury's Chocolate although must admit I never thought to ask about good old fashioned bread.

    The Tom Thumb at Preston and Forest is good (NE corner) as well as the Whole Foods store (SE corner). There's a La Madeleine near the Tom Thumb...it's pretty good too.

    I've never been to the UK emporium in Grapevine; I used to go to the store on lower Greenville but it's gone now. I don't really miss any UK foods but I may in the future. :lol:

  6. :lol: I've been waiting for a chance to use that one. I love it!



    It's great...where did you find it???

    I remember my babca being upset when John Paul II died and she wasn't crazy about the new pope; she's the strongest Catholic I've ever known in my life and her not liking the pope is kind of a big deal. My mother can't stand him and she was brought up a strong Catholic (tough to be anything else with a Polish mother). She's been talking about leaving the church ever since he was selected. My brother has pretty much given up on Catholicism and since he married a Jewish girl he's been going to temple instead. I think my brother and I will be the last generation of our family to be raised Catholic and that's mostly due to the fact that the church refuses to accept the reality of the modern world.

  7. I'm an Aspie and didn't know until I was an adult; my childhood would have been far easier if I and my family had been aware of it. The teachers just thought I was badly behaved and odd. My diagnosis explained so much and my life has been made better by finding out since I'm aware of my social limitations and can take steps to avoid problems in the future. For example, now I can consciously look people in the eyes when conversing with them because I now know that is what is expected; it's not something I would naturally do.

    I've never had serious trouble finding or keeping a job, but the industry I work in (IT) is more used to employees having...eccentricities. :lol:

  8. I don't think i'd even want to be that skinny :unsure:

    I'm 5'5 (And a half.. lol) and I am about 150 pounds, i'm quite happy, i'd like to lose a few... But not quite that much!

    When I was 17 I was 5'5" and weighed 95 lbs. I was horrifyingly underweight. I don't have that problem anymore though. :lol: Now I need to LOSE about forty pounds. Luckily I know exactly what I need to do to do it; I'm an expert at losing weight. I just need to have a little more discipline. I've already lost forty so I think I'm doing OK. I'm giving myself time to adjust to life back in the USA...and having access to all that junk and fast food again...and I haven't gained any weight yet. Haven't lost any either but I'm trying not to obsess. :whistle:

  9. To be shocked that it happens a lot in Britain, you'd also have to be assuming that most of the people in Britain are British...

    Most of them are.


    I'd love to know where exactly they got those statistics from :blink:

    It's your tax money at work. Actually it was probably mine too. :lol: I think Wikipedia has a better breakdown but that's from the 2001 census, prior to 10 new countries joining the EU in 2004 so their stats will be off. Remember that is the country's average; London's at least 20% foreign-born.

  10. You shouldn't be surprised; it has been a problem for years in the UK and for probably even longer in France. France has had some big-time problems with it.

    I don't see how that is so difficult to prosecute. I mean it would be apparent at a routine physical whether a girl was mutilated. Once detected, you grab, prosecute and jail the parents before kicking their arses back to where such practice is still acceptable. Clearly, those people have no place in Britain or any other civilized country.

    You're assuming Britain is a civilized country. :whistle:

  11. I dont see anywhere in there where i BLAMED you, if you read that, its not my fault, i was making a statement and nothing more. but still, the thread has to do with UNFAIR FEES.

    Mm-hmm. Sure seemed like you were blaming me.

    It's not like I'm the first or only person on this thread who has ever hijacked a thread but given how people are reacting it sure seems like they think I am.

    As for UNFAIR FEES...I don't think the fees are unfair at all and I think the OP is whining. Life's not fair, and if the ONLY thing she has to b!tch about is high immigration fees...well whoopty-doo...I'm having a real hard time having any sympathy. Call me a b!tch, but that's just how I feel.

  12. sister ha..i got $50 on never..mommy's boys are always too dependent to venture far from home..

    His mama's boy-ness didn't start to show until a few months ago, but you're right; they're too chickensh!t to grow up. Plus, my mother-in-law is pure concentrated flabby evil. They can keep each other; who the hell needs either one of them. I'm happy to have that stinking stupid cow out of my life. Too bad I have a cold; I had to postpone my date for tomorrow night. :whistle: He's not a limey either. I won't be going down that road again. :thumbs:

  13. Well this thread was so nicely thrown off the topic. :)

    HA, id think in 6 years of being with him and his mother, you would have figured out he was like this and not just at the last minute.

    anyway thats all i have to say on THAT

    as far as the fees, i dont know how to comment on it other than, theres no point in being upset over it, its a price to pay for our fiances/hubbies to be here.

    Well, as far as your opinion goes Ionescu there's not much I can do when he's been lying to me for years and pretending to go along with this whole moving to America thing. There IS such a thing as a big fat liar, and stupid old me actually BELIEVED what my husband told me. Shame on ME!

    I just love it when people blame the victim, don't you?

    I would never wish anyone to die.

    Anyhow, the fees are not fair but as it's been said, life is not fair! :devil:

    I would. My MIL is a miserable old cow and her entire family would be better off if she wasn't there manipulating them constantly by threatening to never speak to them again if they don't do what she asks.

    I'd also wish Osama bin Laden dead, though I'm not really sure right now who is worse...my MIL or Osama bin Laden. Hard to say. I'm sure YOU have an opinion, though. :lol:

  14. I just can't believe these new fees ...I haven't filed my I129f yet since he has decided to come visit in October ...I just think it's awful that they are punishing people such as us ...who want to do things legitimately ...and not illegally like so many others ...If illegal immigration is the problem then why are the people who are doing it legally being punished ??????? :angry:

    Try this for unfair...you go through the process and pay all the fees, but at the last minute your psychotic mother-in-law manipulates your husband into not leaving the UK.

    After that happens, then you can tell me life's not fair. :whistle:

    I thought he might still be coming???

    Who, him? PLEASE. Two weeks later he's still pulling that "I want to want to come" sh!t. I don't really want him to come at this point because then I'd have to put up with his flabby stinky stupid family who hate me because I'm middle class and American (what a fcuking sin). I'm not going to beg him to come because at this point I am HONESTLY not that bothered if he does or doesn't. I don't have any warm or affectionate feelings towards him 2 weeks later and I don't miss him. Mostly I'm still angry at him for wasting six years of my life, but I'm not angry because I looooooooove him or miiiiiiiiiiiiiiss him or am dessssssssssperate to see him. Been there, done that, know what it's like, that's not the case anymore.

    Basically he AND his family would have to grovel and beg for my forgiveness and his mother would not be welcome in my home for years, if ever, and we would certainly NOT be visiting her very frequently. Even if that happened, which it won't, I don't think I'll ever trust him again and to be honest, why SHOULD I? It isn't as if he has earned it...EVER. Basically his mom would have to DIE for me to TRULY believe that he wouldn't run back to her arms at the slightest hint of trouble and frankly I deserve better than a ##### fcuking mama's boy.

    He would have to REALLY man up and prove to me beyond any reasonable doubt that he has changed, which I don't think he wants to do. I don't think he or anyone in his family is capable of loving someone. They're either too fcuked up or too self-centered and selfish. He doesn't deserve me and I doubt he ever will. He's gonna pay for the divorce too. Plus, there's the thorny issue of me not loving him anymore. :whistle: You can't love someone that you don't respect.

    ETA: I'd be willing to chip in money to a 'Will H_A's husband man up and come to America" betting pool. My $20 is on "never".

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