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Posts posted by Nancy96

  1. On 3/30/2016 at 2:53 AM, Samydodson said:

    My father traveled from the U.S. to meet my wife in Djibouti, she went by ship to escape the war in Yemen. Her case was complete at NVC before my father left for Djibouti. They have been waiting for a visa interview for almost seven months. In January my wife gave birth to my son,and in Feb. I had to take a leave of absence from work and travel to Djibouti to attend my sons citizenship and passport appointment. We were recently given permission to expediate our case by the Djibouti Embassy it took 2days of in transit till our case status said ready but now it's been saying ready for 7 days. How long does a case status say ready before you get an interview appointment? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    I hope that you already done with everything buy now. But how long did it end up taking you till you got your interview appointment because I'm going through the same steps 

  2. On 6/9/2017 at 7:00 PM, DILAW said:

    You know i was looking at the documents to bring to the interview and it says to bring divorce papers if previously married or death certificate if old spouse passed away.  So the Jordanian embassy wasn't giving your friends a hard time ;)

    The problem wasn't the wasn't the death certificate the problem was when they said that they have to bring all his kids from Yemen to Jordan......

  3. 41 minutes ago, DILAW said:

    I am petitioning for my spouse as well.  We went to Malaysia for 3 weeks when we got married.  I thought about leaving her in Malaysia, but the whole process i knew could take a year so i sent her back to yemen and that's where she is now.

    It's been 6 months and the uscis hasn't made a decision yet.  I submitted an I-130 back in December 2016.  In April they sent me a RFE, but that's about it.

    As far as where to go in Sha Allah once my case moves along in the process, i am not sure.  

    I didn't know the US embassy in Amman treats yemenies like you said.  I am not sure why they would treat them poorly.  When you say they treat them had, what exactly did you hear?  If i am going in with legit papers and will answer their questions, why would they treat me bad?  I know a lot of yemenies say Jordanians treat yemenies bad, but that's not true from my personal experience in Jordan.

    Malaysia is nice, but i heard it's taking too long for their embassy to move along.

    Wallah my father just told me his friend just got a notification from the embassy in Djibouti for his wife's interview on July 21st.

    If you stayed in Malaysia for 6 months, why didn't you just stay there?  

    I personally don't want to go to Djibouti or any country in Africa even if it's Egypt.  Plus, if you are saying they just got a bunch of boats to Djibouti, then that makes it worse.

    Jordanian people are really cool but not in the embassy. My friend was in Jordan she said wen they went in for her husband interview at first it was an American guy that interviewed them and then a Jordanian guy went in after to interview them. Her husband was previously married. So they told him that they needs to bring his kids from Yemen to Jordan and to bring a death certificate for his previous wife and photos.   Djibouti embassy is cool from what I heard a lot of people.  They're just busy.  They stoped the boats from coming in now I guess the want to finish everybody that's here first. 

  4. 2 hours ago, DILAW said:

    I am still at the uscis and waiting for them to approve me in sha Allah.  But i am not sure where i should send my case once it's approved.  I have to choose between Djibouti, Jordan or Malaysia.  Maybe even Sudan i am not sure.  I heard today Malaysia will no longer give Yemeni citizens a 90 day visa.  Only 14-day visa but i am not sure if that's a rumor.

    So it's a rumor that as soon as you complete the 260 you can get an interview them i guess.  I have heard that from others.  

    Good luck and let us know when they update you

    Oh okay who are you petitioning for? If you don't mind me asking.... it shouldn't take longer than six months inshallah it'll take less.

     But I advise you not to go to Jordan they treat Yemenis in the US embassy like #######. Malaysia it's really beautiful I was there for 6 months before I came to Djibouti but I don't know about the entry new rules. Djibouti it's not bad they really helpful.


    About the DS260 situation it was true but the embassy too busy now a lot of boats came from Yemen so it's packed.


    Thanks. Good luck to you too. Inshallah 

  5. 4 hours ago, DILAW said:

    To answer your question, no I don't know anyone who will be interviewing in Djibouti this month or next month.

    Why did you move to Djibouti before your NVC case was completed and before getting an interview?  I have friends and people I know that waited until their case was complete with the NVC and their interview date was given to them, then they traveled to Djibouti 2 to 3 weeks before their interview.  That way they can get their medical done there.

    FYI, you will be notified when your interview is scheduled 30 days before the interview date.  This means plan to stay in Djibouti for at least a month if they give you your interview date today.


    I heard its awful their in Djibouti, and the people there take advantage of the Yemenies there.  My friend said he was paying $300 just for electricity and almost $800 in rent.


    Good luck

    The reason we came to Djibouti. Back in February 2017 they said if anybody have completed the DS-260 they can do the medical exam and they'll get an appointment right away. 



    It's alright over here it's true that it's expensive but as far as everything else it's almost like Yemen. 

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