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About Flo&Chris

  • Birthday 02/25/1982

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Clare, Ireland
  • Interests
    Irish Traditional Music, Books, Sports - Baseball, American Football, English and Italian Football, chess, Poker, eating out, good food and nice wine!

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Ok well here is our story... If you can offer any advice to us we would so much appreciate it. We just want to be together and nothing has gone right for us.
    So we meet in Galway, Ireland in 2004 when my now fiance Christopher Carnevale was on holidays with his friend. We keep in touch and low and behold it becomes more than a friendship. I went to America to spend 3 months with Christopher in 2005, when I returned I decided that I wanted to go to America to be with him and finish my schooling. I had a degree in Business from a college in galway and decided I wanted to get into teaching. We both looked up schools in america and I found in Arizona where chris is living and has a house. I applied to the college and got accepted and all I needed now was the student visa..... OK.. here comes the disaster....... I apply for the student visa... get my papers ready but the mistake that we made was that I got Chris to be my sponsor, money wise and accomodation wise.. when I got to the embassy they wanted to know who chris was and why he sponsored me all this money to go over there and why did I choose Arizona... of course my mistake I told them chris was just a friend.. they denied me the visa and told me to re-apply in a year.. I wanted to go on holidays to see him last October and they denied me the tourist visa again so now I am stuck... We had talked about the Fiance K-1 visa before so we knew we wanted to be together no matter what so now we have a Lawyer in AZ helping us and he send in our documents and the fee the 2nd week of July... He flys over to see me but I cannot go to America to see him even for a vacation which means he cannot hold a full time job coz he has to come see me so often.. Its all a nightmare and so so hard to say 'see you later' at the airport.. We love each other so much and just want to be together.. the embassy in Dublin has been a nightmare for us.. If there is anyone that can offer me advice I would love it... we are just hoping that the Fiance Visa K-1 will work for us...

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