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Posts posted by smilei

  1. 5 minutes ago, Trinab80 said:

    Awww...I miss you too hun!!!!


    How are things going with you two?

    I’m glad you and Reni are doing well. I’m sure you will get that golden ticket soon. I know you both deserve it (and everyone here on the forum). I’m excited for your spring wedding!


    As for me and James, we are doing fantastic, preparing everything before my flight on the 13th. 😘

  2. 16 minutes ago, Trinab80 said:

    Good Morning My Fellow May Filers,


    I know that I haven't actively participated in our forum like I normally have in the past and seem to look like I "fell off the radar". But I'm still here amongst you all and waiting with others for that "Golden Ticket" to arrive, and I'm always lurking and reading up on the many approvals that others are getting which I do my best to send "congrats" to you all collectively or individually. The reason for my quietness is nothing more different than others that have used this forum to vent - I'm desperately missing my fiancé and this process has definitely taken it's toll on me emotionally. I've been holding on to my last week of vacation so that I'm able to spend time with him and attend his interview with him, but it's hard not to just use a day or 2 to go see him for a quick trip. I'm not one to vent or cry about it out loud with just anybody; I tend to keep in things to myself and internalize things that are bothering me. I know, that's really not a good way to handle things, life has made me this way to conceal the hurt and sadness from others.


    Reni (that's my fiancé's name) and I are doing wonderful, things between us are stronger than ever which they would have to be at this point with all this waiting and not knowing what is what. We've pushed the wedding back to March 4th (which is our 2 year anniversary), and the venue was extremely understanding and moved it with no problem. Truthfully though, the wedding was the least of my concerns as the most important thing for us to be together. I truly must say that without Reni's strength, positivity, and willingness to keep moving and keep going forward, I might have given up and I'm never one to just up and quit anything. But this process has definitely softened me up to the point where crying everyday seems to be part of my daily routine. But it's not the waiting that just has me feeling all out of sorts, it's really the not knowing what is going on and why and not being able to fix it. My anxiety is at an all time high because as we approach Thanksgiving this year, it takes me back to last Thanksgiving when Reni tried to come visit me when he had just being issued his Tourist Visa, but he was denied at POE and the visa was cancelled. And me thinking about how that whole ordeal went down back then does not make this waiting game any easier.


    I know that I just shared more than I should have, but I'm sure there are those here who can sympathize with what I'm feeling. Either way, I just didn't want my sadness and frustration to overshadow everyone here who has received their approvals because at the end of the day, getting that NOA2 is the happiest thing to happen to anyone at this point and best believe that I am extremely happy for each and every one of you.


    I do want to thank those that have noticed my absence and those that have checked up on me to make sure that Reni and I are okay. Thank you soooooooooooooo much from the bottom of my heart, (@mcs...you are truly a gem, and I appreciate you being that ear). Just want to say to you all that in this world where there is disaster striking left and right and hate surrounding all of us, I can say that I count each of you as a new friend and definitely the support system that is needed and wanted because our families will never know and understand how truly overwhelming and emotional this process can be when all you want is to be with the person you love and want to spend every waking moment with on Earth!!!


    So, now that I can stop with all this mushy stuff (because I'm sitting my desk with watery eyes....lol), I can tell you that I am here, I've always been here, but I'M BACK!!! :D

    I miss you, babe! ❤️ 

  3. 26 minutes ago, Murph4865 said:

    How does it take at NVC to be sent to the Embassy in manila?

    When will she recieve packet 3?

    Before flying to manila do i need hard copy of letter from NVC?

    Here’s my timeline:

    Oct 10: got the case number

    Oct 11: At NVC

    Oct 17: In Transit

    Oct 18: Ready


    I’ve finished everything but never received a packet 3. NVC letter is not required, weren’t asked in any of the phase. If you’re flying to Manila and haven’t received the letter yet beforehand, is there someone whom you trust could open your mail for you and scan the NVC letter and send it to you electronically?

  4. 2 hours ago, May10 said:

    I'm on cloud 9 guys....today is a good day!! We finally Got approved Noa1 5/10 Noa2 10/30!! I'm so grateful to everyone in here and all that you have shared, it kept me strong through this long waiting process!! Goodluck to those still waiting, your day will come!!


    So there's really an end to this tunnel!! It felt like forever!!

    At last! You both deserve that approval, congratulations! 

  5. 2 hours ago, SHIQUILO said:

    Hello everybody.

    I have been following this forum since some days ago but I havent made an account until now, so I am new here.

    I am very happy to see some of you have been aproved today.

    I hope to receive mine  and to see all of you receiving yours  too.

    I am May 22nd.

    Good Luck!

    Welcome to the May club! Hoping for a smooth journey for you and your other half. 🙂

  6. 3 hours ago, Holly28291 said:

    The day has finally come.... WE'VE BEEN APPROVED! What a long wait! I would recommended everyone who's close to 180days to get in touch with your senator. Ours got in touch with USCIS today, and I presume that's why we've been approved today. Wishing everyone so much luck on their journeys, and hopefully you'll all be approved very soon ♥️♥️♥️

    Yayyy! Congrats!!!

  7. 44 minutes ago, Abdoul said:

    Guys i think i have a problem with my nvc number i got it last Tuesday the 1st time i went to track it it was shown as ~at NVC ~ but till that day i can find anything nomore its saying ~your search did not return any details ~?,, anyone ???😢😢😢

    Hmmm that’s weird. Maybe it was non-immigrant the second time you searched?

  8. Here’s the promised review for US Embassy Manila. Sorry for the delay.


    October 24, 2017 6:40am


    I arrived there by 6:20am and the guard checked my Appointment Confirmation letter and my bag. Make sure no phone with you nor flash drive nor powerbank. Gave my DS-160 confirmation page and passport to the lady afterwards, she then put my passport inside a sealed plastic bag and my DS-160 was stamped with a sticker. Was ushered inside. Thorough screening again especially my bag when I entered the building.


    Pre-Screening (Filipino Consul Window 49)
    Was asked to submit the following documents:
    •NBI clearance
    •UK police certificate
    •PSA birth certificate
    •MRV slip
    •SLEC brown envelope
    She then asked me my name and birthday, petitioner’s name, birthday and address, how long did he stay on his visits and she looked at our pictures together on my scrapbook, asked how long I stayed in England and my fiancé in Japan, told her we were both volunteers for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in those countries. Was asked to proceed to Window 51 for my 2x2 US visa photo scanning and then went back to Window 49, she then instructed me to proceed to finger scanning for the biometrics. And then waited for about few minutes for the CO’s to open their windows for the interview. I was assigned to a Filipina consul on Window 59. She was really nice! She just asked my name and birthday, fiance’s name, birthday and address in the US, when did he visit me and for how long, and our wedding plans, so I showed her my scrap book for the details of our wedding including the invitations and wedding dress, cakes and every little stuff involving our wedding. Hehe. She then said, “Congratulations and welcome to America! If ever you’ll encounter domestic violence, I’m giving you these pamphlets so you know what to do. Expect your visa in 1 to 2 weeks.”

    CO didn’t ask any document from me aside from the pre-screening documents. I was out of the embassy by 8:10am. Tip: Just relax, be confident and smile. 🙂



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