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Visitor User

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  1. I will be paying $85 for biometrics. That is what it says. So are you saying I won’t be getting another biometric picture? I did this last in 2018 for AOS. Do we get to pick if they want to use old picture?
  2. Right so the pictures we take at a studio will be for U.S Passport? I will be taking another biometrics picture at my next appointment for N-400. Where do you recommend I take the pictures?
  3. Oh ok. So we take the photos our selves for the U.S Passport only? Will they do retakes for my next biometrics to make I am happy with the picture? I thought we have to do another biometrics picture for N-400?
  4. Awesome. That price was really cheap.
  5. Ah I see. Yeah, you don’t want to take chances without a lawyer for removal procedure and DUI. Experience Lawyer is best route. Sure, it maybe expensive now but you also got to stay here now and as we know USA is the biggest land of opportunity so this is the place to make money.
  6. I’ve had really good experience with my lawyer. The staff they hire may do the paperwork but the lawyer reviews it and I get to see it as well. Yes, he is an immigration attorney. Over 2 decades of experience in the same city and FO. This post was meant for general discussion. I think you might be analyzing a bit too much. I am glad it worked for you by DIY. Did he had to say anything there?
  7. With lawyer you still have to work as a team and the interview appearance of lawyer was worth every penny because there was couple miss communication with the interviewer and my lawyer interrupted the conversation and had to explain to the interviewer about the documents we submitted. I am not sure if that employee was new but my lawyer has decades of experience and has done hundreds of interview in the same field office so he knows pretty much the entire staff and is well respected. I am in good hands. I was approved within hours for AOS. I know this is a DIY site but it still is well worth to show up here and gain info. It’s like working as a team. Me, all you awesome users of knowledge, my lawyer and his staff.
  8. I do but before it is submitted I get to see it usually before submission. My lawyer is awesome (best friend of my older brother). I get VIP treatment.
  9. It depends on who your lawyer is.
  10. Why not go to photo studio directly? I could be wasting time and money at Walgreens/CVS if I am not satisfied. Photo studio also does appointment. CVS/Walgreens do print it for you with 2” by 2”.
  11. Yes it’s really for peace of mind. You want to do what the lawyer wants you to do to give you the best chance at approval. Also, at the interview you have a backup if there is a misunderstanding between you and interviewer.
  12. Good deal. How many years of experience did this lawyer have? How much for your Green Card process? If the lawyer is fairly new that’s a good rate for a simple case.
  13. True. So what about a simple slam dunk case? $500-$2000 depending on lawyer experience?
  14. Right. How much did they pay?
  15. So what will the photo taken at Biometric appointment be used for?
  16. Personal choice. This thread is really about the ones who paid.
  17. Was it a one time fee? Or more fees later? Did you have your lawyer sit with at the interview?
  18. For those they chose the lawyer/attorney route for whatever reason. How much were your fees not counting the $725 for N-400 and Biometric?
  19. Which photo studio would you recommend? Also, did you have to submit a copy of SSS?
  20. True and we don’t want to risk rejection either. Has this ever happened?
  21. Photo studios also offer passport services. Thoughts?
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