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Visitor User

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Everything posted by Visitor User

  1. It doesn’t matter. I am focused on my benefit.
  2. What if public votes favor a president but decides not to vote for the winner?
  3. I did routine service. Does it mean it can take longer for me to get it? What’s the average timeline these days?
  4. I know it comes in two separate mails. I received my U.S Passport in the mail yesterday. When should I expect to receive CoN? Will there be another tracking # or notification?
  5. Yes they do and it’s pre tax but I plan to financially retire early way before Medicare. Employer offers health insurance after retirement but not sure if it will be cheaper than ACA.
  6. What about it? All tax brackets benefited.
  7. It is due to higher food and electricity prices. Who?
  8. What if congress votes differently than State results on public voting?
  9. Is there a point for public votes in general elections?
  10. What is the benefit of public votes in general elections?
  11. Ok so what is the point of public votes?
  12. Electoral college needs to go. Candidate can win without majority public votes. Who?
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