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Posts posted by JElaine91

  1. 8 hours ago, geowrian said:

    The form is the I-134, not I-134F. :)


    If you are unemployed and do not have suitable assets, then the CO may deny the visa or issue a 221g on the basis that the beneficiary may become a public charge in the US. I say "may" because sometimes COs don't ask for the form, albeit I think it's commonly requested by Swedish COs. Either way, the beneficiary should be ready to present the forms and supporting documentation just in case.


    A joint sponsor for the I-134 may or may not be accepted at the CO's discretion. That said, a quick search on VJ implies they normally accept a joint sponsor for the I-134. They will need to provide a completed I-134 along with supporting documentation in addition to yours.


    Getting a job may help. COs generally want to see a stable income, so a brand new job shortly before the interview may be treated with some skepticism. Again, the CO must determine that the beneficiary will not become a public charge, so they will look at the totality of the circumstances.

    Getting a job when I come back will not be a problem,  I Will work for my parents company in as an admin asst, which I have I did in the past. I left this position 1.5 years ago for my current job. I am not happy where I am now but have great reputation with my employer so I know they would have me back. This will all show it is a stable job. I can get letter stating it is full time perm position. 


    I will also get a letter from my previous employer stating that I left on good terms and would be welcome back. I think this combined with consponsor, my bank statements and assets. Along with my parents who have well more than enough to qualify based on assets and income. 


    Any others filing co sponsor in Sweden? 

  2. My fiancé and are are currently awaiting our NOA2 ,NOA1 received on 12/09/2016. 


    I will be resigning from my current job which I was meeting over minimum income level. I will be visiting my fiancé at his home in Sweden for 7 weeks upon my return to the US I will look for a new job.


    what if I do not have a job at the time of his interview? 


    My parents are going to cosponsor by submitting an additional I134f form. My lawyer said while this could work this specific form is not designed for cosponsorship.

    Anyone been denied visa as the submitted cosponsor on I134f? 

    Should I be certain upon my return to the US that I get my job back? 


    Would love some feedback! 

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