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    K-1 Visa
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  1. Lemon slice said: I ran into the same boat. The wife wanted to establish her own line of credit. So I provided them with my wife and children being enrolled in my health benefits. On some insurance from the bank. They sent another RFE just like you requesting more proof. I thought, you want proof, I'll give you proof. I got my son and my daughter-in-law who were our witnesses at our wedding to attest that our marriage was not a sham, (that was something they requested), I sent them my wife's 'Durable Power of Attorney', 'Living Will' and Legal Will. I sent them a copy of the medical lawsuit in which we are involved in, (all 24 pages!), a copy of the legal proceeding in which, (I now have), adoption of our daughter and just for good measure, I had my lawyer write up a letter attesting to the fact that he knows us to be wedded and is handling our 'other' legal affairs for us. Just for good measure, I wrote a testament myself since I was doing all the preparation. All in all I ended up sending them another ream of paper, ($18 to ship!). The last word I got from USCIS was that they were moving our case from the Nebraska office to the St. Louis office. But that was almost 7 months ago.
  2. Just going through this process myself. For the OP, how does the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 apply here for you? https://www.uscis.gov/policy-manual/volume-12-part-h-chapter-4
  3. Yes! Sorry for in and out delays. Courtesy of our county courthouse, due to a 'clerical error' I have been fighting with the PA state Dept. of Health and Vital Statistics getting their paperwork completed to make it official all the way around. I have the court order signed by the judge and stamped via Register/Recorder's office.
  4. OldUser said: Does the 414 days straight in the hospital count towards permanent residency? Just asking.
  5. Timona said: She is NOT eligible for the N-400. We have to get the conditions removed from permanent residency before that. I'll do the N600 in a few years from now.
  6. Timona said: I meant N-600. Being that the fee is $1170.00 I think I will wait and go with the US passport at $165 for both the book and the card. For the Sec. 320 to apply I need to show proof of 'permanent residence' by either a green card or an I-551 stamp in her passport. She has the 'conditional' green card now and we are waiting for the conditions to be removed. Would the conditional suffice? We have been out of the country and back since the issuance of the 'conditional.' I'll take a look at her passport to see if it is there.
  7. I was able to return to my profile and see where I had posted in it back in October. I do have to wait for the State of Pennsylvania to process the adoption papers, but I do have the court order with raised seal in my possession. IAW moderator's instructions of it being a 'zombie thread' I will use this thread to re-invigorate it. I found it here:
  8. The children were part of the original application. My wife came here on a K-1 and the children on a K-2 at the same time. So it is one entire case. The fee was submitted when I applied for their 'Removal of Conditions' in Nov. 2022. I thought all that was needed was to submit an N-400 until she receives her US passport. I have some time for this because the official papers are being sent to the PA Commonwealth. I thought by virtue of adoption she becomes de facto 'naturalized' because she been officially declared my daughter. I wish I would have bookmarked that thread that discussed it.
  9. This question I am sure it has been asked before and I can't find it after searching. I have applied for my wife and the children to have the conditions removed from their conditional green cards. In January 2024 we received an I-751 RFE, so I sent in more proof of a legitimate marriage, (about a ream of paper), along with affidavits, tax forms, lawsuit docket, adoption hearing ect. In the meantime, my wife has suffered many health issues, (currently engaged in a medical malpractice suit), where several times she was on the brink of death. The son is 22 now so I wasn't too worried about him, but the daughter is 13 and we feared if something happened to my wife, she would be sent back to her biological father who didn't want her and abused her when she was small. Through the Colombian and US courts we got him to cede all parental rights and on March 27, 2024 the daughter was officially adopted with my last name. Having said all that, what do I need to do in order to get her a US passport, and to terminate the 'Removal of Conditions' for her? I thought it wasn't too involved and I don't know what happened to the thread, (bad memory cells on my part), so please forgive me for the redundancy.
  10. Hate like heck resurrecting a topic like this but it is indeed applicable. I was unaware of Section 320 and how it applies. However, there is one variable in my case. I am adopting my (current) 12 y.o. step-daughter. My wife's health has been precipitous and I damn near 'lost' her a few times. In an effort to prevent the daughter from being sent back to a biological parent, (a father that didn't want her to begin with!), it was decided that I adopt her. Currently she has a 'conditional' green card with the 24 month extension. I filed to have the conditions removed last year. Now does she still fall under the 'permanent residency' rule because the status of her green card? Her adoption isn't official yet but I am just trying to get 'ducks in a row' for when it does become official. We got the father to waive parental responsibility and the forms have been duly filed, notarized and apostilled within the Colombian court system. They have been returned to us and have been submitted to our local court. We have to wait 40 days before our first hearing and I think one more will be scheduled prior to finalization.
  11. So I did the paperwork for my wife and our dependent children. I sent the I-751 form in last November within the prescribed 90-day window of the expiration of the Conditional Green Card. About 3 weeks later I received an I-757 stating that they were granting all a 2 year extension. The son, (21 y.o.) was the only one required for biometrics.
  12. Sometimes one can get lost in a sea of information and that is what happened to me. My wife and her 2 younger children are currently waiting for their permanent green card approvals. In the meantime, her oldest daughter, along with her granddaughter set out on an 'adventure'. Try to follow this as I will attempt to explain. The daughter (who was residing in Colombia), was dating a man from the UK for 2 years. They decided to get married so she sold all her possessions and came to the US with a tourist visa, (both her and her daughter). She wanted to visit her mother before moving to London to live with her then fiancé. The man was to meet them here in the US and take them to London to live and eventually get married. When 'Mr. Wonderful' arrived here, he got cold feet and took off for London leaving the daughter and the granddaughter here in the US. So the question is what does the daughter have to do to get her status changed? She arrived here legally and I'm certainly not going to send them off with only their proverbial 'hat-in-their-hand'. (Yes they are living with me!) I know of others who came here under 'questionable circumstances' so I hope her resolution is a lot easier. Any guidance/direction is greatly appreciated.
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