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    carebearh707 got a reaction from ElmiraW in Husband left, I knew about previous relationships with foreign women   
    Quite a bit I am sharing was found out way after the fact. So no, I didn't marry knowing all of that 
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    carebearh707 got a reaction from ElmiraW in Husband left, I knew about previous relationships with foreign women   
    Oh, also! I forgot. He lied under oath for his interview in Morroco and I can tell you exactly which questions. And...I have messages from the other 3 americans saying he pressured them for money and marriage.
  3. Like
    carebearh707 reacted to SofisPatience in Husband and I split, 2 year conditional card   
    I'm sincerely sorry this happened to you. I try to put myself in your situation and I'd certainly want some guidance on this too. I suggest taking some time out for yourself. Do something nice for yourself. Get in a state of mind where you're caring about your own well being and not necessarily seeking revenge.
    Then call a lawyer. Either Family Law or Immigration, but preferably Family Law. The tough part here, as you can see with the posts, is that you will find some people with sympathize with you whereas others will sympathize with your spouse/ex. You need someone who is going to look out for your interests. That's what lawyers are paid to do.
    You have rights and you deserve to be made whole due to his Fraud or perhaps Negligence in the marriage. Lawyer-up. Please. That's what I'd do.
    I truly hope you'll be able to get past the heartache. It takes time, but you will be happy again, and I hope that it will be someone who deserves you.
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    carebearh707 got a reaction from SofisPatience in Husband and I split, 2 year conditional card   
    Thanks for the kind words from those who care. 
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    carebearh707 got a reaction from SofisPatience in Husband and I split, 2 year conditional card   
    I don't have relationship issues. I'm loyal and give as much as I can to help others. I got stuck with a piece of .
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    carebearh707 got a reaction from SofisPatience in Husband and I split, 2 year conditional card   
    I did in fact take the time to get to know him but I didn't find out much until after marriage. Not my fault he's scum.
  7. Like
    carebearh707 got a reaction from SofisPatience in Husband and I split, 2 year conditional card   
    You all wouldn't say move on with your life if it had happened to you. There are serious flaws in the vetting system. For example, for our gc interview, hardly anything was asked and we were approved because of an emotional response of an officer. Furthermore, it's pretty bad when they can't see if an applicant has applied for other foreign visas or had other previous foreign relationships. Huge red flags. I'm not the first it has happened to either. Justice will be served in this life or the next and I will do my best to be sure it is in this one.
  8. Like
    carebearh707 reacted to Sukie in Husband left, I knew about previous relationships with foreign women   
    Carebear - I get it that you are angry and that you are hurting.  I'd probably be in jail if I were in your shoes, because I'd hunt down the "dirty boy" and show him what "dirty" means.
    But you don't have that option.  File for divorce.  Now.  Get it over with before ROC comes up.  If you go to InfoPass, then state what YOUR experience has been.  If other women have filed for him, it's in his record.
    You are neither the first or last wo/man this has happened to.  Get yourself in the clear, and then move on.  Do not contact him, do not accept emails from him.  Make sure you have all the important documents in YOUR hands.
    What I am advocating is self-preservation on your part.  Getting the InfoPass appointment might be helpful to you - to tell your story.  It will go in his file.  But it won't get him deported.  Yet.
    I'm sorry - it sucks.  But it happens.  To more than one person!
    Best of luck to you in the future.
    Sukie in NY
  9. Like
    carebearh707 reacted to geowrian in Husband left, I knew about previous relationships with foreign women   
    That's not possible. You can report verifiable facts (with documentation) and your experiences. They may or may not take it into consideration. You won't be notified if he ever files for ROC, if he is approved/denied, if he is deported, etc. Divorce, report what you can verify as fraud (not just cheating), and move on.
  10. Like
    carebearh707 reacted to geowrian in Husband left, I knew about previous relationships with foreign women   
    Suspicious? Sure. But that's not sufficient evidence to take any action by USCIS. Report what you do know and the rest is in their hands, especially once ROC comes up.
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    carebearh707 reacted to controlla in Husband left, I knew about previous relationships with foreign women   
    He's gone for now. But he'll be back when its time for ROC. Don't sign any forms. Stay strong.
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