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Romeo and Juliet

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  1. Then "picking" on "Widowed" makes no sense entirely since only "Married" would be an obstacle.
  2. Why do they even have "married, widowed, divorced or single" on a Certificate of Naturalization? I find it rather silly..., LOL
  3. This case seems like it could be pushed through this way, or maybe not..., and it could drag on (while they are refusing to correct "Widowed" on one side, and their other side demanding a Divorce/ Death Certificate). Looks like a closed loop. Or could become one. For many months and years. Maybe a better way is just to marry and file for a CR-1 visa? Any opinions on that? Then the chances (with CR-1 and then with IR-1 possibly) are much better even if the Immigration drags this case indefinitely?
  4. AFAIK there is no such thing as "request for additional time" in case of Request for Evidence, or is there? Who knows? That was only possible during COVID.
  5. I agree. I am overthinking this. Overworrying this. Overdoing this. If I get the documents from decades ago somehow to please the USCIS, or if the USCIS would return to me the very documents they are asking me for (what a joke!) in time, i.e. in 60 days, I should be alright. I am putting time, effort, and money (attorney) into this. Thank you for support and help. I am pretty sure: when people read through difficult cases, which mine is for sure, they can learn something for themselves. I wish it could be easier for us.
  6. Ufff, it seems to be the last post I need to answer. Thanks again, everybody. It is nice to know about form G-884, I will discuss this with the attorney. And no, I do not have any documents whatsoever pertaining to that first submission for K-1.
  7. From what I understood from my fiancé, it is different ways to say #####(cat) I would not spend enormous volumes of time to talk to folks here if it would be such. I am learning, and others are learning. Quite important lessons learnt for many. Including mechanics of file movements inside USCIS for very old files, and much more. One thing for sure: if I only knew what I have learned from talking to people here, some of my costly mistakes could have been avoided. And this very thread prevented from new mistakes and provided knowledge for future steps.
  8. She speaks some English, not much, but learning. I am helping. I speak more Russian than she speaks English, and I am learning too. We're meeting in the middle just fine. Living together this would progress forward rather rapidly, I have no doubt. Ha! You are Russian... 🙂 And you too. I know a Russian word in that line as well: kiska
  9. Good Grief! Well said! But do we deserve this? Perhaps I do: for being honest with them, there's a cost for honesty (in this case being plain stupid)
  10. They need to add on the application for both parties new requirement: the listing of all social media sites they both ever posted on, and all logins they've ever used... Scratch that. All posts on social media for the last 10 years need to be a part of the application. But seriously, I understand what you mean. Nice to know what you said. I think it is not safe to comment too much on these issues, LOL ) It is not 1996... I am in a situation right now when I am not guilty for anything, but being scrutinized. Needed to hire an expensive attorney. I totally needed to "Keep it Simple Stupid" on the application, and just said "No", "Never", "Nothing"...
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