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  • Interests
    Asian Martial arts, Tibetan Buddhism, Music, Chinese, Tibetan and Ayurvedic Medicine, movies, travel, language studies

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Local Office
    Houston TX
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I'm a Chinese speaking profession martial arts teacher/entrepreneur and my wife is a translator/interpreter Englis Major BA from Guangzhou University. We met on the Live Mocha Language platform back in 2011. I was looking to intereact with native Chinese speakers to improve my Chinese. I had studied Chinese since 1997 and was nearly fluent. She was looking to practice her English with native speakers. We were friends for a few years. In 2013 our relationship became a romantic relationship. We communicated daily through audio and video calls and messaging on qq, wechat and sometimes skype. We had to overcome some difficulties in getting together so it took longer to get together. Finally I visited China in 2016. I spent a month in China met and sent time with my wife's family and fortunately got approval to get married from mom. We married in China in 2016. I went back to the US and applied for my wife's CR-1 visa. It was very difficult to be away from each other during that time. The complete process took a year and 1 month. I went to China for her interview as well just to make sure everything was strong and solid at interview time. She interviewed at the Guangzhou Consulate. The interview was a easy and a complete success and we did not have one single rfe or hold up throughout our entire process from start to finish. We used rapid visa for our process. We flew back to the US together in November 2017 and are enjoying being together finally!!!

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