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Everything posted by RO_AH

  1. Try not to overthink. Ask questions first here before acting. You effort to speed things up may have just cost you a lot of time. Good luck!
  2. Yeah, they're not going to give an expedite based on her being pregnant. Also for planning purposes if she give birth in the Philippines, you will need to file a CRBA before they can both come to America. So if you think that may be the case, do your research now so you will be prepared. Both of our children have CRBA and are dual citizens.
  3. Another reason the CR-1 is a better option (in my opinion). The tend to be a lot easier to get through CFO.
  4. My last flight I used JAL, I had no issues. If you are having issues you can also try opening an incognito window for your browser to see if that will fix the issue.
  5. This is why you don't use attorneys for something that you can easily do yourself.
  6. They say that the visa is good for 6 months. That's not true. The visa will be valid starting from the day you BEGIN your medical for 6 months. The person at SLEC should not even saying anything about it. The only concern is landing at the POE prior to the expiration. Flight delays and connecting flights can mess you up it you are cutting it to close. My wife had her interview about a week before the medical expired due to all the delays from covid shut downs and sputum testing. She ended up having to retake the medical. They did ask if there was any way she would be able to fly out in the next 2 days and she said no. So they did not issue the visa, they told her come back after the new medical. She did not have to redo the interview.
  7. Awesome news! It did, it does, it probably always will. It is what your visa is tied to. If you get your visa 5 months after you started your medical, that means the visa is only good for a month. The medical start date is everything.
  8. So why did she feel the need to lie about it? I'm guessing that she does not have a receipt for this payment? I'm taking this as a very bad sign. With my first 2 relationships (with Filipinas) I had my blinders on and followed my heart instead of my mind. I realized later all of the red flags that were staring me in the face but I always let excuses and explanations override them because of what my heart wanted. After those 2 I learned to filter everything through my mind using logic rather than emotions. Luckily with my 3rd relationship I struck gold.
  9. You are paying the US government, so yes, it's okay.
  10. Leave it blank, she (your daughter) is not immigrating. Only your wife.
  11. Congrats! They say to book the appointment nowadays you should check every couple hours for openings due to cancellations. Once you get the appointment I would book the medical for about 1 week before. The visa validity date starts on that date, so it will be good for 6 months from the start of the medical.
  12. When we did ours, the only option I was aware of was sending it through LBC. It was there in a day, and completed very quickly. Sorry, I have no info on dropping it in person.
  13. I doubt you have been to 5 islands, the 4 main islands people that people travel to are Oahu, Maui, Hawaii, and Kauai. You may have possibly went to Molokai or Lanai, but not likely. Yes Sandy's is on Oahu on the South shore. I used to love going there and body surfing when I was younger. Sadly a lot of tourists get injured on the beach for under estimating the power of the shore break there. You will be shocked when you see how much this place has changed!
  14. Me personally I would fly to Philippines and come with her. Don't send her through Guam, United sucks. The flight from PH to Guam is on a small plane kinda like our inter island flights but 4 hours. I agree with flying to Honolulu then continuing to Maui with her if you can't go to PH and escort her all the way back. You can also have her go JAL through Narita. Do not worry about immigration at HNL.Yes it's busy but they are set up to handle it. I have been through it many times, never a long wait. You can wait for her outside baggage claim then go to the Hawaiian terminal to continue on. I have no idea why you think a quick turn around would create suspicions.
  15. Learn to expect the unexpected. Other than that you need to pay attention to details. Don't be frustrated at the process, it is what it is and there is nothing that can be done about it. Just do your best to learn the process and navigate it without making errors. Double and triple check everything. If the medical ids not about to expire, don't worry about it. You are almost there.
  16. The ticket does not need to be a return. Just needs a ticket leaving withing the time she is granted upon entry. I believe in this case it would be 90 days.It could be to anywhere.
  17. No, that's pretty standard. That is why people fall in love with the Philippines.
  18. Which one? They have lots. But yes, no problem. Technically Magic Sarap is against the rules because it has chicken bullion in it. I brought at least 100 packets and they let me through but said that it's technically against the rules. I brought Mama Sita Tocino mix and others. I brought all of the Tang flavors I like because here they only have orange. I had 4 large suitcases of snacks and foods when we came back.
  19. Yeah, that's total bull. It expires exactly 6 months after you first go in for the medical. This really sucks if you get flagged for sputum because it takes much longer to compete the medical, and like I said, the expiration is tied to when you start the medical not complete it.
  20. Yes that is correct. They called my wife. We did not feel we would be able to get out in time (this was during Covid which mad everything more difficult). Our biggest concern was that she was flagged for sputum on the first medical which was a big part of the expiration being so close. Luckily the second medical she was not flagged and we got a new expiration date which gave me time to get a visa to go there and bring her and our 2 sons back.
  21. I don't want to see this thread delve into politics, but I will say this. If your news source only ever has negative information about 1 candidate and not positive, while nothing but positive about the other candidate and nothing negative, it's not "real" news.
  22. If you have been married 2 years that's a good thing. She will arrive with 10 year status.
  23. What or who is TFG?
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