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Mr&Mrs G.

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  1. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Homan: 'Liberal 9th Circuit Judge' Trying to Stop Trump From Protecting Border   
    I don't have the education or knowledge to disagree with you but can President Trump not just make an executive order refusing asylum, similar to the way President Obama did for DACA?
  2. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Homan: 'Liberal 9th Circuit Judge' Trying to Stop Trump From Protecting Border   
    Link or it didn't happen 
  3. Haha
  4. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in Climate contrarian uncovers scientific error, upends major ocean warming study   
    Personally, I am wondering when a politician will suggest a MEEEthane tax.  We can all get special underwear that measures our output and taxes an individual accordingly.  No one will eat beans again.
  5. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in Trump wants up to 15,000 troops at border to deal with migrant caravan [merged threads]   
    We just spent 1000s of dollars.  Multiple back ground checks,  at least 4 trips to USICS, 2 physicals, and a mountain of paper work to get our citizenship today. We also registered yo vote at USICS today. No one should be allowed to come across the border illegally. Zer tolerance. 
    As for the ceremony.  It was awesome . They talked about learning English, played the national anthem,  Lee Grenwoods proud to be American. Recited the pledge of allegiance and played short Video from our President. 
    It was enough to trigger a good little MDL into a TDS meltdown. 
    One person in front of me did not stand up and played on her phone during the National anthem. I contemplated would federal charge I would get for grabbing her by her hair and snatching her to her feet.
  6. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    It doesn't count for Obama, he was a benevolent dictator from the MDL, he could do what he pleased.
  7. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    Why did no one have a problem when Obama had a reporter removed from "his house"
  8. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in Official: Michael Avenatti in Los Angeles police custody   
    MAGA Michael Avenatti Got Arrested 
  9. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to jg121783 in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    Here are my thoughts on this situation. Acosta is clearly lying about touching this woman. "Doctored" (zoomed in) video or undoctored video this is clear. However it wasn't to the point that I (or anyone else that I know of for that matter) would call assault. At worst I would call it extremely rude. So why lie about it? Own up to it and move on. Now by the standards the left apply to the right this is assault bare minimum and might even be rape.
    As far as him being barred from the White House that has been a long time coming. He was disruptive blurting out things in the past that weren't even questions at inappropriate times. He repeatedly refuses to shut his mouth when his turn is over and it's another reporter's turn. Even some reporters have become upset over this and called him out. Being at a White House briefing is a privilege not a right and there are certain rules and standards of decency you must follow to have that privilege. Trump is not the first president to ban reporters from the White House. Obama did it multiple times. In fact there is one video where the other reporter's cheer when a reporter is escorted out. Nothing new here except the Trump derangement syndrome.
  10. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from jg121783 in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    Ignore the "doctored" footage for one second and just give some thought to that intern being your wife.  
    If you find it acceptable for a man to act like that to her then you should be ashamed of yourself, if any man put his hands on my wife he better run. 
  11. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to eieio in Hillary Clinton says Stacey Abrams would be Georgia's governor-elect 'if she had a fair election'   
    Why are democrats always the lucky ones to find boxes and boxes of uncounted ballots....after close elections.....that magically support their candidate by huge margins?
  12. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    I bet if I go in the other room my father in law is watching it also. 
  13. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    You don't need my help for that, Shame on you.
  14. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    So it's the girls own fault because she works for Trump? 
    I suppose your going to go to the other thread about Avenatti and say the woman deserved what she got.
  15. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    Ignore the "doctored" footage for one second and just give some thought to that intern being your wife.  
    If you find it acceptable for a man to act like that to her then you should be ashamed of yourself, if any man put his hands on my wife he better run. 
  16. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in After Sessions: How Trump move may shift dynamics of Mueller probe   
    Denmark in fact!
    You are doing it again, reading the headline and not much else, It is a New England style IPA beer brewed in Denmark. 
  17. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Voice of Reason in After Sessions: How Trump move may shift dynamics of Mueller probe   
    Denmark in fact!
    You are doing it again, reading the headline and not much else, It is a New England style IPA beer brewed in Denmark. 
  18. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Randyandyuni in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    You question your wife exercising thought indepentanly of yours? Which -stan did you immigrate from?
  19. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Randyandyuni in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    So it's the girls own fault because she works for Trump? 
    I suppose your going to go to the other thread about Avenatti and say the woman deserved what she got.
  20. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    I bet if I go in the other room my father in law is watching it also. 
  21. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Voice of Reason in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    Ignore the "doctored" footage for one second and just give some thought to that intern being your wife.  
    If you find it acceptable for a man to act like that to her then you should be ashamed of yourself, if any man put his hands on my wife he better run. 
  22. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    Funny. I am watching Gomer Pyle USMC and shame shame shame 
  23. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    So it's the girls own fault because she works for Trump? 
    I suppose your going to go to the other thread about Avenatti and say the woman deserved what she got.
  24. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Randyandyuni in CNN’s Jim Acosta struggles with White House aide to keep microphone during testy Trump exchange   
    Wipe the dust off your needle, your 3 sentence Rebuttle of every OP is getting a little redundant, bump the tone arm.
    I like the micro font, it gives your arguements the visibility they deserve. 
  25. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Mansini77 in Antifa group chants outside, vandalizes Fox commentator Tucker Carlson's home   
    The OP posted the news of Antifa vandalizing and harassing Tucker Carlson's residence.  As far as I know, they didn't want a debate, or a discussion, they wanted to make the subtle threat in a zombie like chant of "We know where you sleep at night".  I'm willing to go out on a limb here and guess that most level headed people on the right and left do not condone and do not advocate for this kind of intimidation and fear tactics. 
    As I've followed this thread, your retort was not of distancing yourself from Antifa , but to deflect and steer the conversation to "Well, they hate Nazis".  That's virtue signaling.  "I hate Nazis, therefore my actions and character are those of the highest virtue".  So, to go back to the point of the topic of the thread, and I ask this question honestly, do you think Tucker Carlson is a Nazi and deserving of these kinds of late night shenanigans?  As for myself, I don't think this kind of behavior is winning the hearts and minds of middle of the road voters.  That being said, if tiki torch wielding white nationalists do the same to Don Lemon, it's in my best interest to condemn these actions as well.  
    In Antifa's minds, just about everyone with one right leaning bone in their body is a Nazi and the tag is being thrown around too casually.  Earlier this year, Professor Jordan Peterson was labeled "worse than Hitler" by the Wilfrid Laurier University administrators in the Lindsay Shepherd free speech controversy.  Jordan Peterson, whom I admire (ugh...I can already see the swastika on my sleeve), is critical of postmodernism, totalitarian Communist states like that of Mao's China, the Soviet Union under Stalin, and the Third Reich.  Being critical of one side of extreme political ideology does not automatically make the critic the extreme polar opposite on the political sphere.  
    The 20th century was the bloodiest century in recorded human history.  The death and brought upon by Hitler, Mao, Stalin, the Kims of North Korea and Pol Pot is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions.  Even the worst of the worst of people today don't even scratch the surface of these monsters of the past.
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