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Mr&Mrs G.

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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Chris Duffy in Bette Midler's lost it now!!! (Trump derangement syndrome)   
    They sure think they are
    In reality they are just a bunch of clowns who are paid to perform...…..
  2. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to TBoneTX in Bette Midler's lost it now!!! (Trump derangement syndrome)   
    Because they're SO much wiser than the common folk...
  3. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Obama Claims Credit for Boom in U.S. Oil Production, Praises Paris Climate Accords   
    On “Fox & Friends” Thursday, former Shell Oil Company President John Hofmeister said Obama is correct that oil production increased throughout his two terms, but “he had nothing to do with it.”
    “This was production in states like Texas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado, North Dakota, in particular. And these were all state decisions made with industry applications for permits. The federal government had no role,” Hofmeister said.
  4. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Voice of Reason in Trump wants up to 15,000 troops at border to deal with migrant caravan [merged threads]   
    This is my guess......

  5. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Neonred in Obama Claims Credit for Boom in U.S. Oil Production, Praises Paris Climate Accords   
    Obama made America great again.
  6. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in Obama Claims Credit for Boom in U.S. Oil Production, Praises Paris Climate Accords   
    And the Leftist Media claims Trump is the biggest narcissist.
    By JACK CROWE November 28, 2018 11:48 AM   Former President Barack Obama claimed credit Tuesday for the recent boom in U.S. oil production immediately after praising the Paris Climate Accords, which committed the U.S. to dramatically reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.
    “I was extraordinarily proud of the Paris accords because — you know, I know we’re in oil country and we need American energy, and by the way, American energy production,” Obama told the audience gathered at Rice University’s Baker Institute on Tuesday night. “You wouldn’t always know it but it went up every year I was president. That whole, suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people.”
  7. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in Trump wants up to 15,000 troops at border to deal with migrant caravan [merged threads]   
    I suppose there will be lawsuits coming.
    3 killed as truck crashes while fleeing Border Patrol in San Diego County
  8. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in Trump wants up to 15,000 troops at border to deal with migrant caravan [merged threads]   
    So the Leftist media and some MDL politicians are saying Trump used “chemical weapons” and show children fleeing and coughing from the tear gas.  Where were these folks when the Obama controlled ICE did the same thing over and over again?
  9. Like
  10. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Steeleballz in A Pro Poker Player Is Staying in a Dark Bathroom for 30 Days on a $100K Bet   
    Toilet bed and refrigerator in there? Easy!! That's all most guys need. That's 3/4 of the ideal man cave. Silly bet for whoever bet against him.
        Getting used to the dark would be the only hard part for some people, but I'd get used to it PDQ for 100K.
  11. Like
  12. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TM92 in Food stamp is a public charge ?   
    At my interview I was given a 221g and when I asked why they suggested possible public charge and I said but I have sponsors who exceeded the poverty guidelines by a huge margin. His answer was the US government is not in the business of chasing people for money for the I-864. So having a sponsor does not lessen the risk of being a public charge,  at the interview it is for the immigrating spouse to prove they will not become a public charge in the first place and not that you have a sponsor who will prevent it. 
    My wife who was my sponsor was a US citizen returning to the US and just did not have a job in place because we did not know where we were going to live. Luckily I had my own continuing income and I was able to satify the CO officer a couple of weeks later that I would not become a public charge.
  13. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from geowrian in Food stamp is a public charge ?   
    At my interview I was given a 221g and when I asked why they suggested possible public charge and I said but I have sponsors who exceeded the poverty guidelines by a huge margin. His answer was the US government is not in the business of chasing people for money for the I-864. So having a sponsor does not lessen the risk of being a public charge,  at the interview it is for the immigrating spouse to prove they will not become a public charge in the first place and not that you have a sponsor who will prevent it. 
    My wife who was my sponsor was a US citizen returning to the US and just did not have a job in place because we did not know where we were going to live. Luckily I had my own continuing income and I was able to satify the CO officer a couple of weeks later that I would not become a public charge.
  14. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to jg121783 in Trump wants up to 15,000 troops at border to deal with migrant caravan [merged threads]   
    Nor do they throw rocks at the people who guard that nation's borders or try to tear down their fences.
  15. Like
  16. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Voice of Reason in How Populist are you, take the Quiz   
    Sounds like a threat, I think he is going to drop her off at your place and do a runner 
  17. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in How Populist are you, take the Quiz   
    Sounds like a threat, I think he is going to drop her off at your place and do a runner 
  18. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Randyandyuni in How Populist are you, take the Quiz   
    Sounds like a threat, I think he is going to drop her off at your place and do a runner 
  19. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in How Populist are you, take the Quiz   
    Oh whatever. Big talk on the internet.  LOL I know your wife.
  20. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Randyandyuni in How Populist are you, take the Quiz   
    You are either much braver than I or bat- crazy
  21. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Neonred in How Populist are you, take the Quiz   
    Funny, but I took this somewhat seriously until I read the above descriptions of each.  Easy to see the preconceived bias the originator of this test had.
  22. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Cyberfx1024 in Homan: 'Liberal 9th Circuit Judge' Trying to Stop Trump From Protecting Border   
    Welcome back you loyal Trump troller. How is he being a dictator? A dictator is someone like your BFF Maduro in Venezuela. 
    What Trump said is true because the Liberal court judges make rulings off of how people feel not the actual law.
  23. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Cyberfx1024 in Homan: 'Liberal 9th Circuit Judge' Trying to Stop Trump From Protecting Border   
    I beginning to think you come here to tease others and are really a huge Trump fan 
  24. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Cyberfx1024 in Homan: 'Liberal 9th Circuit Judge' Trying to Stop Trump From Protecting Border   
    He is day dreaming. I swear Trump lives in his head. 
  25. Confused
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to JimandChristy in Homan: 'Liberal 9th Circuit Judge' Trying to Stop Trump From Protecting Border   
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