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Mr&Mrs G.

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    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    I am not living in the US just yet so my news comes from my in laws and the web. Also since my wife filed the I-130 I have only started to take a more active interest. President Obama drafted a law to speed up the immigration status for the children of illegal immigrants. By doing so this impacted directly on the I-130's filed by American born citizens, the USCIS centres became over loaded and have not got out of the backlog since. There was no legal challenge even though it directly impacted American families and kept some separated for long periods of time. 
    Have I read it wrong? 
    Currently the feeling I get for President Trump's first 100 days that it makes no difference what kind of law he tried to pass because there was always going to be challenge either way. This bit of running to a judge to get a law blocked sets a very dangerous president for any law passed by any future POTUS. 
    From an outsider looking in I would consider his first 100 days as 100 days of obstructionism by the opposing side. 
  2. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    Did Obama not pass something similar in 2015?  Obviously not as restrictive as the Trump temp ban but if he had been pressed to make a tougher law it would not have been challenged. 
  3. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    If the question was based on the election you would have been guaranteed that kind of response from the poll. No Trump supporter or republican would openly admit that they would have voted for Clinton. 
    But how is his success being judged?
    I bet no Hawaiin judge would have challenged the same immigration ban if Obama had presented it,  at a guess there would have been no court cases brought at all anywhere in the country. 
  4. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to IAMX in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    Hmm. I'd largely consider it successful in that he did most things he promised (and could do himself) right from the get-go. 
    I knew from the get-go some of the things he promised required the approval of Congress. 
    What I do fault him for not delivering on is DACA. I've yet to read an explanation as to why he can't do this.. its as easy as the swipe of a pen. Should've been done first day along with the BP/immigration EO.
    Another thing I fault him for is early decisions that cater to the GOP establishment that tried to cheat and swindle him out of the race. While one could say its Trump extending an olive branch, it seems self destructive to his campaign.
  5. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    If the question was based on the election you would have been guaranteed that kind of response from the poll. No Trump supporter or republican would openly admit that they would have voted for Clinton. 
    But how is his success being judged?
    I bet no Hawaiin judge would have challenged the same immigration ban if Obama had presented it,  at a guess there would have been no court cases brought at all anywhere in the country. 
  6. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to IAMX in Jeff Sessions Dismisses Hawaii as ‘an Island in the Pacific’   
    Speaking of "help"..


    All this vs "Russia conspiracy". The left sure know how to weigh the important things though. 
  7. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from M&B in I-130 March 2017 Filers   
    They should offer a faster premium service for I-130 applicants who are willing to pay an extra fee. This in turn maybe speed up the normal application times.
    Separated family's are paying out extra for flights back and forth to visit each other. I am sure that they wouldn't mind paying it to USCIS to be with their family sooner.
  8. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Berkeley Cancels Ann Coulter Speech Over Safety Fears   
    Ahh clearly it wasn't your windows or property that was smashed or you would have a different opinion. Playing with the words doesn't change that it was a violent anti free speech protest. 
  9. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Berkeley Cancels Ann Coulter Speech Over Safety Fears   
    Something that is cited in a lot of articles is that to many UC Berkeley is known to many as the birthplace of the free speech movement. What's happening now is that it is going backwards and rioting against free speech, clearly these students are being misguided. So if professors and others educate in this manner then California should pick up the bill for the rioting damage.
    I don't have to like what a person says but that free speech is protected. Milo maybe a bit off the scale and I may not like what he says, It still doesn't give me the right to wreck the place, and seriously why even bother to threaten more riots because Ann Coulter is coming to speak. 
    Berkeley has lot the plot, is this what a great education teaches you? 
  10. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Berkeley Cancels Ann Coulter Speech Over Safety Fears   
    Something that is cited in a lot of articles is that to many UC Berkeley is known to many as the birthplace of the free speech movement. What's happening now is that it is going backwards and rioting against free speech, clearly these students are being misguided. So if professors and others educate in this manner then California should pick up the bill for the rioting damage.
    I don't have to like what a person says but that free speech is protected. Milo maybe a bit off the scale and I may not like what he says, It still doesn't give me the right to wreck the place, and seriously why even bother to threaten more riots because Ann Coulter is coming to speak. 
    Berkeley has lot the plot, is this what a great education teaches you? 
  11. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from eieio in Berkeley Cancels Ann Coulter Speech Over Safety Fears   
    I guess you reap what you sow. 
  12. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from M&B in I-130 March 2017 Filers   
    Good work 
    I would offer to help but spreadsheets are just nasty things and I should be kept as far away as possible before I ruin it 
  13. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to DiamondEyes490 in I-130 March 2017 Filers   
    I started on the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ui770LNqVsaQu-USq-5gdn55UMukFCyONHhycVMpZ8A/edit?usp=sharing
    I'll add everyone else in after work
    If anyone would like to share admin rights with me, private message me your gmail account, and I'll share with you.
  14. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to aleful in Addition to I-130   
    there aren't any derivatives, so your wife would file a separate i130 for your daughter
    she will get her visa for residency in around 7 years if things don't change
  15. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to agripa in Addition to I-130   
    Lots of good advice here, but I would have a serious conversation with your daughter ASAP. As @NigeriaorBust has pointed out, the Republican-controlled Senate has specific proposals floating around looking to specifically remove adult children of US Citizens/LPR for applying for a Green Card. 
  16. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to NigeriaorBust in Addition to I-130   
    Your wife could file, the advantage is that is a bit shorter wait and it doesn't die if she get married.  It is one of the classes that is on the list to eliminate so if you are thinking of using it ,  I would files asap and hope that petitions already filed are allowed to proceed IF they cut the class in the future.
  17. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Captain Ewok in Website not loading or locked out...   
    Try now
  18. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to NigeriaorBust in Addition to I-130   
    At 23 she is an adult and won't be coming with you.  When did you marry , if she was under 18 when you married your USC spouse could petition and she can come in about 7 years , otherwise you can petition after you get your LPR status and it will take a bit longer and she must stay single.
  19. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in Bill O’Reilly Is Forced Out at Fox News   
    Funny how the mdl so quickly forgets about the serial sexual adults of Clinton and the cover ups of Hillary.
    Yes he could be President indeed.
  20. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in California Just Put Secession On The 2018 Ballot   
    California to seceed? Not a chance, just get Meryl Streep out and all will be good. 
    Still waiting on Hollywood's elite to leave for greener pastures after Trump won. 
  21. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Police arrest at least 20 as protesters clash at pro-Trump rally in Berkeley   
    Do you know what's even scarier? 
    If they tried the so called popular vote thing a few years ago and put this much effort into it they could have had President Al Gore. 
    Just saying it gives me the shivers........
  22. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Police arrest at least 20 as protesters clash at pro-Trump rally in Berkeley   
    Do you know what's even scarier? 
    If they tried the so called popular vote thing a few years ago and put this much effort into it they could have had President Al Gore. 
    Just saying it gives me the shivers........
  23. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to IAMX in Police arrest at least 20 as protesters clash at pro-Trump rally in Berkeley   
    I read that "so-called" stuff everywhere on the internet, clearly it's children who can't yet cope with the real world. If Trump gets re-elected I better invest in companies that do snuggie and cry-in therapy. I think the regressive left just might completely lose it at that point. 
  24. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Police arrest at least 20 as protesters clash at pro-Trump rally in Berkeley   
    Shhhhhhusshhh, don't say it too loud they might hear you. It's more fun watching them try to convince everyone else that he is only the so called President. 
    Wait until they read Hilarys book and find out Obama (the real president) told her to concede defeat. 
  25. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Police arrest at least 20 as protesters clash at pro-Trump rally in Berkeley   
    Even more surprising how many Hilary supporters, sorry Americans that didn't vote for him either but yet the man is president. 
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