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Mr&Mrs G.

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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to TBoneTX in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    The above is validation of the Backlog claim.
  2. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from eieio in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    There is no excuse for anyone to defend or deny sanctuary cities. This should be nothing to do with politics, this is stupidity at the highest level to allow these criminals to stay. Just reading about it makes me angry, do you guys not want to be safe from guys like this?
    From 2005 San Francisco
    "Last week, 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle was murdered in San Francisco. The man who's accused of murdering her (who was arrested the day after the murder) is called Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate by federal officials. But when he was released from a local jail in March, he went by Francisco Sanchez.
    The murder is getting national attention because Sanchez is an unauthorized immigrant — and because he was released from jail in March despite a request from the federal government to hold him until federal immigration agents could pick him up. So the case has become a referendum on what opponents call San Francisco's "sanctuary city" policy"
  3. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    A simple search on the web throws out the example below, there are stories of drug dealers, rapists, abusers being released. So what's the advantage of these illegals being released into your community where you and your family are trying to live peacefully. Sorry I can't agree and if punishing these so called sanctuary cities is the answer the every citizen should be behind it and not playing politics. 
    This guy has nothing to offer to your country other than pure violence.
     "Estivan Rafael Marques Velasquez, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, and an "admitted member of the notorious MS-13 gang, was released from Rikers Island [prison] on Feb. 16 after serving time for disorderly conduct."
    Despite Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) asking that Velasquez be turned over to them for deportment following his prison sentence, he was simply allowed to walk free under New York City's sanctuary policy.
    Velasquez's rap sheet includes "second-degree reckless endangerment, fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon and disorderly conduct."
  4. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from eieio in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    Feedback from my in laws at the time was to give Cruz a wide berth. We were over on holidays for a few weeks just before the election and my mother in law put a couple of Trump stickers on the hire car. Long drive to Atlanta plenty of high fives and cars honking, my 22 year old daughter was in the front passenger seat and she is claiming the praise. My in laws say it was the Trump sticker.
    For the future I an liking the footage of Trey Goudy as a possible future president, the guy speaks well and seems to have his heart in the right place. Probably a nutter but hopefully I will be able to vote by next election.
  5. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from eieio in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    USCIS are already processing DACA applications and the fees for other visa types went up last year. So if DACA is self funded by application fees why would it increase prices more? Surely it's using USCIS staff that were already employed before DACA was created.
  6. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from OriZ in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    I am Irish and still live in Ireland, my wife is the American and only recently sent off an I-130 so we can go live in the US. So I also don't have a party. I am trying to take an active interest in the politics of the country by participating in this section of the forum before I arrive in the country. If my leanings are currently towards being republican and a Trump supporter then I will have to blame crooked Hilary and the democratic party for not putting forward a more viable candidate. 
  7. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from spookyturtle in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    Perfect, I'll fit right in then 
  8. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from CaliCat in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    Perfect, I'll fit right in then 
  9. Like
  10. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from CaliCat in USCIS to begin Issuing Redesigned "GREEN CARDS" starting 1st May 2017   
    It's actually surprising how many pictures there is of the Statue of Liberty behind a brick wall on Google images.
    I like this one.....

  11. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Jeff Sessions Dismisses Hawaii as ‘an Island in the Pacific’   
    Really surprised this thread ran 9 pages but we all gotta get our kicks somewhere.
    "Jeff Sessions Dismisses Hawaii as ‘an Island in the Pacific"   It's not really a big deal, the Democrats have a judge on one of the islands who is prepared to over rule the President so they should have no problem getting him to order Sessions to correctly refer to Hawaii as an Island. 
  12. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TBoneTX in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    Of course I will be in a much better position than any DACA recipient, but I feel with any program like this they should have left the normal immigration centers alone and used new offices. Apparently it's self funding so why place it directly in the hands of USCIS when they were already playing catch up. Setting it up as a stand alone entity or even a separate branch within USCIS would have been better.
  13. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TBoneTX in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    This is my main problem with DACA, these cases were loaded on to the USCIS with instructions to process them quicker. It over loaded the offices and backlogged a lot of applications. I read a story of a American born guy who had been living with his wife in Australia, they had a couple of kids. Like my wife and I we were not aware of any backlog when we started the process. That guy had to leave his wife and kids in Australia because his new job was starting. The family spend Christmas Day on a webcam opening presents, I can't find any justification for any illegal being processed ahead of any USA born citizen and keeping a family apart. His teenage kids were registered as American abroad but the mother was not able to travel for the best part of 8 or 9 months, grossly unfair.
    My kids are older so it's not a problem, our sponsor is already sorted and we will take a holiday in August or September to fill the I-864 in with my wife's Parents. All the intent to domicile will also be sorted while over there. Honestly I feel there must be a fairer system that does not directly interfere with US born citizens applications.
  14. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    I understand the other side of the aisle voting no and if you can't get your laws passed then tough, that's politics.  But running to judges seems to be something new, will this be the future? 
  15. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    The legal challenges were brought before judges who lean towards the democrat party. Which pretty much guaranteed them a result in their favour. 
    Where there any legal challenges brought against President Obama or is this going to be the norm for the future? 
  16. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    Did Obama not pass something similar in 2015?  Obviously not as restrictive as the Trump temp ban but if he had been pressed to make a tougher law it would not have been challenged. 
  17. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    If the question was based on the election you would have been guaranteed that kind of response from the poll. No Trump supporter or republican would openly admit that they would have voted for Clinton. 
    But how is his success being judged?
    I bet no Hawaiin judge would have challenged the same immigration ban if Obama had presented it,  at a guess there would have been no court cases brought at all anywhere in the country. 
  18. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from CaliCat in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    Of course I will be in a much better position than any DACA recipient, but I feel with any program like this they should have left the normal immigration centers alone and used new offices. Apparently it's self funding so why place it directly in the hands of USCIS when they were already playing catch up. Setting it up as a stand alone entity or even a separate branch within USCIS would have been better.
  19. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to CaliCat in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    I thought she was here. In this case she will need to show intent on residing in the US for your benefit, not for hers. As your petitioner she will need to prove she will be able to support you upon arriving in the US. Since she doesn't live here and doesn't have a job here she will need to find a co-sponsor, who will take that role with her. Anyone in her family or a friend can do that, and in the absence of someone, she can come in a few months ahead of you, get a job, and establish domicile in the country again. Maybe no the most ideal situation, but it is often done so. 
  20. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from CaliCat in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    If we turned up without her showing intent to domicile the application would be refused, so she has to prove some intent regardless of how little. 
  21. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from CaliCat in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    My wife is an American born citizen but she lives in Ireland with me. We are married 9 years but during the I-130 process she will be asked to prove intent to domicile in the USA, it is a requirement not an optional choice.
  22. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Jujubsweet in I-130 March 2017 Filers   
    It would be nice if they even had a tick in a box to show special circumstances, rather than just a couple of applications that got misplaced at the top of the pile. Although looking at the graph on the right hand side it shows a steady a flow outside the norm.
  23. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to IAMX in Trump says 100-day marker is ‘ridiculous.’ But he’s scrambling to show progress by then on taxes, health care.   
    The left are dying to have something go their way, hence the overt acts of desperation in making it seem like there's this consensus of people that agree with them, when in fact it's just remnants of lefties still upset about the election. And this is a political wing that tries to market themselves of "logic", "reason", and "science'. About as much an oxymoron as it gets.
  24. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    Appreciate the explanation. 
    This part of the forum should almost be recommended reading for future immigrants. Most of us will already have political leanings before we arrive but it does no harm to get involved in the US discussion before we get off the plane. 
  25. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Only Two Percent of Americans Who Voted for Trump Regret It   
    The legal challenges were brought before judges who lean towards the democrat party. Which pretty much guaranteed them a result in their favour. 
    Where there any legal challenges brought against President Obama or is this going to be the norm for the future? 
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