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Mr&Mrs G.

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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to IAMX in Trump hands out 2016 electoral maps   
    Clearly these 9th circuit judges don't respect the Constitution. When Trump finally gets the sense to appeal their rulings, you'll see exactly why.
  2. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from CaliCat in Trump hands out 2016 electoral maps   
    As the old saying goes, if the cap fits 

  3. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to IAMX in Trump hands out 2016 electoral maps   
    Denial is a coping mechanism, but it does show the left have trouble handling reality.
  4. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Trump hands out 2016 electoral maps   
    Do you feel more comforted each time you say "Not for the lack of voters" 
    As for sounding a bit confused, must be my Irish accent so I will try again... hmmm still sounds the same... she lost. 
  5. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Trump hands out 2016 electoral maps   
    As the old saying goes, if the cap fits 

  6. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Trump hands out 2016 electoral maps   
    Not very mature of me, but just trying to imagine shows how much of a joke it is. 
  7. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Trump hands out 2016 electoral maps   
    And you think if Hilary won she wouldn't have been proud? 
    Bill proved how proud he was of winning, just ask Monica.
  8. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Trump hands out 2016 electoral maps   
    Not very mature of me, but just trying to imagine shows how much of a joke it is. 
  9. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Trump hands out 2016 electoral maps   
    No, the post said he was proud that he won I just agreed that he should be. In four years if he says he is not proud of his Presidency we can answer that one then. 
  10. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from IAMX in Trump hands out 2016 electoral maps   
    She lost... end of.
  11. Like
  12. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Cyberfx1024 in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    The majority view is not good at all, but then again the media very biased (pro democrat) and rarely paint a good picture of him. I'd say most see him as a cartoon type character, more often than not I find myself saying to people don't believe what you read in the papers. The Alec Baldwin version of Trump is probably how most see him, the mad man who is going to start word war three. 
    But Hollywood can take a lot of the blame, a lot of people believe you can't walk down the street because you have to keep ducking because of all the bullets flying. Everyone has a gun and shoots whoever disagree with them, it's sad when I come back from a holiday with the in laws and some questions are "do you feel safe with all the crime" "what about all the snakes and alligators walking down the streets" I can easily get myself in an argument if at a party or gathering and I hear talking of all Americans being crazy warmongers and most Irish talk with a John Wayne type cowboy accent if they are telling a story. My response is usualy "you do know my wife is here and doesnt talk like that" Meryl Streep is an angel, a great actress who must be telling the truth. But I have a good answer to that one when I show the video of her applauding her paedophile friend Roman Polanski at the Oscars a few years back, surely thats worse than Donald grabbing a woman's bits and generally they go dumb and dont reply.
    I actually got myself in a spot of bother when I was at a party and the drone of comments about how great Hilary was started to drive me crazy. I should have said nothing but I just turned around and called "bull" for what the guy was talking about. Turns out his whole family had the same beliefs, they are all heavily active members in a trade union and to them Trump is like the anti-christ. Believe me it was a long night but the wife assures me I got louder and louder as the night went on (alcohol flowed freely) and I was more than a match for a bunch of more educacated masses, even if I wasn't always right.
  13. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Amica Nostra in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    I did a lot of work in Dublin and the funniest thing I ever heard was my co-worker , who does great  immitations, Do Tom Cruise's annoying Irish accent from Far and Away. 
  14. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    Education does not always make people smarter.

  15. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Amica Nostra in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    The majority view is not good at all, but then again the media very biased (pro democrat) and rarely paint a good picture of him. I'd say most see him as a cartoon type character, more often than not I find myself saying to people don't believe what you read in the papers. The Alec Baldwin version of Trump is probably how most see him, the mad man who is going to start word war three. 
    But Hollywood can take a lot of the blame, a lot of people believe you can't walk down the street because you have to keep ducking because of all the bullets flying. Everyone has a gun and shoots whoever disagree with them, it's sad when I come back from a holiday with the in laws and some questions are "do you feel safe with all the crime" "what about all the snakes and alligators walking down the streets" I can easily get myself in an argument if at a party or gathering and I hear talking of all Americans being crazy warmongers and most Irish talk with a John Wayne type cowboy accent if they are telling a story. My response is usualy "you do know my wife is here and doesnt talk like that" Meryl Streep is an angel, a great actress who must be telling the truth. But I have a good answer to that one when I show the video of her applauding her paedophile friend Roman Polanski at the Oscars a few years back, surely thats worse than Donald grabbing a woman's bits and generally they go dumb and dont reply.
    I actually got myself in a spot of bother when I was at a party and the drone of comments about how great Hilary was started to drive me crazy. I should have said nothing but I just turned around and called "bull" for what the guy was talking about. Turns out his whole family had the same beliefs, they are all heavily active members in a trade union and to them Trump is like the anti-christ. Believe me it was a long night but the wife assures me I got louder and louder as the night went on (alcohol flowed freely) and I was more than a match for a bunch of more educacated masses, even if I wasn't always right.
  16. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    The majority view is not good at all, but then again the media very biased (pro democrat) and rarely paint a good picture of him. I'd say most see him as a cartoon type character, more often than not I find myself saying to people don't believe what you read in the papers. The Alec Baldwin version of Trump is probably how most see him, the mad man who is going to start word war three. 
    But Hollywood can take a lot of the blame, a lot of people believe you can't walk down the street because you have to keep ducking because of all the bullets flying. Everyone has a gun and shoots whoever disagree with them, it's sad when I come back from a holiday with the in laws and some questions are "do you feel safe with all the crime" "what about all the snakes and alligators walking down the streets" I can easily get myself in an argument if at a party or gathering and I hear talking of all Americans being crazy warmongers and most Irish talk with a John Wayne type cowboy accent if they are telling a story. My response is usualy "you do know my wife is here and doesnt talk like that" Meryl Streep is an angel, a great actress who must be telling the truth. But I have a good answer to that one when I show the video of her applauding her paedophile friend Roman Polanski at the Oscars a few years back, surely thats worse than Donald grabbing a woman's bits and generally they go dumb and dont reply.
    I actually got myself in a spot of bother when I was at a party and the drone of comments about how great Hilary was started to drive me crazy. I should have said nothing but I just turned around and called "bull" for what the guy was talking about. Turns out his whole family had the same beliefs, they are all heavily active members in a trade union and to them Trump is like the anti-christ. Believe me it was a long night but the wife assures me I got louder and louder as the night went on (alcohol flowed freely) and I was more than a match for a bunch of more educacated masses, even if I wasn't always right.
  17. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    We can all give responses like that but when the violence comes to our own doors it's different. Seriously I think your in denial that there's even a problem. 
    Over 11 million illegals, nothing easy about that.
  18. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    A simple search on the web throws out the example below, there are stories of drug dealers, rapists, abusers being released. So what's the advantage of these illegals being released into your community where you and your family are trying to live peacefully. Sorry I can't agree and if punishing these so called sanctuary cities is the answer the every citizen should be behind it and not playing politics. 
    This guy has nothing to offer to your country other than pure violence.
     "Estivan Rafael Marques Velasquez, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, and an "admitted member of the notorious MS-13 gang, was released from Rikers Island [prison] on Feb. 16 after serving time for disorderly conduct."
    Despite Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) asking that Velasquez be turned over to them for deportment following his prison sentence, he was simply allowed to walk free under New York City's sanctuary policy.
    Velasquez's rap sheet includes "second-degree reckless endangerment, fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon and disorderly conduct."
  19. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    Check and balances, fair enough but according to the CNN article it says the judge blocked a threat, so nothing has even happened so what's he blocking checking or balancing? 
    "A federal judge on Tuesday blocked the Trump administration from enforcing a threat to take away funds from sanctuary cities "
    if every time Trump speaks someone runs to court to get an injunction it's going to become a joke on the judicial system.
  20. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from eieio in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    We can all give responses like that but when the violence comes to our own doors it's different. Seriously I think your in denial that there's even a problem. 
    Over 11 million illegals, nothing easy about that.
  21. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from eieio in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    There is no excuse for anyone to defend or deny sanctuary cities. This should be nothing to do with politics, this is stupidity at the highest level to allow these criminals to stay. Just reading about it makes me angry, do you guys not want to be safe from guys like this?
    From 2005 San Francisco
    "Last week, 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle was murdered in San Francisco. The man who's accused of murdering her (who was arrested the day after the murder) is called Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate by federal officials. But when he was released from a local jail in March, he went by Francisco Sanchez.
    The murder is getting national attention because Sanchez is an unauthorized immigrant — and because he was released from jail in March despite a request from the federal government to hold him until federal immigration agents could pick him up. So the case has become a referendum on what opponents call San Francisco's "sanctuary city" policy"
  22. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from eieio in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    A simple search on the web throws out the example below, there are stories of drug dealers, rapists, abusers being released. So what's the advantage of these illegals being released into your community where you and your family are trying to live peacefully. Sorry I can't agree and if punishing these so called sanctuary cities is the answer the every citizen should be behind it and not playing politics. 
    This guy has nothing to offer to your country other than pure violence.
     "Estivan Rafael Marques Velasquez, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, and an "admitted member of the notorious MS-13 gang, was released from Rikers Island [prison] on Feb. 16 after serving time for disorderly conduct."
    Despite Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) asking that Velasquez be turned over to them for deportment following his prison sentence, he was simply allowed to walk free under New York City's sanctuary policy.
    Velasquez's rap sheet includes "second-degree reckless endangerment, fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon and disorderly conduct."
  23. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to spookyturtle in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    But it makes great headlines and pads the statistics, and that's what those in charge are looking for. Personally, I'm more concerned about MS-13 and Cartel members. 
  24. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to spookyturtle in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    Illegals who are guilty of serious crimes should be at the top of the list for deportation. There should be a plan for enforcement, starting with the worst offenders first. A murderer,  rapist, gang member,  etc should be more of a priority than a non criminal illegal working for a landscaping company. Just as with citizens, a rapist or drug dealer is more of a threat to society than a jaywalker. Of course the minor offenders are a lot easier to catch than the dangerous ones. Just like it is currently with immigration, it's much easier to harass those doing it legally than it is to catch border jumpers. 
  25. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Transborderwife in Judge blocks part of Trump's sanctuary cities executive order   
    It's likely more like 30 million.  But anyway, I cannot help but think of how often on this board it becomes ok to suggest to a struggling k1 couple or overstay student/work/b2 etc visa to wait until you have the money to file.  That being "out of status" isn't ideal but no biggie.  I really do think sometimes that we have two classes of illegal immigrants here.
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