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Mr&Mrs G.

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  1. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Richmond Times-Dispatch calls on Virginia Gov. Northam to resign   
    Sorry can't confirm that but it appears he is in to infanticide 
  2. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Richmond Times-Dispatch calls on Virginia Gov. Northam to resign   
    He now says it's not him in the photo but admits to dressing up as Michael Jackson. 
    I wonder if it was the younger or the older Michael Jackson he dressed up as 
  3. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Richmond Times-Dispatch calls on Virginia Gov. Northam to resign   
    He now says it's not him in the photo but admits to dressing up as Michael Jackson. 
    I wonder if it was the younger or the older Michael Jackson he dressed up as 
  4. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from NikLR in US shutdown: Trump angered by Democrat rejection of 'compromise'   
    Since I moved over I have spoken to so many people locally and they haven't got a clue about the immigration system, all they see is what's on the tv poor families south of the border.
    I explain to them the amount of US citizens who are separated from their spouses and their kids for over a year and they are shocked. My belief is the immigration should be geared to help them and not help those who arrived illegally. Why is no one speaking on their behalf but there are loads to speak for illegals?
    The system needs fixing and if a wall or barrier is part of the solution then so be it. Diversity lottery needs to go, other countries get to pick the best and in categories that they need but the US hands out 50,000 in a lottery.. it's crazy.  
  5. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from eieio in US shutdown: Trump angered by Democrat rejection of 'compromise'   
    Since I moved over I have spoken to so many people locally and they haven't got a clue about the immigration system, all they see is what's on the tv poor families south of the border.
    I explain to them the amount of US citizens who are separated from their spouses and their kids for over a year and they are shocked. My belief is the immigration should be geared to help them and not help those who arrived illegally. Why is no one speaking on their behalf but there are loads to speak for illegals?
    The system needs fixing and if a wall or barrier is part of the solution then so be it. Diversity lottery needs to go, other countries get to pick the best and in categories that they need but the US hands out 50,000 in a lottery.. it's crazy.  
  6. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to TBoneTX in Poll: 3/4 Dems would consider backing Ocasio-Cortez for president — but she's not old enough   
    She couldn't debate a comatose soapdish.
    Her rebuttal would be, "Who are you to challenge ME?!"
  7. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Poll: 3/4 Dems would consider backing Ocasio-Cortez for president — but she's not old enough   
    AOC couldn't debate her own proposals, conservatives would be queuing up to take her apart, even members of her own party would take her down in a debate. 
  8. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Voice of Reason in Giuliani may be slowly dripping information to public to lessen shock of Mueller report: Napolitano   
    I just ordered two new impeachment T-shirts.  Thoe other ones were over a year old.
  9. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TBoneTX in Poll: 3/4 Dems would consider backing Ocasio-Cortez for president — but she's not old enough   
    Just turns your stomach imagining one of those as president.
    I can understand the complaints people have against the old guard but these younger ones coming through are scary. 
  10. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TBoneTX in US shutdown: Trump angered by Democrat rejection of 'compromise'   
    Since I moved over I have spoken to so many people locally and they haven't got a clue about the immigration system, all they see is what's on the tv poor families south of the border.
    I explain to them the amount of US citizens who are separated from their spouses and their kids for over a year and they are shocked. My belief is the immigration should be geared to help them and not help those who arrived illegally. Why is no one speaking on their behalf but there are loads to speak for illegals?
    The system needs fixing and if a wall or barrier is part of the solution then so be it. Diversity lottery needs to go, other countries get to pick the best and in categories that they need but the US hands out 50,000 in a lottery.. it's crazy.  
  11. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to jg121783 in US shutdown: Trump angered by Democrat rejection of 'compromise'   
    Because illegals tend to vote Democrat. Most legal immigrants don't vote at all until they become citizens. There is no money or political power in advocating for legal immigrants. Those of us who have family who are legal immigrants have to do it or no one will.
    Couldn't agree more. Those visas need to go to people who have skills we need and need to be totally merit based. 
  12. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in US shutdown: Trump angered by Democrat rejection of 'compromise'   
    Since I moved over I have spoken to so many people locally and they haven't got a clue about the immigration system, all they see is what's on the tv poor families south of the border.
    I explain to them the amount of US citizens who are separated from their spouses and their kids for over a year and they are shocked. My belief is the immigration should be geared to help them and not help those who arrived illegally. Why is no one speaking on their behalf but there are loads to speak for illegals?
    The system needs fixing and if a wall or barrier is part of the solution then so be it. Diversity lottery needs to go, other countries get to pick the best and in categories that they need but the US hands out 50,000 in a lottery.. it's crazy.  
  13. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Supreme Court allows transgender military ban to go into effect   
    I think when the subject was discussed here on the forum before it was mentioned that after a person announces their wish to transition there is around 12 months of counselling . Then the surgery and recovery time along with more counselling, I believe the time quoted was approximately 3 years for the whole process to complete. So a person could sign up and declare not long after their wish to transition and they would be withdrawn from being deployed. Spend 3 years basically being treated by the military and then when it's all sorted leave after you have had your free paid for surgery by tax payers. 
    Maybe it's not that way for all but as a potential loophole it had to be removed.
  14. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Voice of Reason in Supreme Court allows transgender military ban to go into effect   
    I think when the subject was discussed here on the forum before it was mentioned that after a person announces their wish to transition there is around 12 months of counselling . Then the surgery and recovery time along with more counselling, I believe the time quoted was approximately 3 years for the whole process to complete. So a person could sign up and declare not long after their wish to transition and they would be withdrawn from being deployed. Spend 3 years basically being treated by the military and then when it's all sorted leave after you have had your free paid for surgery by tax payers. 
    Maybe it's not that way for all but as a potential loophole it had to be removed.
  15. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in US shutdown: Trump angered by Democrat rejection of 'compromise'   
    Since I moved over I have spoken to so many people locally and they haven't got a clue about the immigration system, all they see is what's on the tv poor families south of the border.
    I explain to them the amount of US citizens who are separated from their spouses and their kids for over a year and they are shocked. My belief is the immigration should be geared to help them and not help those who arrived illegally. Why is no one speaking on their behalf but there are loads to speak for illegals?
    The system needs fixing and if a wall or barrier is part of the solution then so be it. Diversity lottery needs to go, other countries get to pick the best and in categories that they need but the US hands out 50,000 in a lottery.. it's crazy.  
  16. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Neonred in US shutdown: Trump angered by Democrat rejection of 'compromise'   
    Since I moved over I have spoken to so many people locally and they haven't got a clue about the immigration system, all they see is what's on the tv poor families south of the border.
    I explain to them the amount of US citizens who are separated from their spouses and their kids for over a year and they are shocked. My belief is the immigration should be geared to help them and not help those who arrived illegally. Why is no one speaking on their behalf but there are loads to speak for illegals?
    The system needs fixing and if a wall or barrier is part of the solution then so be it. Diversity lottery needs to go, other countries get to pick the best and in categories that they need but the US hands out 50,000 in a lottery.. it's crazy.  
  17. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Poll: 3/4 Dems would consider backing Ocasio-Cortez for president — but she's not old enough   
    Just turns your stomach imagining one of those as president.
    I can understand the complaints people have against the old guard but these younger ones coming through are scary. 
  18. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in What makes a liberal want to punch a child?   
    This is what is interesting, it was really the Black Hebrews that were doing everything there, but I guess that doesn’t fit the narrative.
  19. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Voice of Reason in What makes a liberal want to punch a child?   
    Having watched pices and bits of both videos posted here, this is my personal analysis.
    Some religious zealots were simultaneously spouting scriptures, hatred towards gays, disparaging the catholic church, and trying to antagonize a group of young white kids.  They were rude, and were doing their best to incite a riot which thankfully never happened.  Talking about angels protecting them, that is why there was a gap between the 5 criers and the rest of the crowd.  Talking about how no one would come close to them, would “not do nothing to them”.  
    Then an Indian walked up between these to groups of people, chanting and beating his drum.  His back was to the group of zealots who were shouting their offensive messages, his face to the crowd of kids.  The kids started clapping in time with the drum beats.  The loud mouthed black guy tried to make it seem like the Indian was “his people”, on his side.  But to me, said Indian fellow was simply trying to become a distraction to the discord.  The fact that his back was to the religious folks tells me he was not supporting them.
    And yet somehow, thru all of this, the consensus was that some kid in a MAGA hat was disrespecting/mocking a Native American?  One would have to be both blind AND stupid to have gotten that narrative out of the situation.
    There you have it, ladies and gentlemen.  Not live nor in person, but the truth as far as I see it.  Honest reporting from an honest American.  That is all.
  20. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TBoneTX in Londonderry: Bomb explodes in car outside courthouse   
    In the past the answer would have been a big no with the voting divided by religion, protestants out numbered the catholics. I believe now that it is the opposite way and catholics are about 45% of the population, that doesn't necessarily guarantee a yes vote because some will choose to stay in the UK for financial reasons. 
    If you look at the history of Ireland you will see that the IRA were the original army of Ireland who fought for independence from the crown, not the same as it's same named organisation of modern times. These are a violent nasty crowd that commit some heinous crimes both sides of the border, but it is all these small splinter organisations that are the problem now. Also in the past there was many paramilitary groups on the opposite side who functioned and were sneakily armed by the UK government, these also have modern splinter groups who are no longer supported by the government. 
    Complicated doesn't even begin to explain the situation.
  21. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TBoneTX in Photos: Women’s March Protesters Call For Trump to ‘Drop Dead,’ His Children to Be Caged   
    Strange it's called the women's march when not all women are welcome, it should be called the only if you think like us women's march.
    Just another two faced group they say one thing and talk about inclusion but they are the opposite.
  22. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Londonderry: Bomb explodes in car outside courthouse   
    In the past the answer would have been a big no with the voting divided by religion, protestants out numbered the catholics. I believe now that it is the opposite way and catholics are about 45% of the population, that doesn't necessarily guarantee a yes vote because some will choose to stay in the UK for financial reasons. 
    If you look at the history of Ireland you will see that the IRA were the original army of Ireland who fought for independence from the crown, not the same as it's same named organisation of modern times. These are a violent nasty crowd that commit some heinous crimes both sides of the border, but it is all these small splinter organisations that are the problem now. Also in the past there was many paramilitary groups on the opposite side who functioned and were sneakily armed by the UK government, these also have modern splinter groups who are no longer supported by the government. 
    Complicated doesn't even begin to explain the situation.
  23. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Londonderry: Bomb explodes in car outside courthouse   
    In the past the answer would have been a big no with the voting divided by religion, protestants out numbered the catholics. I believe now that it is the opposite way and catholics are about 45% of the population, that doesn't necessarily guarantee a yes vote because some will choose to stay in the UK for financial reasons. 
    If you look at the history of Ireland you will see that the IRA were the original army of Ireland who fought for independence from the crown, not the same as it's same named organisation of modern times. These are a violent nasty crowd that commit some heinous crimes both sides of the border, but it is all these small splinter organisations that are the problem now. Also in the past there was many paramilitary groups on the opposite side who functioned and were sneakily armed by the UK government, these also have modern splinter groups who are no longer supported by the government. 
    Complicated doesn't even begin to explain the situation.
  24. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Actually, the Numbers Show That We Need More Immigration, Not Less   
    Bernie Sanders said today that President Trump was a racist so that must count as a logical argument 
  25. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from refugee in Londonderry: Bomb explodes in car outside courthouse   
    In the past the answer would have been a big no with the voting divided by religion, protestants out numbered the catholics. I believe now that it is the opposite way and catholics are about 45% of the population, that doesn't necessarily guarantee a yes vote because some will choose to stay in the UK for financial reasons. 
    If you look at the history of Ireland you will see that the IRA were the original army of Ireland who fought for independence from the crown, not the same as it's same named organisation of modern times. These are a violent nasty crowd that commit some heinous crimes both sides of the border, but it is all these small splinter organisations that are the problem now. Also in the past there was many paramilitary groups on the opposite side who functioned and were sneakily armed by the UK government, these also have modern splinter groups who are no longer supported by the government. 
    Complicated doesn't even begin to explain the situation.
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