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Mr&Mrs G.

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    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Randyandyuni in Green New Deal: Ocasio-Cortez aims to make air travel obsolete, aid those ‘unwilling’ to work   
    Im curious what year was that? 
    I hadn't got a clue about tax bands when I left school, not a mention of it in the classroom neither. Just to make sure it's not because I'm an old git with an old education I asked my daughter's. One is in her first year of college and she learned nothing about tax bands in school. Another of my daughter's gets lost when she looks at her pay slip, she also learned nothing about tax bands in school. 
  2. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Green New Deal: Ocasio-Cortez aims to make air travel obsolete, aid those ‘unwilling’ to work   
    If the intention is to tax the rich then why is Bill Gates saying the top 400 earners currently only pay about 20% income tax. Surely it would require a more targeted taxation plan on assets rather than income. I'm guessing this 70% rate won't catch the mega rich it will get those in categories below whose money is income based rather than in assets. 
    "The one thing that never gets much press: The IRS shows the statistics for the top 400 people of the highest income and the rate they pay ... It's about a 20% rate, so it has nothing to do with the 39.6% marginal ordinary income rate," Gates said. "So it's a misfocus. If you focus on that, you're missing the picture."
  3. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Green New Deal: Ocasio-Cortez aims to make air travel obsolete, aid those ‘unwilling’ to work   
    Im curious what year was that? 
    I hadn't got a clue about tax bands when I left school, not a mention of it in the classroom neither. Just to make sure it's not because I'm an old git with an old education I asked my daughter's. One is in her first year of college and she learned nothing about tax bands in school. Another of my daughter's gets lost when she looks at her pay slip, she also learned nothing about tax bands in school. 
  4. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Green New Deal: Ocasio-Cortez aims to make air travel obsolete, aid those ‘unwilling’ to work   
    If the intention is to tax the rich then why is Bill Gates saying the top 400 earners currently only pay about 20% income tax. Surely it would require a more targeted taxation plan on assets rather than income. I'm guessing this 70% rate won't catch the mega rich it will get those in categories below whose money is income based rather than in assets. 
    "The one thing that never gets much press: The IRS shows the statistics for the top 400 people of the highest income and the rate they pay ... It's about a 20% rate, so it has nothing to do with the 39.6% marginal ordinary income rate," Gates said. "So it's a misfocus. If you focus on that, you're missing the picture."
  5. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in Green New Deal: Ocasio-Cortez aims to make air travel obsolete, aid those ‘unwilling’ to work   
    Im curious what year was that? 
    I hadn't got a clue about tax bands when I left school, not a mention of it in the classroom neither. Just to make sure it's not because I'm an old git with an old education I asked my daughter's. One is in her first year of college and she learned nothing about tax bands in school. Another of my daughter's gets lost when she looks at her pay slip, she also learned nothing about tax bands in school. 
  6. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Ban Hammer in Green New Deal: Ocasio-Cortez aims to make air travel obsolete, aid those ‘unwilling’ to work   
    i guess you missed the orange nixon diatribe.
  7. Haha
  8. Haha
  9. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Finland's universal basic income trial finds giving unemployed people money didn't help them back to work   
    The problem I found initially was not being able to find an income that could replace the benefits that my family was getting but I got there eventually. When the benefits are higher than what a job provides it gives those who can't find a way out no option but to stay the way they are. The system handicaps you and traps you in and be hard to get out. 
    I believe Ireland has made changes since that period and wages have increased so there is an incentive to work. Also at one point they were giving benefits to 16 year olds, they saw easy cash for booze and partying and left school early. That has changed and the benefits are much lower for teenagers now.
    I guess my point is nothing is ever free, even free money causes damage.
  10. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Finland's universal basic income trial finds giving unemployed people money didn't help them back to work   
    In a lot of instances it makes it harder to return to work. 
    Many years ago things didn't work out as planned and I ended up out of work. I ended up getting approximately 1700 euro per month in unemployment benefits, around another 700 euro monthly children's allowance. Rent subsidised heavily, home heating heavily subsidised, free landline with an allowance for free phone calls. Let's not forget the free unlimited healthcare because the whole family had medical cards. Also you had the option to go to a welfare officer and get checks from him to cover any household items you might need. 
    The big problem occurs when you start looking for work and you start to compare the financial benefits and then you decide it's easier to sit on your ### and get paid to do nothing. 
  11. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Voice of Reason in Finland's universal basic income trial finds giving unemployed people money didn't help them back to work   
    I agree with you 100%.  As long as a person is getting enough with no effort, why seek work to gain more?  Now, if the money is a pittance, and doesn’t cover the bills, but just assists living costs, then there is incentive to get out and find work that pays the bills.
    It’s very simple economics.  Much like AOCs 70% federal tax proposal.  I would simply quit working and wait on the gubmint to take care of me vs. working and giving 70% of what I make to them.
  12. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Voice of Reason in Finland's universal basic income trial finds giving unemployed people money didn't help them back to work   
    In a lot of instances it makes it harder to return to work. 
    Many years ago things didn't work out as planned and I ended up out of work. I ended up getting approximately 1700 euro per month in unemployment benefits, around another 700 euro monthly children's allowance. Rent subsidised heavily, home heating heavily subsidised, free landline with an allowance for free phone calls. Let's not forget the free unlimited healthcare because the whole family had medical cards. Also you had the option to go to a welfare officer and get checks from him to cover any household items you might need. 
    The big problem occurs when you start looking for work and you start to compare the financial benefits and then you decide it's easier to sit on your ### and get paid to do nothing. 
  13. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Randyandyuni in New York State Senate Passes Bill Permitting Abortions up to Birth   
    the self-directed euthanasia is something I could actually get behind, Dr Kevorkian was villified for his role in this but given the option of a protracted painful existence without hope for relief, I could see this as an option, but self directed not state directed 
  14. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TBoneTX in State of the Union   
    I think they insulted the suffragette movement by not applauding women being saved from sex trafficking. 
  15. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in State of the Union   
    I think they insulted the suffragette movement by not applauding women being saved from sex trafficking. 
  16. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Nature Boy 2.0 in State of the Union   
    I dont see it as a big deal. I was proud Pelosi made comments to the effect of respecting the office of the President and thought she was fairly well behaved.  I also thought Trump gave a great speech and someone did a good job of keeping him conciliatory and purposeful. 
    As for Stacy Abrams she is nothing more thzn a race hustling poverty pimp, who has made big money off her non profits and still is in debt and a deadbeat off biblical proportions. That cant be the best the Dems have to offer.
  17. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Cyberfx1024 in State of the Union   
    "America will never be a socialist country" 
    The look on Bernie's face when the camera panned to him 🤯
  18. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Chris Duffy in State of the Union   
    Didn't look like our friendly socialist was enjoying her first State of the Union. 😭

  19. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in State of the Union   
    Didn't look like our friendly socialist was enjoying her first State of the Union. 😭

  20. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in State of the Union   
    "America will never be a socialist country" 
    The look on Bernie's face when the camera panned to him 🤯
  21. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Chris Duffy in State of the Union   
    "America will never be a socialist country" 
    The look on Bernie's face when the camera panned to him 🤯
  22. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Nature Boy 2.0 in State of the Union   
    "America will never be a socialist country" 
    The look on Bernie's face when the camera panned to him 🤯
  23. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from jg121783 in State of the Union   
    "America will never be a socialist country" 
    The look on Bernie's face when the camera panned to him 🤯
  24. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TBoneTX in State of the Union   
    "America will never be a socialist country" 
    The look on Bernie's face when the camera panned to him 🤯
  25. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Randyandyuni in Richmond Times-Dispatch calls on Virginia Gov. Northam to resign   
    Must have been the older one, that one was white, fair game for anyone
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