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Mr&Mrs G.

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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in Migrant Families Separated by U.S. Are Refusing Reunification Over Dangers: ACLU   
    The kids being raised in inner cities like Chicago, Baltimore, etc are probably in much more danger.  Lets fix our own kids in danger of being abused and shot, before we accept families coming here looking for jobs or just because they live in a dangerous neighborhood. 
    Inner city Chicago kids would be better off crossing the border and claiming asylum 
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in Nike selects Colin Kaepernick for ‘Just Do It’ ad campaign   
    You may be right about Nike , sadly enough. both he and Kapernick     exploiting the ongoing problems with young black men in American to sell  overpriced shoes made by virtual slave labor in the 3rd world
    As for Kaepernick he is a half black man, who was raised by white people after his birth father got his mom pregnant and ran out on her. He was raised in a white world and know about as much about the plight of poor blacks in this country as I do about advanced chaos theory . Yet somehow he thought giving the middle finger to everything decent this country stands for would be a great idea.
     He had already expressed an interest in leaving San Francisco, before he opted out of his contract renewal. No other team wanted him,  because frankly he is erratic and inconsistent. The NFL much like nike is about Money, and if he could bring wins I assure you he would be signed, to somehow suggest he sacrificed anything is insulting. Most people dont even know what he is protesting.
    He has made millions off of this by exploiting his half blackness and addressing something in a world he knows nothing about. I think back in the day he would be called a sellout, and Nike should be ashamed of themselves for exploiting the problems in the black community to sell over priced shoes to poor black kids, for status symbols . Every African American in the country should boycott Nike
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in The Daily Trump wins again thread   
    Still got zilch huh. Dont worry you can blame him for a hurricane in a day or two with the rest of the MDL echo chamber 
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in The Daily Trump wins again thread   
    Ronald Reagan. 
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to 2018JNJ in The Daily Trump wins again thread   
    What is your insinuation of this?
    Is skin color a big deal to you?
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Boiler in The Daily Trump wins again thread   
    Obama has gone.
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Crazy Cat in Jim Carrey says 'stop apologizing' and 'say yes to socialism'   
    What "celebrities" say is meaningless........unless the celebrity is named Trump....maybe you have been ignoring the wrong people.
  8. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in The Daily Trump wins again thread   
    Please go easy on the MDL. Most have switched sides or realized how wrong they were and left. It not much fun without them 
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Voice of Reason in The Daily Trump wins again thread   
    I agree with you.  But under the TOS, it seems to fly.  Doesn't keep a member from enjoying the forums.
    Oh wait...
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Randyandyuni in The Daily Trump wins again thread   
    When I asked a similar question I was informed it was spray tan, so your guess is as good as mine
  11. Haha
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Voice of Reason in Linda Sarsour Calls For People To Stop 'Humanizing' Jews, Report Says   
    “Far-left Islamic activist Linda Sarsour made strong anti-Semitic remarks during a speech this month at the annual Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention in Houston, Texas — calling for the dehumanization of Israelis.
    The Algemeiner reported that Sarsour shamed Muslims for not being more politically active and said that if Muslims are not promoting the Palestinian cause then they are part of the problem, saying, "You as an American Muslim are complicit in the occupation of Palestinians, in the murder of Palestinian protesters."
    And Ocasia-Cortez is funny, too...  “Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacks Israel, calls them the occupiers of Palestine.
    When pressed on what she meant she struggled to give an answer and then admitted she does not know what she is talking about.”
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to OriZ in Linda Sarsour Calls For People To Stop 'Humanizing' Jews, Report Says   
    Nothing to see here, move along...
  15. Haha
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in 5 topics likely to come up as Kavanaugh hearing begins   
    Apparently the Dems are in full delay tactic mode.  This is bloviating beyond belief, I wonder if any Dems will even ask any questions?  I suppose if they do it will be questions like how will he rule on a specific topic which of course they know he cannot answer.  These tactics are getting really tiresome, but I suppose that is par-for-the-course for such a partisan party.
  19. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to jg121783 in Nike selects Colin Kaepernick for ‘Just Do It’ ad campaign   
    Regardless of what your politics are you have to admit this was a bad marketing move.
  20. Haha
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Voice of Reason in Canadian ‘First Man’ actor defends omitting American flag planting on moon: Achievement ‘transcended countries and borders’   
    I’m asking because all my younger learning years, CC was touted as the explorer who discovered America. But now I have seen at least three different cartoons expressly telling kids that it is a fable.  In 20 years, two different generations of kids will believe CC had nothing to do with it.  And honestly, I am not sure which story is true now.  

    Point being, with just a few cartoons, history can be erased/changed.  Ditto the holocaust.  Or the lunar landing.
  22. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Canadian ‘First Man’ actor defends omitting American flag planting on moon: Achievement ‘transcended countries and borders’   
    I'd like to see a directors cut of the movie Titanic where the ship doesn't sink, the ending always makes me cry 
  23. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Voice of Reason in Nike selects Colin Kaepernick for ‘Just Do It’ ad campaign   
    Thank you for the link to CEHST.  I was wondering where it had moved to!!  
  24. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in Nike selects Colin Kaepernick for ‘Just Do It’ ad campaign   
    how did i do that ?
  25. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in IRONY: Obama To Receive Award For Ethics In Government   
    But Russia............
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