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Mr&Mrs G.

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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in Brett Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Foreclosure Hearing Involving Accuser’s Parents   
    Kavanaugh is confirmed, time to move on.
  2. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Randyandyuni in Democrats’ Kavanaugh assassination is reuniting the right   
    Here is another tired refrain, if you are not a democrat the implication is we are Nazis? Nice, you can't accept that anyone that doesn't follow the lead lemming democratic position is a racist, sexist POS. Live long and prosper my friend, just watch out for the cliff.
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    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Voice of Reason in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    So reading this page, it is clear to me that men are sometimes the victims too.  I have never been arrested for abuse, buy my ex threatened me with it when I was in the military, because she knew that in that instance, you ARE guilty until proven innocent, and it would have ruined my career near the very end.  Thankfully, she never did.
    Had a friend go to jail because his wife went crazy one night, and was beating HIM, and a neighbor called the cops.  They arrested him, just assuming he was the perp, and when he told them what had transpired, they ended up arresting them both.  When he got bailed out, he left her that same day.  Poor guy...
    G, it sounds like you need to hang onto this new woman you have, she seems to be a keeper!
  5. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from OptimusSpice in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    Thank you, and also sorry for what you have gone through. 
    It was strange when I had my interview at the embassy and they handed out paperwork about spousal abuse and asked that I read it before seeing the final officer. When I talked with the officer he asked if I had read it and undestood my rights. I thought how refreshing and forward thinking that the immigration process would have something like this within. Unfortunately now that I am here in the current climate I feel I would be less protected. Luckily I found a wonderful woman who in 14 years being together 10 of those married I don't expect to ever have need to avail of those services.
  6. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from OptimusSpice in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    For the past couple of weeks hearing people say she must be believed has sickened me. A few members have said they have been victims of assault and that's really sad but I have been on the other side because I was the accused. An unhinged wife with an extremely violent temper got so annoyed when I left her that she made the accusation against me. Despite numerous visits to a&e the courts believed my ex wife and for a while I lost access to my kids. 
    A few years later my ex put my kids in to foster care without my knowledge and I fought hard against a system that favoured the woman. I never managed to get my kids out of a corrupt system and it wasn't until my youngest was 15 that I told my kids the truth about the beatings I took. I am very lucky that for the past few years I have been able to restore my relationship with my kids. Their mother showed her true colours and doesn't even bother seeing my kids, but hey I got an apology from social workers after 10 years when they finally acknowledged I was the victim.
    So no I don't believe any accuser should just be believed based on an unsubstantiated claim  There are two sides to every story and everyone is entitled to an unbiased fair hearing. The democrats are a bunch of snakes and from a newcomer to this wonderful country I can put my hand on my heart and say I will never vote for them as long as they continue this current path they are on. They are not a party of unity, they seem to favour separation.
  7. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TBoneTX in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    Thank you, and also sorry for what you have gone through. 
    It was strange when I had my interview at the embassy and they handed out paperwork about spousal abuse and asked that I read it before seeing the final officer. When I talked with the officer he asked if I had read it and undestood my rights. I thought how refreshing and forward thinking that the immigration process would have something like this within. Unfortunately now that I am here in the current climate I feel I would be less protected. Luckily I found a wonderful woman who in 14 years being together 10 of those married I don't expect to ever have need to avail of those services.
  8. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from TBoneTX in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    For the past couple of weeks hearing people say she must be believed has sickened me. A few members have said they have been victims of assault and that's really sad but I have been on the other side because I was the accused. An unhinged wife with an extremely violent temper got so annoyed when I left her that she made the accusation against me. Despite numerous visits to a&e the courts believed my ex wife and for a while I lost access to my kids. 
    A few years later my ex put my kids in to foster care without my knowledge and I fought hard against a system that favoured the woman. I never managed to get my kids out of a corrupt system and it wasn't until my youngest was 15 that I told my kids the truth about the beatings I took. I am very lucky that for the past few years I have been able to restore my relationship with my kids. Their mother showed her true colours and doesn't even bother seeing my kids, but hey I got an apology from social workers after 10 years when they finally acknowledged I was the victim.
    So no I don't believe any accuser should just be believed based on an unsubstantiated claim  There are two sides to every story and everyone is entitled to an unbiased fair hearing. The democrats are a bunch of snakes and from a newcomer to this wonderful country I can put my hand on my heart and say I will never vote for them as long as they continue this current path they are on. They are not a party of unity, they seem to favour separation.
  9. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Voice of Reason in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    Thank you, and also sorry for what you have gone through. 
    It was strange when I had my interview at the embassy and they handed out paperwork about spousal abuse and asked that I read it before seeing the final officer. When I talked with the officer he asked if I had read it and undestood my rights. I thought how refreshing and forward thinking that the immigration process would have something like this within. Unfortunately now that I am here in the current climate I feel I would be less protected. Luckily I found a wonderful woman who in 14 years being together 10 of those married I don't expect to ever have need to avail of those services.
  10. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Voice of Reason in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    For the past couple of weeks hearing people say she must be believed has sickened me. A few members have said they have been victims of assault and that's really sad but I have been on the other side because I was the accused. An unhinged wife with an extremely violent temper got so annoyed when I left her that she made the accusation against me. Despite numerous visits to a&e the courts believed my ex wife and for a while I lost access to my kids. 
    A few years later my ex put my kids in to foster care without my knowledge and I fought hard against a system that favoured the woman. I never managed to get my kids out of a corrupt system and it wasn't until my youngest was 15 that I told my kids the truth about the beatings I took. I am very lucky that for the past few years I have been able to restore my relationship with my kids. Their mother showed her true colours and doesn't even bother seeing my kids, but hey I got an apology from social workers after 10 years when they finally acknowledged I was the victim.
    So no I don't believe any accuser should just be believed based on an unsubstantiated claim  There are two sides to every story and everyone is entitled to an unbiased fair hearing. The democrats are a bunch of snakes and from a newcomer to this wonderful country I can put my hand on my heart and say I will never vote for them as long as they continue this current path they are on. They are not a party of unity, they seem to favour separation.
  11. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Cyberfx1024 in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    For the past couple of weeks hearing people say she must be believed has sickened me. A few members have said they have been victims of assault and that's really sad but I have been on the other side because I was the accused. An unhinged wife with an extremely violent temper got so annoyed when I left her that she made the accusation against me. Despite numerous visits to a&e the courts believed my ex wife and for a while I lost access to my kids. 
    A few years later my ex put my kids in to foster care without my knowledge and I fought hard against a system that favoured the woman. I never managed to get my kids out of a corrupt system and it wasn't until my youngest was 15 that I told my kids the truth about the beatings I took. I am very lucky that for the past few years I have been able to restore my relationship with my kids. Their mother showed her true colours and doesn't even bother seeing my kids, but hey I got an apology from social workers after 10 years when they finally acknowledged I was the victim.
    So no I don't believe any accuser should just be believed based on an unsubstantiated claim  There are two sides to every story and everyone is entitled to an unbiased fair hearing. The democrats are a bunch of snakes and from a newcomer to this wonderful country I can put my hand on my heart and say I will never vote for them as long as they continue this current path they are on. They are not a party of unity, they seem to favour separation.
  12. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Cyberfx1024 in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    Thank you, and also sorry for what you have gone through. 
    It was strange when I had my interview at the embassy and they handed out paperwork about spousal abuse and asked that I read it before seeing the final officer. When I talked with the officer he asked if I had read it and undestood my rights. I thought how refreshing and forward thinking that the immigration process would have something like this within. Unfortunately now that I am here in the current climate I feel I would be less protected. Luckily I found a wonderful woman who in 14 years being together 10 of those married I don't expect to ever have need to avail of those services.
  13. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    Bravo.  Good post. Sorry for what you endured 
    Men get falsely accused on a frequent basis, in fact my divorce lawyer (in the past) told me many times the allegations of verbal or physical abuse are used as bargaining tools in a divorce, and its a fairly routine thing. My ex alleged such in divorce proceedings.  She was Bipolar and at times  raged out of control with no memory of her actions. She even came at me with a butcher knife one time, yet my name got  falsely dragged thru the mud. 
    My best friends wife, who is also one of my best friends, was in fact in a marriage in which she was physically abused. It made her very mad, knowing what a thoughtful, sweet guy I am, and having witnessed her rage, that she would allege such grossly false allegations.  She very forcily pointed this out to her after the proceedings were over, and pointed out how false allegations hurt the cause of women that were really abused. 
  14. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    For the past couple of weeks hearing people say she must be believed has sickened me. A few members have said they have been victims of assault and that's really sad but I have been on the other side because I was the accused. An unhinged wife with an extremely violent temper got so annoyed when I left her that she made the accusation against me. Despite numerous visits to a&e the courts believed my ex wife and for a while I lost access to my kids. 
    A few years later my ex put my kids in to foster care without my knowledge and I fought hard against a system that favoured the woman. I never managed to get my kids out of a corrupt system and it wasn't until my youngest was 15 that I told my kids the truth about the beatings I took. I am very lucky that for the past few years I have been able to restore my relationship with my kids. Their mother showed her true colours and doesn't even bother seeing my kids, but hey I got an apology from social workers after 10 years when they finally acknowledged I was the victim.
    So no I don't believe any accuser should just be believed based on an unsubstantiated claim  There are two sides to every story and everyone is entitled to an unbiased fair hearing. The democrats are a bunch of snakes and from a newcomer to this wonderful country I can put my hand on my heart and say I will never vote for them as long as they continue this current path they are on. They are not a party of unity, they seem to favour separation.
  15. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm   
    I did not ask about Fox News, I asked what GOP Senators ever purposefully attempted to destroy any nominee put up by a Democrat president?  Don't worry, I don't expect an answer as I have been asking this question for over a week now and no one has come up with an example.  Heck now there are allegations that a Democrat operative even started "Doxing" (never heard that word before yesterday) GOP Senators (even he deserves the presumption of innocence).  The Democrat Party as a whole, led by their leadership the venerable Charles Schumer (no president should be allowed to nominate a SCOTUS justice in an election year) and Nancy Pelosi (we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it), and the foul mouthed Tom Perez is sinking to new political lows. 
    As to ignoring Dr. Ford, did you see the hearings last week?  Was she given her stage to air her story?  Since she decided to make this political (or maybe it was her Democrat handlers that made that decision) instead of filing a criminal complaint, this is all the Senate can do.  Nothing was ignored, the GOP brought in a seasoned prosecutor that has a great deal of experience prosecuting the very crime Dr. Ford was alleging and she found little credibility, they even gave her the option to do an interview in private (not sure why she didn't know that as it was all over the news the week before), the Senate requested and the President authorized another FBI background check delaying the process even more.  Heck, the GOPers in the Senate didn't even question her on her possible political motives (they did question the motives and tactics of the Democrats, but that is not the same thing).  I guess, as you have alluded, Dr. Ford must be telling the truth and she must be believed without question regardless of what it does to someone else's life.  
  16. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to jg121783 in Democrats’ Kavanaugh assassination is reuniting the right   
    I think the left totally miscalculated this one. I know democrats who hate Trump that told me they think Ford is a liar and Kavanaugh is innocent. I know people who have never voted in their lives who say they are going to go vote all Republican in the mid terms because they are sick of the leftist garbage. I didn't even support Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. Now I want to see him get the nomination if for no other reason to show the left their witch hunts don't work.
  17. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in Dem senator wants … court injunction to block Kavanaugh confirmation vote?   
    Its pretty much over know. She has had more holes poked in her claim than Stormy Daniels.  If the worst thing Kavanaugh ever did was get blasted in college, then he has lead a very special life.
  18. Like
  19. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in The Daily Trump wins again thread   
    Posting is a lot of work for me bro.
    The MDL has fallen silent it's like 50 to 0 and the fans have left the stadium 
  20. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Boiler in Brett Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Foreclosure Hearing Involving Accuser’s Parents   
    Facts and this thread? Seems an odd combination. Guilty until proved innocent is the new mantra.
  21. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Voice of Reason in Brett Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Foreclosure Hearing Involving Accuser’s Parents   
    Cory Booker and Keith Ellison come to my mind.  Sexual abusers.  Ridiculous how they got where they are.  Even if they covered it up before, it's common knowledge now, yet no one on the left seems to calling for them.to have the decency to step down.
  22. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Boiler in It’s time for To Kill a Mockingbird to give up its treasured place in American culture.   
    The 1960 novel by Harper Lee was published to instant acclaim, has sold more than 30 million copies, and is ubiquitous in high-school curricula. The 1962 movie version, starring Gregory Peck, is a classic in itself and won three Academy Awards. A play based on the novel is about to open on Broadway.
    This is quite the résumé for a book that, prior to the publication of a sequel in 2015 that was really the first draft of To Kill a Mockingbird, was Harper Lee’s only work. But nothing is forever, even for a book commonly called “timeless.” Lee’s novel is deeply out of sympathy with a moment when on college campuses, and in the culture more broadly, due process isn’t what it used to be, when it is often thought to be a hateful act to insist that allegations of sexual misconduct be proven.
    Story continues here:
  23. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to The Nature Boy in Brett Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Foreclosure Hearing Involving Accuser’s Parents   
    I thought Lindsey Graham summed up it beautifully when he said,  tell Sotomayor and Kagan I said hello when you get there because I voted for both of them. That spoke volumes
  24. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Neonred in Dem senator wants … court injunction to block Kavanaugh confirmation vote?   
    Trump should nominate Hillary to the Supreme Court so an investigation of her can finally get started.
  25. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in Dem senator wants … court injunction to block Kavanaugh confirmation vote?   
    All opinions are welcomed here in CEHST.  This is actually a great place to debate political topics, and it is very well moderated to keep things from getting out of hand (have you ever been to the comments sections of the likes of HuffPo, Salon, etc.?  Will minds be changed?  I don't think that is the point, but it is always good to be able to air opinions in a relatively safe forum.
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