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Mr&Mrs G.

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    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Ban Hammer in Blue Wave   
    To be honest I think most of the country tries to ignore the 39 million any way, most of them are bananas 
  2. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Blue Wave   
    To be honest I think most of the country tries to ignore the 39 million any way, most of them are bananas 
  3. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Voice of Reason in Blue Wave   
    To be honest I think most of the country tries to ignore the 39 million any way, most of them are bananas 
  4. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Crazy Cat in Blue Wave   
    and allow the left and right coasts to decide what is best for most of the states?  I don't think so.........the founding fathers were much smarter than some posters around here...
  5. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to TBoneTX in Trump's Republicans Beat Historical Average for Midterm Elections   
    Returning to the topic of this thread:  Had the 41 incumbent Republicans not chosen to retire, it's likely that the Democrats would not have retaken the House at all.
    Something like 80% of incumbents win re-election.  They have the power of incumbency, the name recognition, and the campaign structure already in place.  Conversely, open seats level the playing field.
    Most of these 41 were probably snookered by all the talk that Pres. Trump wouldn't last and that there'd be a "blue wave."  They are chiefly to blame for the flipping of the House.  However, because many were RINOs or Never-Trumpers, their departure is no loss.
  6. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to OptimusSpice in Trump's Republicans Beat Historical Average for Midterm Elections   
    Actually yes there is.  It's called CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.  If I were to drive drunk and get arrested, I would be separated from my children.  If I was putting my children in danger - they would be taken from me.  
    Please tell me how it is the fault of the USA that these families are getting separated?  Who exactly put them in this position?  Call me an ignorant white girl, but the families that are bypassing the laws and trying to force their entry illegally and are using their children as tools to try and manipulate us are the ones bearing the weight of the full responsibility for the situation.  How is it different than a terrorist organization hiding in hospitals or schools?  Manipulation is manipulation.  Boundaries are boundaries.  In any interaction - person to person, city to city, nation to nation - Those who want to violate boundaries get angry and act like the victim when those who enforce their boundaries refuse to be manipulated.  Enforcing boundaries is not cruel or inhumane.  Using children to try to manipulate an agenda is disgusting.  I'm sorry the children have to suffer AT THE HANDS OF THEIR PARENTS POOR DECISIONS but that is a fact of life. 
    Many children suffer all over the world, even here in the US because their parents are messed up.  My own father was an abusive alcoholic and drug addict before cancer returned his karma to him and my mother hung herself (though I was an adult when she did it - it still speaks to her ill state of mind in general).  So yeah - as a kid - an argument could be made that I suffered at the hands of my parents.  I was not much more than a weapon in their war against each other.  My family was separated.  Repeatedly.  Moved around. Repeatedly.  Bad stuff happens.  And while it sucks for kids both in and out of the country whose parents are disgusting human beings who never should have been gifted with children - it's still the parent's responsibility.  It's not the US Government's job to save all the children in the world from crappy parenting.  Our own system can't even handle caring for our own nation's children! And as for the children themselves - as they grow - it's THEIR responsibility to decide what kind of human they will be.  I could whine and play the perpetual victim, capitalizing on the dysfunction of my childhood - or I can do what I did - get over it and decide that I was going to be better, do better - and my 4 sons are amazing human beings growing up to be fine young men.  So no, you won't find much sympathy from me for these families being separated, and no - you won't find me blaming Trump, Obama, USCIS, ICE or anyone else for the circumstances the adults in the family have chosen to place those children in.  And yes, I do believe that "breaking up [these] families" is fully justified considering the irresponsible and outright illegal actions of the parents that are endangering these children.
  7. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Randyandyuni in Trump's Republicans Beat Historical Average for Midterm Elections   
    I suggest you go read the forums a bit and come back and review your post. 
    This forum is littered with members whose families are seperated while they go through the immigration process the proper way, there are many seperated from their spouses and their kids by thousands of miles. Some of these forum members have family in the poorest countries in the world and they are suffering but still they do it legally. But you are suggesting that someone who crosses illegally with their family should be kept together, why should they get special treatment?  
    No one who tries bypass the legal route into this country deserves special treatment. 
  8. Haha
  9. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Trump's Republicans Beat Historical Average for Midterm Elections   
    I suggest you go read the forums a bit and come back and review your post. 
    This forum is littered with members whose families are seperated while they go through the immigration process the proper way, there are many seperated from their spouses and their kids by thousands of miles. Some of these forum members have family in the poorest countries in the world and they are suffering but still they do it legally. But you are suggesting that someone who crosses illegally with their family should be kept together, why should they get special treatment?  
    No one who tries bypass the legal route into this country deserves special treatment. 
  10. Haha
  11. Haha
  12. Thanks
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from OptimusSpice in Trump's Republicans Beat Historical Average for Midterm Elections   
    I suggest you go read the forums a bit and come back and review your post. 
    This forum is littered with members whose families are seperated while they go through the immigration process the proper way, there are many seperated from their spouses and their kids by thousands of miles. Some of these forum members have family in the poorest countries in the world and they are suffering but still they do it legally. But you are suggesting that someone who crosses illegally with their family should be kept together, why should they get special treatment?  
    No one who tries bypass the legal route into this country deserves special treatment. 
  13. Haha
  14. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to hope2018 in Advantages and disadvantages of bringing parents   
    My situation is very different. My parents were late 50s and early 60s when I decided to bring them to the U.S.  From a financial standpoint, my husband and I would be able to support my parents. I have a very supportive spouse . I always told my parents “it is hard to come to America,  but it is easy to leave America if things do not work out”. My husband and I did not have any children at that time. Our house has enough room for my parents. 
    My mom was having a lot of health issues and
    passed out a few times, so my brother had to take her to the ER every time. My dad was also not doing well and had a lot of side effects from the medications he was taking. He ended up having a couple surgeries (for acute health problems) . I wanted to be able to take care my parents badly. One of my dad’s biggest dreams is to come to America, but he declined to move due to his health when I said I would make his dream come true. Fortunately, my dad met a very good old man who was practicing herbal medicine. I don’t know what he gave my dad, but my dad was able to get off all of his medications and has been doing so much better ever since. My parents wanted to see where I lived but they did not pass the interview for tourist visa, so I went ahead and applied for immigrant visa and they passed. 
    My parents were born shortly after the Vietnam war so they had a very unusual childhood due to the war. The war was lasting for many years, so my parents witnessed and experienced things that I could never imagine or understand. They have wonderful work ethic and positive attitude of life. My parents told me they could survive anywhere they go. They are hardworking people. 
    When they came to the U.S., they took ESL class offered by a local church. I bought them basic English books to learn. My dad used google translate to translate the entire driver’s manual! My dad had police training when he was younger. He has so much common sense when it comes to directions and being aware of his surroundings. He passed his driving test (took him a couple times due to language barrier) . He began to teach my mom how to drive. She finally got her driver license too (not easy for her but she did it !). They started to work odd jobs like painting and cleaning. They have always paid taxes no matter how much they make. They finally found a full time jobs that offered health insurance. 
    We have  a Vietnamese doctor in the city where we live, so my parents went to her and she sent my mom to a cardiologist who took her off all of her medications and monitor her yearly. I got my parents into different specialists and got their health problems under control. 
     They lived with my husband and I for the first few years to save as much money as they can. My husband taught them about banking and credit card. He took them to the bank to open a checking account and they got their own credit card. They became more and more independent. My youngest sister got a student visa so she came to stay with us too. It worked out well because my parents were worrying about her since she is the only unmarried child left. My sister was already bilingual so learning a third language like English was not too hard for her. She is young and could learn things 10 times faster than my parents. She does well in school, volunteer at a local hospital, work in campus and do a lot of extra activities at school. She makes my parents proud and want to be in America more.
    After a few years, my husband and I have a baby so my parents and sister moved out to a house that is a few miles away from my house. They are not my full time babysitter, but they helped me so much. They enjoy my baby and want to see my baby as much as they can. Since they live so close, I stop by their house every single day after work to visit. 
    My parents both passed their naturalization interview recently so they are very happy. 
    Eveeything seems to be Ok since my parents moved here. They are still working full time and want to work until they are no longer able to work. I feel blessed to have both parents here. 
  15. Haha
  16. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Cyberfx1024 in Trump's Republicans Beat Historical Average for Midterm Elections   
    I suggest you go read the forums a bit and come back and review your post. 
    This forum is littered with members whose families are seperated while they go through the immigration process the proper way, there are many seperated from their spouses and their kids by thousands of miles. Some of these forum members have family in the poorest countries in the world and they are suffering but still they do it legally. But you are suggesting that someone who crosses illegally with their family should be kept together, why should they get special treatment?  
    No one who tries bypass the legal route into this country deserves special treatment. 
  17. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Cyberfx1024 in ‘This is not going to be won militarily’: Top US commander in Afghanistan reveals pessimism   
    As someone who has spent 2 years in Kandahar Afghanistan I will tell you that we should have been gone years ago. It is only a quagmire now with no end in sight at all. We need to stop pouring our money into peacekeeping and just get out. 
    I know this freaking sucks to say the least because we have lost a lot of people over there, some of whom were my friends. But it needs to be said that we need to stop pouring our personnel and resources into that war. The only time it was ever a unified country and not warring within itself a king ruled with a Iron Fist.
  18. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Boiler in Trump: End birthright citizenship for some US-born babies   
    How can they be Immigrants if they fall into that category?
    So circa 10,000,000.
    So if they were a State they would be about 8th in Population.
  19. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. reacted to Dashinka in Trump: End birthright citizenship for some US-born babies   
    Anti-immigrant?  Who on this site is against legal immigration?
  20. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from OptimusSpice in Trump: End birthright citizenship for some US-born babies   
    Lovely fluffy cuddly migrant worker? 
  21. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Boiler in Barbra Streisand 'thinking' about moving to Canada if GOP wins the House   
    Promises Promises, 🤯
    I thought she had promised to leave when he became President.
  22. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Ksenia_O in Trump: End birthright citizenship for some US-born babies   
    Lovely fluffy cuddly migrant worker? 
  23. Haha
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Barbra Streisand 'thinking' about moving to Canada if GOP wins the House   
    Promises Promises, 🤯
    I thought she had promised to leave when he became President.
  24. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from Dashinka in Trump: End birthright citizenship for some US-born babies   
    Lovely fluffy cuddly migrant worker? 
  25. Like
    Mr&Mrs G. got a reaction from The Nature Boy in Barbra Streisand 'thinking' about moving to Canada if GOP wins the House   
    Promises Promises, 🤯
    I thought she had promised to leave when he became President.
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