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Me and her

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  1. I would be more prone to say less stressed! 😉
  2. After initially paying for attorney for K1, straightforward case, I opted for self-filing. I did all the legwork, they just wrapped a pretty bow on it. After that, I kept the thousands I spent on him in my pocket. But, if complicated, I would shop around and make sure the lawyer is competent. I think that gives peace of mind. I have seen people on here spend vast quantities, only to be screwed by incompetent lawyers who just want the money.
  3. Given opportunity, we would have filed for CR1 rather than K1. Less applications to be filed, and if cost is factored, why not try CR1. Church weddings can be done there, but you need to meet first. @Crazy Cat has made fine Bulletin points regarding both. Good luck!
  4. Did you look at it when you received it? Also, are you able to go back to Canada to fix it? It should be fixed prior to filing.
  5. 1099 could be used as evidence, as well as deposits.
  6. That seems better option than K1. Less expensive too.
  7. If you both have plans to marry, she would probably be denied the visa. It depends on CO and CBP. It has been approved before, as we have seen, but it really is a toss up.
  8. Same for Tunisia. The consulate schedules the appointments for K-1 visas.
  9. Congratulations! Safe travels!
  10. My opinion, I would wait to file.
  11. Listen to the advice given. You cannot apply for a visitor visa for your parents with intent to stay. The CO will ask them. If they lie, then they would be subject for denial and permament ban. It is there for a reason. Further, they must show strong ties back to India.
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