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  1. They will tell you your oath was mailed to you so you will receive a physical copy but also can find the copy under documents.
  2. Yesss at 9 in Brooklyn center.
  3. Sounds like we’re going to be at the same ceremony. Congratsss
  4. I did my interview yesterday and received today the oath date (03-28) almost doooone!!!
  5. Sooooo I did the interview today. Was 10 min long and easy. We first chatted about the weather then he asked for my green card and drivers license and any documents I previously submitted. Then he asked 6 questions and asked me to read and write a sentence. Then asked me if I committed any crime and if I understand the oath and who my employer is. he also asked about my travel history. he was so so so nice and approved me on the spot. Yayyyyy
  6. Applied 11/7 biometrics 11/26 received interview 11/12 (marked 11/13) for interview date of 2/20 minnesota
  7. Hello, My cousin had her interview 8 days ago, up to day 6, the status on CEAC was "approved" and then it changed to "application received". Has anyone ever seen that? Should she be worried? Usually that embassy is fast, within 3 days you get your passport.
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