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  1. Citizens of Morocco do not require transit visas in France or Portugal. They are typically not eligible for Canadian eTA and would require a transit visa to pass through, but may be eligible for a simple eTA by possessing a valid US non-immigrant visa. And yes - K-1 is considered a non-immigrant visa. Sources: https://france-visas.gouv.fr/en/web/france-visas/airport-transit-visa https://vistos.mne.gov.pt/en/short-stay-visas-schengen/general-information/who-needs-a-visa#airport-transit-visa-requirements https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/eta.html#s03
  2. Glad to hear that she's been released - it seems like she was doing unpaid household work in exchange for food and lodging and should not have been allowed into the US on VWP in the first place if she was truthful about that. Waste of taxpayer money and a horrible experience for her to keep her locked up instead of just letting her get on a flight home, but the fact that the detention happened at a land border probably complicated things. Canada found out that she planned to do unpaid work there too and did not let her in, US asked why Canada did not let her in and the story unraveled.
  3. Check an extra time that your ESTA is still valid. As the others suggested, this is the best option. Just make sure you have plenty of time at PoE in your itinerary since you may well end up in secondary inspection and waiting in line for that can wreck any tight connection you may have.
  4. This is simply question 30.a from part 9 of the N-400 form, so you would have already responded to the question when you filed your application. During the interview they will verify your answers to basically all of the "Have you ever" questions, so for your next interview make sure you go over the form you submitted again.
  5. If you fail the English part or the Civics part you will be retested on the part you failed. Not quite sure what you mean by failing the N-400 form part - if you provide answers to questions about your application that are inconsistent with what you provided on the N-400 form you may run into issues. You should be intimately familiar with all information on that form, and if your English is not good enough to answer questions about it you may need to study a bit more.
  6. You can point your wife to these information pages for more details: https://skatteverket.se/privat/folkbokforing/flyttafransverige.4.18e1b10334ebe8bc80001591.html https://skatteverket.se/privat/folkbokforing/attvarafolkbokford.4.3810a01c150939e893ffc27.html https://www.1177.se/sa-fungerar-varden/vard-om-du-kommer-fran-ett-annat-land/vard-i-sverige-om-du-ar-utlandssvensk/
  7. She will not be able to keep Swedish benefits for treatment of existing conditions (=planned healthcare). Swedish citizens living outside the EU have access to free healthcare in Sweden for emergencies only. It is a crime to claim that you live in Sweden if you don't (brott mot folkbokföringslagen), especially if the incorrect information is used to obtain benefits you're not entitled to. Since she's been away less than a year she can probably obtain care without raising red flags, but she needs to sort her status out properly since this will have tax implications as well.
  8. Yes, anyone can pay. If the payment doesn't clear they know where to find you or which application to deny. I'd suggest putting the A-number of the applicant + the name of the form it applies to in the memo field if the check were to get separated from the application for whatever reason.
  9. It is worth noting that processing time for I-131 (for re-entry permit) is well over a year, but as long as it is filed and applicant attends biometrics while still in the US it is fine to travel while the application is pending.
  10. Here's a bit of initial reading material: https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/hiring/foreign https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/i-129instr.pdf https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/i-140instr.pdf
  11. NVC inquiry page is here: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/ask-nvc.html?wcmmode=disabled
  12. Just to clarify, are you saying that the I-130 petition has been approved but you're stuck at the NVC stage? Did you or the beneficiary get any communications from NVC?
  13. No, refiling I-485 requires filing for EAD again as well as the original EAD is tied to the denied AOS application.
  14. Courthouse wedding with superior court commissioner officiating and two clerks as witnesses. The court staff was only too happy to accommodate since they typically didn't see many nice outcomes in that room.
  15. As long as you have a receipt notice for I-485, what will happen is that the day your I-94 expires your status changes from lawfully present to authorized stay, which is not the same thing. In many states you will for example not be able to get a driver’s license while in authorized stay status. Make sure you always carry both passport and receipt notice until your AOS is approved.
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