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About O.C

  • Birthday November 29

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    New York

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  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (approved)
  • Local Office
    Buffalo NY
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  1. I would like to share my experience importing my vehicle, which has no TPMS - I am sure this topic has driven many people a little nutzo, as it did me because I really did not want to leave my car behind in Canada. My vehicle is a 2010 Subaru Impreza, purchased in Canada and paid off before time of import.My vehicle had no TPMS installed by the manufacturer and there was no way to "turn the TPMS" on as an option some vehicles may have. The first thing I did was contact Subaru (customercare@subaru.ca) for the compliance letter; I had to provide them with a picture of my vehicles registration, and they took about 2 weeks to respond by email with a compliance letter, no charge. My compliance letter stated "Our data indicates this vehicle at the time of manufacture conformed to all applicable US FMVSS, EXCEPT FOR: - FMVSS 101 Controls and display differences (1) MPH vs KPH (2) Brake telltale (3) ABS telltale - FMVSS 138 Tire Pressure Monitoring System i didn't think it was a big deal, the TPMS, and I contacted an import company (5 of them actually) just to get a quote to see what it would cost for someone else to do the work and everyone had the same response "In order for your vehicle to become compliant with U.S. safety standards, you must have OEM TPMS installed by an authorized dealer or repair facility. No one has been successful in completing this because OEM parts usually don't exist for vehicles that weren't originally manufactured with TPMS as an option on the vehicle." & "NHTSA approves modifications in regards to FMVSS No. 138, only performed by a certified Subaru dealer. If you can find a Subaru dealer to install the TPMS in your car, we can import it for you." After receiving these kinds of responses from all 5 importers, I called four different Subaru dealers in Ontario near where I lived and called the two larger Subaru dealers in the Buffalo area and heard the same thing from all of them; basically the vehicle wasn't designed to have OEM TPMS so quite simply; it cannot be done. I even called Subaru Canada and Subaru America to speak to customer service reps..they all suggested that I do an aftermarket one, but the NHTSA says OEM only ---This is where I was super bummed out. I was going in circles. Can't install it OEM, but OEM is the only way I can import it ?? This made no sense to me. so I called the border. I live in Buffalo, so I have Peace, Rainbow and the Queenston Lewiston bridges all a short driving distance from me. I mostly got automated machines and it took forever to get through, but I did manage to get through to a border agent at the QL Bridge, and I basically told him exactly what was going on regarding my TPMS troubles, and he said that It does not have to be OEM, but it must be installed, and he referenced people in the past doing it at Canadian Tire, so I said, cool! I'll go there. Long story short for Canadian Tire - they couldn't do it for me. My vehicle doesn't have the option to turn TPMS "on" as I mentioned before. They could put the sensors on the tires but they would have no where to send the signals to...so now even more bummed and stressed out. I decided to call the border back again and luckily got the same border agent who remembered me. I told him exactly what Canadian Tire told me and the issues I was having and he basically told me, the TPMS does not need to be part of the vehicle. They have imported vehicles that have external monitors (so basically aftermarket) and that as long as they can see the system installed, and I have a receipt from anywhere (either side of the border) then it will be fine. I found ONE mechanic in the Buffalo area willing to install an aftermarket TPMS system for me. I found a Schrader TPMS retrofit kit with internal sensors on Amazon for $180 and he installed it for me. I went to the QL bridge, they looked at the compliance letter, looked at the TPMS receipt, took my green card as ID, made me fill out 3 forms. After I filled them out, they stamped them, copied my registration and said go to the DMV with the paperwork, you're done here. I was literally in and out in 15 minutes. I was seriously stressed out since March till now, freaking out about importing because of the TPMS. But I am so happy it all worked out! Next steps : US Insurance, DMV and Inspection.
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