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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Detroit MI
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  1. My wife had her Oath ceremony today! Awesome time and quite the production. We left the USCIS office in Detroit and went to the post office and immediately applied for her passport. Found out we don’t have to submit the N600 for my step daughter. She is a legal permanent resident and under 18 and was granted derivative citizenship the minute my wife took her oath. As soon as we get my wife’s naturalization certificate back we will apply for our daughters passport too. Good luck everyone
  2. Asked how long president is elected for when is independence day and questioned about the senate and the house when do taxes have to be filed. who will serve as president if they’re unable to.
  3. Citizenship interview completed today at the Detroit, Michigan office. Completed and walking out within 20 minutes. Passed the English reading and writing and civics questions and the N400 questions. Told will be getting a letter in a week with the date to take the citizenship oath.
  4. Citizenship interview in 2 days! so excited. Anyone else had theirs yet?
  5. Good morning all, has anyone posted the common questions being asked? I know the standard is 6 out of 10 and there’s 100 possible questions they pull from. Curious if they seem to use the same ones or not?
  6. Filed 3/26/24. Got our notice, interview scheduled for 6/12/24 in Detroit. Super excited for the Mrs. All she has left to do is knock the interview out of the park and attend her oath ceremony. One more 3 ring binder to complete with documents, attachments and proof.
  7. Oh I know. I scanned and attached enough documents to choke a horse. Tax transcripts, birth certificates of our kids etc etc. 5 year woulda been easier admittedly but can’t unring that bell now.
  8. I think we clicked on the 3 year. Either way we are over the minimum times for both. Longest part was scanning and renaming all the files to attach. I love the notice they’re reusing the biometrics and no refunding the money. Kinda like car insurance. Ya pay it and hope you don’t need it. You’re right this was the easiest. From the 129 to the K1 AOS and ROC I’ve completed them all. The AOS and ROC I submitted a small novel. Always better to send more than less.
  9. Filed N-400 electronically today 3/26/24 alrrady received notice they’ve received it as well as notification they’re reusing biometrics. Wife immigrated to the US in 2017 so we weren’t concerned with what day as she meets the requirements for the 3 year as well as 5 year requirement. Timeline for us looks to be about 7 months for everything to be finished. Good luck everyone.
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